"Love And War" Jack Idema's Last Stand In Mexico
last chapter in the life of the infamous Jack Idema, the self styled
Super Patriot, who ran a private prison and torture chamber in Kabul,
Afghanistan during 2004, and his stormy relationship with Penny Alesi,
the woman he
knowingly infected with AIDS.
AND WAR is the unbelievable true story one man’s desperate hunt for
Osama bin Laden and the woman who was fatally drawn to his side. From
the backwoods of New York State, to the confines of an Afghan prison and
a drug-fueled sex den in Mexico, the story charts the wild life of
This is the complete file of articles, pictures and videos relating to the infamous traitor, bounty hunter and con artist Jack Idema, who died in Mexico on January 21, 2012 of AIDS, that appeared in The Freedom Fighter's Journal.
The last article was published on Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Isabeau-Dakota Corporation
Property Manager · Fayetteville, North Carolina · Sep 2010 to Apr 2011
"I managed properties in New York and North
Carolina and completed the work in North Carolina at the end of
This is my last article on the late Jack Idema.
For nearly three years, I have been fighting a battle that has now ended and I can move on with my life. On December 31, 2012 Greater Harvest Global Ministries returned to the building they rightfully own in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
They have been fighting to regain ownership in court and have finally won.
The aggravation and heartache inflicted on this ministry was unwarranted and unnecessary.
From the beginning, they were plagued with dishonesty and cursed with non-stop interference and harassment from Jack Idema and his cronies.
The bone of contention was the
Isabeau Dakota fiasco that involved me, Jack Idema and William Hagler.
As I've stated before, I filed charges against Idema in July 2010.
Shortly thereafter, I returned to the States and demanded that I receive
all paperwork they had my name on it along with my supposed resignation from Idema's lawyer William "Skip" London.
I never received a single piece of
paper-because none existed.
The Idema cabal had put my name on various illegal companies and I did
not want to be involved. The solution they came up with was to put the
company into suspension---not dissolve it.
London was the registered agent so
he was able to get away with this shady deal.
Therefore, instead of releasing me; from the position that I had
resigned from the Idema cabal harassed me and my family non-stop. I was
ruined by my relationship with Jack Idema and his associates both in
terms of finance and health.
Hence, with no other way to get out, I
quick-deeded 450 Robeson Street (Isabeau Dakota), Fayetteville, North
Carolina, to William Hagler for a a token sum of $10.00.
I have never pursued the Idema cabal for the many thousands of dollars
they owed me and the mega debts they incurred in my name. I simply
wanted to get away from all of them.
Instead, Idema and his cohorts made
my life miserable. Thomas Stark and Seth Neyhart sent me a protective
order via email, not a legal way of serving a person, but then nothing
this wild Idema bunch did was legit.
The Internet campaign against me by the Idema cabal is a case in point.
The short version is that Lynn
Thomas (Cao, Caoilfhionn, Caoilfhionn1, Caoilfhionn Malone, Hollywood7,
Cao2, Caoilfhionn2, Idema Fan, yikes hope I remembered all of them) and
Kender Breitbart (really now, anything for attention) MacGowen. The two
of them have shared nasty blogs full of hateful negativity regarding
anyone that has attacked their hero Jack Idema.
Thus Thomas and Kender, have put me through so much twisted, convoluted nonsensical nonsense.
Kender involved himself when he wrote
that twisted poem about me and didn't expect me to react the way I did.
(Note to Kender: "Sorry, moron, if you attack me, I am going to come
back at you with everything I have. Your lies made me sick to my
Kender NEVER MET IDEMA. So really, where does he get off?
Skip London I also have nothing but
disdain for that individual. A coward of the first degree who chooses to
ignore the truth and embellishes lies.
I would have thought more of Thomas
Stark except for the fact that he thought that sending me a restraining
order thru the mail would shut me up, yeah okay.
Seth Neyhart is the only one out of
the whole group that I can honestly say does have small conscience. I
believe he knew what was going on was wrong, but it was his job.
I could also name John Tiffany, who
lied in his court affidavit about me and who stole $189,000 from the
late Rita Gray to get Idema out of the infamous Polacharki prison in
Afghanistan, not to mention his involvement with the fraudulent will
that he and Skip London made up regarding all the property Jack's late
father owned. But what's the point now.?
The Idema cabal got away with their dirty deeds and will eventually have to face their creator.
Back to my story, October of 2010, I
signed away Isabeau Dakota and the corporation located at 450 Robeson
Street was suspended, and that was illegal for business was to be
conducted while the company was inactive. (However, my name was still
listed as President in July 2011). Lynn Thomas, who was aware of the
corporation suspended status entered into a bogus rental agreement with
Harvest Ministries, in April 2011 because Idema told her they could make
some “serious money.”
On her Facebook page Lynn Thomas states that she was the agent
for Isabeau Dakota. This made Thomas Idema's
liaison and mouthpiece for more fraud. The plan was to have Harvest
Ministries redecorate the inside of the building and install a
heating/ac unit on the top of the building at their cost in lieu of rent
for a couple of months.
Harvest Ministries put over $82,000
money into the building improvements and were rewarded by Idema with
eviction after the work was finished.
Holier than thou, Thomas attacks everyone and thinks everybody is
stalking/harassing her when she is the true criminal.
The video court testimony posted above from January 2011, sums it all up. At approx. 16:24 mark of the
video , you can see how Thomas lies about there being no video taping
of the exchange of Hagler/Carter and her returning items taken out of
the building. She also claims there was no video tape and yet she had it
taped herself on You Tube.
Thomas also slanders a police chief
and lies about having her blog, Cao's Blog, only being up for a short
period of time.
What else we hear Thomas say on the courtroom videotape? There was big
lie about there being no person as Penny Idema. The schizo nut goes from
fake tears to defiant and cocky. I never got a chance to testify.
Probably better I didn't. No one from either side would have profited by
putting me up there.
By mid-January 2012, I was so disgusted with both sides and all the lies
from both sides, that I figure just let them all fight themselves.
It was only when Harvest Ministries got screwed that I went into action against the Idema stooges.
This Christian ministry did not do anything to deserve the scam that they were pulled into. The four people in the scam,
Lynn Thomas and Seth Neyhart on one side, on the other Bill Hagler and
Jack Carter, all ended with zero dollars at the end of this drama.
Idema had no estate, trust or clear
will to debate, and was like I had been saying since the beginning,
I was the only one that had a recent will and it wasn't worth the
hassle to go to court. Hence, all the lawyers, all the family he didn't
speak with, all the people he owed money to (many) received nothing.
And Lynn Thomas who believed in Idema
until the very end got zip, zero, nada!
I think what amazed me most these past months, was how the emphasis of
Thomas and Kender's gutter jargon escalated regarding me. They
constantly had to resort to sleazy language to attack me. They were
always going to lower rungs on the ladder of taste to get some point
across (what, I haven't the slightest idea). So bizarre and in the end,
it only managed to paint an even more pathetic portrait of the two of
them-----Idema's Sycophants.
The end of the Idema saga has come at
long last: Harvest Ministries, a devout African-American Christian
ministry, has won the building the Idema cabal fought so long and so
hard to steal from them. Jack Idema is dead and his stooges have been
exposed as psychopaths and criminals.
I can now go on with my life.
God chose the end and good won over evil and justice has finally come.
Thomas is broke and was facing eviction or foreclosure a while back.
She blamed the conspiracy against her for causing her financial decline
and not getting involved in Idema's nonsense. She even took up a plea
for cash as did many of her conservative buddies before. Apparently her
husband is a confused man who is falling apart in many ways. It is a
shame she was so mean and so hateful to so many people because normally
that would be something that should invoke sympathy, but most sensible
people see herself as her undoing and perhaps investing what little
money was available on Idema and his schemes in hope of a big payout.It says something when the most rabid right wingers are also the most broke-ass motherfuckers you will meet.
Speaking of broke-ass motherfuckers:
Kender is now Kender Breitbart? Hilarious. His real name is Mike Groomes and he is a welfare queen holding court in Hesperia California...granted he needs welfare to stay alive since he does not have any kidneys that work, but beyond ironic that someone who fights against the welfare state would probably die if he ever got his wish.
Then there is Deathelm. He thinks Idema is still alive as is Shah Massoud and they are running around A-stan doing good deeds while not being noticed. He also thought a hot, blond Russian babe would be delivered to him via an airplane and bear him mankind's next Christchild for him.
So far the only prophecy he got correct was in predicting a cat once thought dead was alive.
The lawyers involved in this are just simply the type who do not deserve to walk upon this earth unchallenged. They are oddly not comical but perhaps they will likely attach themselves to a host that will someday do them in, since decent people would avoid them.
I think the true persona of Lynn Thomas is a psychopath like Jack Idema and one who hides behind the same shield of "super patriotism."
Ditto for Kender, or Mike, or whoever the fuck he thinks he is today.
These two twisted individuals and many others like them flocked to the banner of Idema like a pack of hungry wolves eager to join in the kill.
Thus Idema created a cabal of like minded wolves-in-patriot-clothing using his formula for stealing money at any cost to the victim.
And keep this in mind: It was the real super patriots in the Special Forces, and in the Media, people like Robert Pelton, acting without official sanction, who finally forced the U.S. government's hand in Kabul in 2004 that led to Idema's arrest and imprisonment, albeit, only for a few years.

By Penny
This was the boat that Elaine gave to drug
dealers in exchange for money owed while Jack lay dying
August 2011
By Penny Alesi
Idema passed on January 21, 2012. I had known he was dying for quite
some time. Remember, he infected me with the same viruses he ultimately
died of. His followers all said I was a liar, his blood was perfect, he
was in great health, etc. Even he denied it. But none of that matters
now. I knew Jack; the people that have been writing about him now do not
know him the way I did.
In fact, some of them didn't even meet him and talked to him only on the phone a couple of times, if that. And the ones that did know him, may have met him once or twice, and then there's the other group that knew him before 2007. I NEVER see or hear about 2007 on, and Mexico from anyone but me. And I get that. People need their opinions & views to hold onto what their hero was in their own minds. Just as some individuals feel that lashing out at anyone that contradicts their views is justified, no matter how much fiction they believe.
Everyone has a private & a public personality. What I am going to do is what he asked me to do in our final conversation. But, I am getting ahead of myself here. Let me start by giving a summary of our life together when it was good. Jack & I started conversing while he was in Kabul in jail 2005. When he was getting ready to leave Pulacharki, he sent Nina the dog to the States for me to take care of. I got her in June 2007 and had her living with me until I took her to Mexico at the end of September 2007. Jack & I stayed in Cancun, Puerto Aventuras, finally Bacalar (4 1/2 hours from Cancun in the jungle with only 1 road in and out of). From 2007 till 2010, I flew to Mexico more than 14x, staying various lengths of time, the longest being March-Sept. 2009 when I took my 3 cats with me to live.
Our life in Bacalar was bizarre. He was terrified of snakes & spiders; I loved them. Whenever one would be killed he would shove it in the freezer. There was quite a collection of them and he would take them out if company came to show & tell. He loved swords. When we got married, he gave me a sword as a wedding gift. We would go in the backyard and mock fight. Of course, he was an expert at it, but all I did was mutilate the bushes. So he played alone. I remember how it used to irritate me that he would pick out my daily outfits and how I would go to his side of the closets and say "what's it gonna be today? Black, black or black?".
The night he wanted me to watch some insane Russian documentary with Chinese Moldavian sub-titles. He kept translating the sub-titles to me in English and kept pausing the DVD to do it. After nearly 3 hours of this, I was exhausted. I suggested he might want to see if he could change the translation menu on the DVD. He adjusted it on the DVD, and then burst into hysterical laughter with me & and we just couldn't stop laughing so we had to stop the movie altogether! The time we took Nina to the local carnival & put her on a kiddie ride & then we took cheesy photos at one of the booths.
In fact, some of them didn't even meet him and talked to him only on the phone a couple of times, if that. And the ones that did know him, may have met him once or twice, and then there's the other group that knew him before 2007. I NEVER see or hear about 2007 on, and Mexico from anyone but me. And I get that. People need their opinions & views to hold onto what their hero was in their own minds. Just as some individuals feel that lashing out at anyone that contradicts their views is justified, no matter how much fiction they believe.
Everyone has a private & a public personality. What I am going to do is what he asked me to do in our final conversation. But, I am getting ahead of myself here. Let me start by giving a summary of our life together when it was good. Jack & I started conversing while he was in Kabul in jail 2005. When he was getting ready to leave Pulacharki, he sent Nina the dog to the States for me to take care of. I got her in June 2007 and had her living with me until I took her to Mexico at the end of September 2007. Jack & I stayed in Cancun, Puerto Aventuras, finally Bacalar (4 1/2 hours from Cancun in the jungle with only 1 road in and out of). From 2007 till 2010, I flew to Mexico more than 14x, staying various lengths of time, the longest being March-Sept. 2009 when I took my 3 cats with me to live.
Our life in Bacalar was bizarre. He was terrified of snakes & spiders; I loved them. Whenever one would be killed he would shove it in the freezer. There was quite a collection of them and he would take them out if company came to show & tell. He loved swords. When we got married, he gave me a sword as a wedding gift. We would go in the backyard and mock fight. Of course, he was an expert at it, but all I did was mutilate the bushes. So he played alone. I remember how it used to irritate me that he would pick out my daily outfits and how I would go to his side of the closets and say "what's it gonna be today? Black, black or black?".
The night he wanted me to watch some insane Russian documentary with Chinese Moldavian sub-titles. He kept translating the sub-titles to me in English and kept pausing the DVD to do it. After nearly 3 hours of this, I was exhausted. I suggested he might want to see if he could change the translation menu on the DVD. He adjusted it on the DVD, and then burst into hysterical laughter with me & and we just couldn't stop laughing so we had to stop the movie altogether! The time we took Nina to the local carnival & put her on a kiddie ride & then we took cheesy photos at one of the booths.
constant translation problems we had with the staff were always a
headache. One time he was furious that Nina did not have any chicken
left in the frig, so he sent one of the workers out to get fresh
chicken, 4 of them so she could have one for dinner and the other 3 he
would freeze. 2 hours went by & he was over the top pissed. Finally
the guy came back shouting to us from the kitchen. When we went
downstairs there were 4 live chickens running around the room! He was
livid! Or the time he sent one of the bodyguards to start the pontoon
boat for us to go out on the lake. He, Nina & I got on the boat went
around the lake & then the boat just died. The engine was clogged
& we were screwed because the bodyguard started the boat but took
the key. So here we were stuck out on the lake with no cell phones and
we stayed out there for 3 hours until we finally flagged down another
boat to get us help. That bodyguard was fired!
We were super tanned though! We were complete partners in love, business, & in life; I thought. We spent virtually every moment together when I was there. I saw & knew everything as time went on. So many memories. The good were as good as it got, but the bad, were worse than I could ever put into words. Because, in reality as good as those times were, they were a facade. And the bad times were many.
I did everything I could for him. I oversaw the ill-fated boat business, took control of Isabeau Dakota, was in charge of the women who took control of the Ultimate Pet Resort Dec.2008 through August 2009. I took his Dad to Mexico to see him, which didn't go well, as well as taking care of his ailing father when he was in 3 different hospitals in Poughkeepsie. The elder Mr. Idema & I were close and I respected him. I hired a nursing care service for him. When his father passed, I took care of the wake, funeral & burial. I went to court in Poughkeepsie to fight for him over his father and a will. I was involved in Star Aviation making up fliers & getting ready for the shows that were going on. I proof-read and helped organize documents for all the lawsuits he was writing to hand off to his lawyers to fight in court. I was his mouth piece in Mexico whenever he got in trouble----which was all the time.
We were super tanned though! We were complete partners in love, business, & in life; I thought. We spent virtually every moment together when I was there. I saw & knew everything as time went on. So many memories. The good were as good as it got, but the bad, were worse than I could ever put into words. Because, in reality as good as those times were, they were a facade. And the bad times were many.
I did everything I could for him. I oversaw the ill-fated boat business, took control of Isabeau Dakota, was in charge of the women who took control of the Ultimate Pet Resort Dec.2008 through August 2009. I took his Dad to Mexico to see him, which didn't go well, as well as taking care of his ailing father when he was in 3 different hospitals in Poughkeepsie. The elder Mr. Idema & I were close and I respected him. I hired a nursing care service for him. When his father passed, I took care of the wake, funeral & burial. I went to court in Poughkeepsie to fight for him over his father and a will. I was involved in Star Aviation making up fliers & getting ready for the shows that were going on. I proof-read and helped organize documents for all the lawsuits he was writing to hand off to his lawyers to fight in court. I was his mouth piece in Mexico whenever he got in trouble----which was all the time.
his car accident in Sept. 2009, I bathed him & fed him & helped
him get up out of his wheelchair & wheeled him around everywhere.
Fought all his enemies while he was in the hospital which was non-stop. I
was in charge of the Mexican staff, which included lawn people,
bodyguards & maids. Did all his food shopping because he never
wanted to leave the compound. Did all the other errands, with my
bodyguard, including taking the jeep to Chetumal for service. My main
job basically was to fix ALL problems. If there were electricity, phone,
Internet, air conditioners broken, or water problems; I had to have
them fixed. I put up with the constant stream of men, hookers &
trannies that he entertained.
The men involved with him in dealing weapons and drugs were horrible but were always around. I was present at all these meetings and was his confidant in all the businesses he was involved in. Even the ones I was strongly against, I just kept my mouth shut & sat there. The entire time I was in Mexico I never saw any of the ruins, beaches, or any of the sights one would see on vacation. My view of Mexico was the long rides to & fro Cancun and from the windows of the compound. Except for the occasions I went out with my bodyguards to do stuff for him. A couple of times my bodyguard & I would stop at the local library or take longer in the stores just so I could have a break. Thank god for my bodyguards & my maids.
There were no clocks, radios, or regular TV in the house. The only movies watched were from his collection & his choice. I had the Internet but because of where we were it was sporadic at best. My music was my only salvation. He wouldn't allow it on the stereo, but I had my headset so I was all set. My biggest problem would be to try to keep him focused so he could work and finish the cases and his book that he was working on. We were organizing his notes for the book but he had the attention of a nanosecond & would go off & get involved in some other project. He could never work on anything specific for long stretches of time. Mostly because he was either too high or too drunk to function. He'd get up late & stay up all night. He would go on drug/sex binges that lasted for days.
The lawyers would be trying to call him and all the calls would be forwarded to his Skype number. The rages he would go into were scary. He was obsessed with the yard. Planting trees, shrubs, flowers and moving the sprinklers constantly so the color green of the grass would be equal. He had deadlines he could never make. I would see him in the yard screaming & throwing things at the workers because the walls needed to be higher and they weren't pouring the cement properly. Then he would sit there with his Corona/Vodka studying them because he was convinced an attack was coming on us and he had to make sure they were doing the wall properly and not making mistakes.
One time he was supposed to be handling the plane fiasco (it had crash landed in Pennsylvania) but instead he thought he needed to change every door knob & lock in the house because somebody was coming to get us. We both slept with guns under our pillows and he would do random drills with me & Nina so we would be "prepared and ready to fight". We had surveillance cameras & alarms everywhere. In the middle of the night one time I got up to go get some juice, set off one of the alarms & he came running at me in the dark with a gun and a sword. Unbelievable but all true.
The men involved with him in dealing weapons and drugs were horrible but were always around. I was present at all these meetings and was his confidant in all the businesses he was involved in. Even the ones I was strongly against, I just kept my mouth shut & sat there. The entire time I was in Mexico I never saw any of the ruins, beaches, or any of the sights one would see on vacation. My view of Mexico was the long rides to & fro Cancun and from the windows of the compound. Except for the occasions I went out with my bodyguards to do stuff for him. A couple of times my bodyguard & I would stop at the local library or take longer in the stores just so I could have a break. Thank god for my bodyguards & my maids.
There were no clocks, radios, or regular TV in the house. The only movies watched were from his collection & his choice. I had the Internet but because of where we were it was sporadic at best. My music was my only salvation. He wouldn't allow it on the stereo, but I had my headset so I was all set. My biggest problem would be to try to keep him focused so he could work and finish the cases and his book that he was working on. We were organizing his notes for the book but he had the attention of a nanosecond & would go off & get involved in some other project. He could never work on anything specific for long stretches of time. Mostly because he was either too high or too drunk to function. He'd get up late & stay up all night. He would go on drug/sex binges that lasted for days.
The lawyers would be trying to call him and all the calls would be forwarded to his Skype number. The rages he would go into were scary. He was obsessed with the yard. Planting trees, shrubs, flowers and moving the sprinklers constantly so the color green of the grass would be equal. He had deadlines he could never make. I would see him in the yard screaming & throwing things at the workers because the walls needed to be higher and they weren't pouring the cement properly. Then he would sit there with his Corona/Vodka studying them because he was convinced an attack was coming on us and he had to make sure they were doing the wall properly and not making mistakes.
One time he was supposed to be handling the plane fiasco (it had crash landed in Pennsylvania) but instead he thought he needed to change every door knob & lock in the house because somebody was coming to get us. We both slept with guns under our pillows and he would do random drills with me & Nina so we would be "prepared and ready to fight". We had surveillance cameras & alarms everywhere. In the middle of the night one time I got up to go get some juice, set off one of the alarms & he came running at me in the dark with a gun and a sword. Unbelievable but all true.
time he was supposed to be on the phone with the lawyers & the real
estate people regarding selling the Poughkeepsie house. Instead, he
decided he wanted to build a special shelf for the alcohol bottles. For 8
days he worked on every detail on that shelf. I kept telling him people
were calling & they needed answers. He would just ignore me and ask
me how the shelf looked. I can't count the times, I would have to sit
with him and go over the lies & stories he told everyone so our
stories would jive. People in Mexico were under the assumption that he
was flying back & forth to the States for business. The reality was
he would never come back to the States until he was certain there was
not a sealed indictment against him for being a war criminal. The last
time he stepped on U.S. soil was way back in 2004.
As always, I kept up the facade for him & the lies kept coming. I was sick to my stomach of all the lies. In the midst of all this craziness, as much as it bothered me, I kept it up and became his enabler. Making life worse for both of us. Jack had so much potential & intelligence but the drugs and alcohol were destroying his mind and making him completely delusional. I kept praying that the Jack I read about & saw photos of pre-2007 would re-emerge and life would become normal. I blamed his twisted personality on Pulacharki and what happened in the beginning of his stay there. I made excuses for him and I was wrong to do that. I convinced myself that this wasn't so bad & he would change & the situation would get better. Like I stated above, everyone has a private & public personality. In public, I would defend his every word and action, but in private behind closed doors, we would have horrible fights. He could be in a great mood, then all of a sudden he snapped. A phone or glass would go flying. He was always mad at someone and he was never to blame. One of his lawyers said to me once "all he remembers is what we didn't do, not everything we did to to help him" how true a statement that was. Almost like, I'm having such a good time nothing bad could ever happen. Those moments and incidents that never quite seemed right and instead of questioning---I just put them on the back burner of my mind.
All the things that didn't quite fit-----suddenly did. The seesaw of good & bad times was no longer equal. The bad overruled the good to such an extreme I began to scrutinize even the good times because I started to realize what a Garden of Eden I was in. That was when it hit me how stupid I was and I just wanted to block it out of my mind. All the lies that led up to the final blow were so overwhelming I became numb. I couldn't tell anyone then because I was certain no one would believe me. I had been destroyed---financially, physically, emotionally, verbally, mentally and medically. He intentionally made me a walking bio-hazard and deliberately kept it from me so I wouldn't leave him and our business dealings. I had admired & loved him so much and kept hoping the man I thought I knew would fix this all; instead of me always doing all the fixing. He kept promising me things would change---they did, they got worse.
Jack had always been portrayed as a macho warrior. I had admired him way back when and saw him on Imus & thought so highly of the way he spoke & carried himself. When my illusion of him was finally shattered (I will not go into the specifics) I realized how unbelievable it all seemed and I was sure everyone would think me insane by saying anything. I was in so deep and I was scared. All I knew was that I had to get out of the situation.
On July 30, 2010, I filed charges against Jack in Chetumal, Mexico. I left Mexico never to return on August 1, 2010. Our breakup was devastating on more levels than I knew existed. Any time a relationship comes to an end it's rough. In our case, it was brutal because there was so much residual madness attached to it, which was made even worse by all the people who had to get involved adding more layers of stress. My infected blood boils every time I think of what Jack and his followers did to my family, friends and me. I have good days where I can function 6 or so hours a day.
Then I have my bad days, where I have 3-4 hours a day I can function. My worst days are spent in bed just listening to music because of the glaring, non-stop headaches and pain. Not to mention my eyesight is only half of what it used to be. So am I pissed? Very much so. To pretend otherwise would make me a liar. The one thing I have to point here is that all I ever wanted was for the truth to come out, and justice that is it. I never wanted any money, or I never would have quick-deeded a building for $10 bucks. Unlike the other exes, I never received any lavish vacations, jewelry, dinners, clothing, etc. I never wanted it, none of that stuff mattered to me. All I wanted was for Jack, Nina, the cats & me to be a family and have no drama just peace.
I never sold my story and I had offers. I never filed a lawsuit against Idema or his lawyers for what they did to me. I never sued any of the bloggers that posted lewd photos of me and lied about me on the Internet any chance they could. I never put a lien on any of his assets or took any of them to court for being involved in all of the fraudulent activities they did to me by putting my name on documents so that they could use me to hide money. I never revealed the drugs/arms sources that I was aware of. Even when they all harassed & intimidated me.
They went after my family and friends and forced me into silence & solitude. They took my life and everything I had. I have only reacted to their actions and they still continue to this day. Jack forged his medical results & fooled everyone into thinking he was not ill. He was a careless, alcoholic, drug addicted bi-sexual who was infecting men & women with AIDS because he was in denial. I now believe that he himself was so delusional that he believed all his lies. Even to the point where his life before Mexico was all fiction, but yet right up to the end, he & his disciples still think it's fact.
As always, I kept up the facade for him & the lies kept coming. I was sick to my stomach of all the lies. In the midst of all this craziness, as much as it bothered me, I kept it up and became his enabler. Making life worse for both of us. Jack had so much potential & intelligence but the drugs and alcohol were destroying his mind and making him completely delusional. I kept praying that the Jack I read about & saw photos of pre-2007 would re-emerge and life would become normal. I blamed his twisted personality on Pulacharki and what happened in the beginning of his stay there. I made excuses for him and I was wrong to do that. I convinced myself that this wasn't so bad & he would change & the situation would get better. Like I stated above, everyone has a private & public personality. In public, I would defend his every word and action, but in private behind closed doors, we would have horrible fights. He could be in a great mood, then all of a sudden he snapped. A phone or glass would go flying. He was always mad at someone and he was never to blame. One of his lawyers said to me once "all he remembers is what we didn't do, not everything we did to to help him" how true a statement that was. Almost like, I'm having such a good time nothing bad could ever happen. Those moments and incidents that never quite seemed right and instead of questioning---I just put them on the back burner of my mind.
All the things that didn't quite fit-----suddenly did. The seesaw of good & bad times was no longer equal. The bad overruled the good to such an extreme I began to scrutinize even the good times because I started to realize what a Garden of Eden I was in. That was when it hit me how stupid I was and I just wanted to block it out of my mind. All the lies that led up to the final blow were so overwhelming I became numb. I couldn't tell anyone then because I was certain no one would believe me. I had been destroyed---financially, physically, emotionally, verbally, mentally and medically. He intentionally made me a walking bio-hazard and deliberately kept it from me so I wouldn't leave him and our business dealings. I had admired & loved him so much and kept hoping the man I thought I knew would fix this all; instead of me always doing all the fixing. He kept promising me things would change---they did, they got worse.
Jack had always been portrayed as a macho warrior. I had admired him way back when and saw him on Imus & thought so highly of the way he spoke & carried himself. When my illusion of him was finally shattered (I will not go into the specifics) I realized how unbelievable it all seemed and I was sure everyone would think me insane by saying anything. I was in so deep and I was scared. All I knew was that I had to get out of the situation.
On July 30, 2010, I filed charges against Jack in Chetumal, Mexico. I left Mexico never to return on August 1, 2010. Our breakup was devastating on more levels than I knew existed. Any time a relationship comes to an end it's rough. In our case, it was brutal because there was so much residual madness attached to it, which was made even worse by all the people who had to get involved adding more layers of stress. My infected blood boils every time I think of what Jack and his followers did to my family, friends and me. I have good days where I can function 6 or so hours a day.
Then I have my bad days, where I have 3-4 hours a day I can function. My worst days are spent in bed just listening to music because of the glaring, non-stop headaches and pain. Not to mention my eyesight is only half of what it used to be. So am I pissed? Very much so. To pretend otherwise would make me a liar. The one thing I have to point here is that all I ever wanted was for the truth to come out, and justice that is it. I never wanted any money, or I never would have quick-deeded a building for $10 bucks. Unlike the other exes, I never received any lavish vacations, jewelry, dinners, clothing, etc. I never wanted it, none of that stuff mattered to me. All I wanted was for Jack, Nina, the cats & me to be a family and have no drama just peace.
I never sold my story and I had offers. I never filed a lawsuit against Idema or his lawyers for what they did to me. I never sued any of the bloggers that posted lewd photos of me and lied about me on the Internet any chance they could. I never put a lien on any of his assets or took any of them to court for being involved in all of the fraudulent activities they did to me by putting my name on documents so that they could use me to hide money. I never revealed the drugs/arms sources that I was aware of. Even when they all harassed & intimidated me.
They went after my family and friends and forced me into silence & solitude. They took my life and everything I had. I have only reacted to their actions and they still continue to this day. Jack forged his medical results & fooled everyone into thinking he was not ill. He was a careless, alcoholic, drug addicted bi-sexual who was infecting men & women with AIDS because he was in denial. I now believe that he himself was so delusional that he believed all his lies. Even to the point where his life before Mexico was all fiction, but yet right up to the end, he & his disciples still think it's fact.
February 2011, Jack began having an affair with Elaine Roach. She &
her husband, Tony, lived a few houses down from us on the Costera. In
April 2011, she left her husband to live with Jack in Casa Arabi. Since I
returned to the States the year before, I stayed in contact with the
Mexican friends I had made there. They kept me up to date with
everything that was going on constantly. I had told Elaine all about the
HIV, but Jack told everyone I was a psychotic liar & had his forged
results out there for everyone to view. With all of Idema's assets in
the States dwindling and him being cut off from the drug/arms funding
because he had become a liability to his sources, he was broke. Elaine
funded him during this time and she was getting ill herself.
In August 2012, Idema was past full blown. He was getting purple lesions and told everyone it was an allergy. Around the beginning of December, Idema was out of control and the drug use was taking a toll on Elaine. She was starting to have a meltdown and couldn't take it. Then the week of January 5, 2012 she went through some files & found out the truth. A heated argument between them ensued and on January 6, 2012, she left Mexico for Canada
In August 2012, Idema was past full blown. He was getting purple lesions and told everyone it was an allergy. Around the beginning of December, Idema was out of control and the drug use was taking a toll on Elaine. She was starting to have a meltdown and couldn't take it. Then the week of January 5, 2012 she went through some files & found out the truth. A heated argument between them ensued and on January 6, 2012, she left Mexico for Canada
January 9, 2012, Maureen from the Mexican Consulate in Merida, Mexico,
called me & told me Jack was taken by ambulance to a hospital in
Chetumal and that he was suffering from pneumonia resulting from
advanced HIV/AIDS. She wanted to know what to do with his remains. I
said cremation but she still had other calls to make. Early January 10, I
got a call from one of my friends in Mexico telling me Jack escaped
from the hospital and wanted to die at the house. This friend also told
me that Jack wanted to talk with me and please call him.
I couldn't imagine why he would want to talk with me because of all the drama he & I were going through and I knew we were not on good terms to say the least. The last time we had spoke was in February of 2011, which was mostly him screaming at me, calling me names and blaming me for all the misery in his life. So I wasn't thinking that there was much of a reason for him to want to speak with me unless he had more yelling to do.
But I called anyway. The Jack that answered the phone was a person that I never spoke with. No yelling, no cursing, just a very weak voice that was grateful to hear my voice! The conversation started with him saying he was sorry and could I forgive him. He never said what he was sorry for but only wanted me to forgive him. I told him I could never forgive him for what he did to me and what his minions did to me and were still doing to me. He also thanked me for all I had done for him & said he finally realized that I did do everything I could for him and he never appreciated it. He acknowledged that I never betrayed him until he infected me & now he understood everything. That I was the only one who was truly loyal to him and he messed it up. He was scared and started telling me that Elaine left for good and he didn't want to be alone when he died. He asked me to go there and help him. Yeah, no way I said. Then he told me if I went there he would be safe and I could fix everything for him there & here in the States, just like I used to when we were together. He said I was the only one who could do it and that's why he had to talk to me.
The conversation was convoluted, bizarre and weird. He wanted to know what he could take to get rid of his pneumonia & what to take for the purple lesions & the sores all over his genitals. I said to him "what is wrong with you, you know what that is all of it, there is nothing you can take now unless it's HIV meds, and I think you're passed that". He said the aspirin wasn't working and neither was any of the injectables (nulbifina & heroin that his helpers were fronting him) that he was using, and the pain was unbelievable & no matter how much he would inject, the pain kept getting worse.
When I told him it was time to snap out of denial & grasp what was happening, he started crying and saying "I have superhuman blood this isn't supposed to happen". Again, I told him he needed to get medical attention asap and go back to the hospital. He told me that Elaine promised she would take care of Nina & Tinka & she lied. He said Nina was as important to him as Sarge was & would I make sure she would be okay. He also told me that I would soon be vindicated in Mexico and again asked me to help him & go there. Then we went to another topic-old times. We talked about the good ones only. He remembered some of the good times I forgot. I told him I probably forgot them because when you break up the way we did it's like a defense mechanism to get you through it. He reminded me of my favorite song "What A Wonderful World", I jokingly replied that it was my favorite song but after hearing it there 24/7 it ceased to be. We both laughed at that.
Then I told him I was in front of my computer & for him to get on his & look up AIDS final symptoms & he said he couldn't because if anyone saw what he was looking up, they would know. Still in denial even at the end. He made me promise one more time that I'd make sure Nina & Tinka would be safe & to do the other stuff we spoke about. We left it at I'd call him back to check in on Friday January 20. I commented on how nice he was and he replied that we were friends again and it was what he wanted all along. We had spoken for over a 1/2 hour and I felt at peace, but confused. When we hung up, I sat for awhile & thought about everything he said.
Our conversation was delusional to say the least. Was he really in trouble or was it yet another ruse to draw me in? Should I take it seriously or let it go? I decided to let it go & just call him that Friday like I promised and he wanted. The whole time I knew Jack the only thing I could ever count on him for----was lying to me. And that he never disappointed me with. When January 20th, came I called. The phone rang & rang and then went to the fax machine. I figured he changed his mind and didn't feel like talking to me. Now I know he was either too ill to answer or maybe he already passed.
Since then I have gotten many accounts of what transpired & how he passed. I know the house was looted. I know that the people that were there with him did not care about him or even gave him nothing but pieces of a banana the entire week. They gave him water on Q-tips and he needed heroin to get him through the pain. There was 2 tanks of gas, from the grill, in front of the house that said for sale because he was so broke. He owed so many Mexicans money that everything was taken. I also found out that Nina & Tinka were being held for ransom because the shady Mexicans that were "taking care of him" knew somebody would try to get them and pay to do it. I know the house was full of garbage and bugs. That his bed was filthy & he urinated & defecated on himself & was bleeding from his sores & nobody cared. My friends rescued Nina & Tinka and they are now safe. I reached out to 2 of my biggest enemies but they were too busy posting lies about me on the Internet instead of helping me rescue Nina & Tinka. So much for the Idema Fan Club, they had an opportunity to do the right thing but they couldn't be bothered.
I couldn't imagine why he would want to talk with me because of all the drama he & I were going through and I knew we were not on good terms to say the least. The last time we had spoke was in February of 2011, which was mostly him screaming at me, calling me names and blaming me for all the misery in his life. So I wasn't thinking that there was much of a reason for him to want to speak with me unless he had more yelling to do.
But I called anyway. The Jack that answered the phone was a person that I never spoke with. No yelling, no cursing, just a very weak voice that was grateful to hear my voice! The conversation started with him saying he was sorry and could I forgive him. He never said what he was sorry for but only wanted me to forgive him. I told him I could never forgive him for what he did to me and what his minions did to me and were still doing to me. He also thanked me for all I had done for him & said he finally realized that I did do everything I could for him and he never appreciated it. He acknowledged that I never betrayed him until he infected me & now he understood everything. That I was the only one who was truly loyal to him and he messed it up. He was scared and started telling me that Elaine left for good and he didn't want to be alone when he died. He asked me to go there and help him. Yeah, no way I said. Then he told me if I went there he would be safe and I could fix everything for him there & here in the States, just like I used to when we were together. He said I was the only one who could do it and that's why he had to talk to me.
The conversation was convoluted, bizarre and weird. He wanted to know what he could take to get rid of his pneumonia & what to take for the purple lesions & the sores all over his genitals. I said to him "what is wrong with you, you know what that is all of it, there is nothing you can take now unless it's HIV meds, and I think you're passed that". He said the aspirin wasn't working and neither was any of the injectables (nulbifina & heroin that his helpers were fronting him) that he was using, and the pain was unbelievable & no matter how much he would inject, the pain kept getting worse.
When I told him it was time to snap out of denial & grasp what was happening, he started crying and saying "I have superhuman blood this isn't supposed to happen". Again, I told him he needed to get medical attention asap and go back to the hospital. He told me that Elaine promised she would take care of Nina & Tinka & she lied. He said Nina was as important to him as Sarge was & would I make sure she would be okay. He also told me that I would soon be vindicated in Mexico and again asked me to help him & go there. Then we went to another topic-old times. We talked about the good ones only. He remembered some of the good times I forgot. I told him I probably forgot them because when you break up the way we did it's like a defense mechanism to get you through it. He reminded me of my favorite song "What A Wonderful World", I jokingly replied that it was my favorite song but after hearing it there 24/7 it ceased to be. We both laughed at that.
Then I told him I was in front of my computer & for him to get on his & look up AIDS final symptoms & he said he couldn't because if anyone saw what he was looking up, they would know. Still in denial even at the end. He made me promise one more time that I'd make sure Nina & Tinka would be safe & to do the other stuff we spoke about. We left it at I'd call him back to check in on Friday January 20. I commented on how nice he was and he replied that we were friends again and it was what he wanted all along. We had spoken for over a 1/2 hour and I felt at peace, but confused. When we hung up, I sat for awhile & thought about everything he said.
Our conversation was delusional to say the least. Was he really in trouble or was it yet another ruse to draw me in? Should I take it seriously or let it go? I decided to let it go & just call him that Friday like I promised and he wanted. The whole time I knew Jack the only thing I could ever count on him for----was lying to me. And that he never disappointed me with. When January 20th, came I called. The phone rang & rang and then went to the fax machine. I figured he changed his mind and didn't feel like talking to me. Now I know he was either too ill to answer or maybe he already passed.
Since then I have gotten many accounts of what transpired & how he passed. I know the house was looted. I know that the people that were there with him did not care about him or even gave him nothing but pieces of a banana the entire week. They gave him water on Q-tips and he needed heroin to get him through the pain. There was 2 tanks of gas, from the grill, in front of the house that said for sale because he was so broke. He owed so many Mexicans money that everything was taken. I also found out that Nina & Tinka were being held for ransom because the shady Mexicans that were "taking care of him" knew somebody would try to get them and pay to do it. I know the house was full of garbage and bugs. That his bed was filthy & he urinated & defecated on himself & was bleeding from his sores & nobody cared. My friends rescued Nina & Tinka and they are now safe. I reached out to 2 of my biggest enemies but they were too busy posting lies about me on the Internet instead of helping me rescue Nina & Tinka. So much for the Idema Fan Club, they had an opportunity to do the right thing but they couldn't be bothered.
week after he passed, I played "What A Wonderful World" and thought
about Jack. It's my favorite song again. I finally forgave him, mostly
for me so I could move on with my life. His death finally freed me from
the drama I lived with for so long. And as for the 2 promises he asked
from me. One is already done; Nina & Tinka are happy and safe. As
far as the other promise goes---I'm working on that one, and certain
I'll be able to give it to him. Finally, every single time I look in the
mirror, I think of him and will always be connected to him. I hope he's
at peace now, wherever he is.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
This morning the bio-hazard that is the body of American traitor and international war criminal “Jack” Idema is either in the guts of various wild animals in Mexico, or has been seized by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico to await claim by friends or family.
If the latter report is true, the wait may be very long indeed.
The immediate Idema family is dead, and there are no friends
Idema leaves in his wake only victims and enemies.
The most tragic of these victims and enemies, in this writer's humble opinion, is Idema's former wife, Penny Alesi. An average middle class woman whose only “crime” has to fall in love with a man she later discovered to be pure evil. When Ms. Alesi was “mugged by reality” in Bacalar, Mexico, and discovered horrible truth that her lover was a raving psychopath and secret homosexual, it was too late to save her life.
She had been knowingly HIV infected by Idema.
Penny Alesi's story of torture and horror at the hands of the traitor Idema is told HERE in graphic detail.
A lesser woman who had escaped certain death at the hands of a very evil and dangerous man would have given up the struggle upon safe arrival at home. But not Penny Alesi – she had just begun to fight – and did all in her power to secure the arrest of Idema by Mexican or American authorities. At the same time she spent endless hours in vain attempts to interest the Big Media in the USA in doing stories on the HIV danger posed to the international public by an evil man, the owner and operator of a Mexican resort.
There are many lessons that can be learned from the criminal career of self appointed “Super Patriot” Idema, but the most important one is the failure of the U.S. Government to have “terminated with extreme prejudice” Idema in early 2004, when it became apparent to nearly everyone that he had turned traitor in Afghanistan. Instead, the power barons of the Feds turned him over to arguably the most corrupt government in Asia.
The predictable result of this confinement in a luxury suite in Afghanistan's most infamous prison complete with computer and satellite phone that were used to advance a criminal career. It was here that Idema converted to Islam and supplied America's enemies with videos, pictures and documents that were used to kill American troops in Southwest Asia. This download also included Idema produced videos showing him torture Afghans in his private prison. These videos have gone viral on the Internet and are a great propaganda coup for America's Islamist enemies.
The final stop for Idema was Bacalar, Mexico in 2007.
The short version of this final chapter: the Mexican and American governments did absolutely nothing while Idema's criminal career went into hyper drive. In this writer's humble opinion had Idema not become infected with HIV in 2007 during his early days in Mexico (In addition to a heavy habit) he would have become a major problem for the United States, as he swore revenge on this nation for “betraying” him in Afghanistan! When this writer became aware of the threat posed to national security by Idema, he personally briefed a federal agent working for Homeland Security in early 2011. A week later, this writer was told by the same agent , “The American government can do nothing to Idema while he stays in Mexico.” When he told the agent that Idema was illegally a Mexican resident, the agent replied, “This is a matter for the Mexican government.”
Yes, Idema is dead and the world should rejoice!
But the Idema evil lives on...
And his victims continue to die.
If the latter report is true, the wait may be very long indeed.
The immediate Idema family is dead, and there are no friends
Idema leaves in his wake only victims and enemies.
The most tragic of these victims and enemies, in this writer's humble opinion, is Idema's former wife, Penny Alesi. An average middle class woman whose only “crime” has to fall in love with a man she later discovered to be pure evil. When Ms. Alesi was “mugged by reality” in Bacalar, Mexico, and discovered horrible truth that her lover was a raving psychopath and secret homosexual, it was too late to save her life.
She had been knowingly HIV infected by Idema.
Penny Alesi's story of torture and horror at the hands of the traitor Idema is told HERE in graphic detail.
A lesser woman who had escaped certain death at the hands of a very evil and dangerous man would have given up the struggle upon safe arrival at home. But not Penny Alesi – she had just begun to fight – and did all in her power to secure the arrest of Idema by Mexican or American authorities. At the same time she spent endless hours in vain attempts to interest the Big Media in the USA in doing stories on the HIV danger posed to the international public by an evil man, the owner and operator of a Mexican resort.
There are many lessons that can be learned from the criminal career of self appointed “Super Patriot” Idema, but the most important one is the failure of the U.S. Government to have “terminated with extreme prejudice” Idema in early 2004, when it became apparent to nearly everyone that he had turned traitor in Afghanistan. Instead, the power barons of the Feds turned him over to arguably the most corrupt government in Asia.
The predictable result of this confinement in a luxury suite in Afghanistan's most infamous prison complete with computer and satellite phone that were used to advance a criminal career. It was here that Idema converted to Islam and supplied America's enemies with videos, pictures and documents that were used to kill American troops in Southwest Asia. This download also included Idema produced videos showing him torture Afghans in his private prison. These videos have gone viral on the Internet and are a great propaganda coup for America's Islamist enemies.
The final stop for Idema was Bacalar, Mexico in 2007.
The short version of this final chapter: the Mexican and American governments did absolutely nothing while Idema's criminal career went into hyper drive. In this writer's humble opinion had Idema not become infected with HIV in 2007 during his early days in Mexico (In addition to a heavy habit) he would have become a major problem for the United States, as he swore revenge on this nation for “betraying” him in Afghanistan! When this writer became aware of the threat posed to national security by Idema, he personally briefed a federal agent working for Homeland Security in early 2011. A week later, this writer was told by the same agent , “The American government can do nothing to Idema while he stays in Mexico.” When he told the agent that Idema was illegally a Mexican resident, the agent replied, “This is a matter for the Mexican government.”
Yes, Idema is dead and the world should rejoice!
But the Idema evil lives on...
And his victims continue to die.
domingo 22 de enero de 2012
Expediente IDEMA: ¿Se regó el SIDA en Bacalar?
Este fin de semana murió el ex boina verde norteamericano Jonathan Keith Idema quien vivía en el sur de la entidad. Su deceso da paso a una leyenda urbana creciente: “El Rambo de Bacalar”. Lo malo es que este episodio puede no haber concluido aún, pues apenas en Noviembre pasado, su ex esposa, Penny Alesi, advirtió a los Derechos Humanos que este sujeto estaba regando el SIDA en el novel municipio. Expediente Quintana Roo presenta el Expediente IDEMA, que incluye el certificado de VIH del mercenario, fotos de su identidad, un arma, un oficio que pone en entredicho a un funcionario de la CEDHEQR y una imagen de una de las victimas de Idema, quien lucha contra el mortal virus.
Por: Esmaragdo Camaz
La ex esposa de Jonathan Keith Idema, el ex boina verde norteamericano que murió este fin de semana en Bacalar, advirtió a mediados del 2011 a la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos de Quintana Roo, que el sujeto estaba regando el SIDA en Bacalar.
Pero no sólo los puso en alerta, sino que además les entregó el certificado médico de Idema, que no deja lugar a dudas de que el ex militar sí tenía SIDA, porque habrá que decirlo, hasta el momento de su muerte, se ha especulado sobre este particular, pues a falta de un documento médico ante la opinión pública, el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida en el cuerpo del norteamericano era una sospecha.
Expediente Quintana Roo tuvo acceso al expediente que muestra los documentos y fotografías que recibió la Comisión Estatal de los Derechos Humanos para intervenir, ante la falta de resultados de la Procuraduría de Justicia del Estado, en este caso que al parecer va más allá de la historia de una esposa golpeada, pues a decir de la propia victima, Idema anduvo regando el SIDA en Bacalar.
Originalmente, Penny Alesi, la ex esposa de Idema, lo denunció penalmente ante la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado en Agosto de 2010, por los delitos de violencia intrafamiliar, violación, privación ilegal de la libertad personal y peligro para la salud de las personas, esto último, en referencia a que el ex boina verde era portador del SIDA.
No obstante, la Procuraduría no actuó sobre el sujeto, pese a que éste se negó asistir en dos ocasiones a igual número de citatorios que le giró la Institución.
Inexplicablemente, el sujeto no fue presentado, si quiera molestado, pese a que a que su negativa de presentarse de manera voluntaria facultaba al Ministerio Público a liberar al menos una orden de presentación para avanzar en las diligencias.
Por esta falta de acción de la Procuraduría y porque Penny Alesi temía por su vida, levantó una denuncia ante la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos de Quintana Roo, para inconformase en contra de la PGJE y lo que resultase, por ignorar su denuncia contra Idema y porque además, tenía conocimiento de que el norteamericano estaba regando el SIDA en Bacalar.
Derivado de esta denuncia, la CDHEQROO generó la apertura del Expediente VG/OPB/147/06/2011.
El 6 de Julio 2011, el primer visitador general de la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos del Estado de Quintana Roo, José Carlos Cortés Mugártegui, envió a Penny Alesi el Oficio Número VG-I-726/2011, en respuesta a su denuncia.
El oficio tiene dos resolutivos, ambos insatisfactorios para la victima.
El primer resolutivo ofrece a la agraviada declarar sobre el caso y aportar pruebas sobre sus dichos. Mientras el segundo, simplemente ordena agregar el oficio al Expediente.
Aquí el texto del oficio en cuestión:

La ex esposa de Jonathan Keith Idema respondió éste oficio desde los Estados Unidos a través de un coreo electrónico, enviado el 9 de Noviembre 2011, a José Carlos Cortés Mugártegui, el visitador general de Derechos Humanos en Quintana Roo.
En este mail, Penny Alesi expresa su decepción y molestia por la falta de acción de la CDHEQR, pero sobre todo, aporta datos y pruebas documentales sobre sus dichos.
Explica que por su condición de salud, pues tiene SIDA, no puede venir a México para las diligencias, pero además, teme ser asesinada por su ex esposo, a quien define como un hombre sumamente peligroso, portador de drogas y armas.
Y le recuerda también al visitador general de Derechos Humanos, que él ya sabe que Idema ha estado propagando el SIDA en Bacalar, lugar donde el ex boina verde –hoy se sabe-, vivió hasta su último día de vida.
No obstante, hay otra parte que resalta en el correo de Penny Alesi, pues sugiere que el propio visitador de los Derechos Humanos jugó un papel importante en la impunidad que Idema gozó todo este tiempo.
Este es el texto íntegro del mail de Penny Alesi. Primero el texto original en Inglés y debajo de éste su traducción al Español:
I find it completely deplorable, despicable and downright disrespectful that you cannot understand my case. I am ill, very ill. I have given you the name of my witness, Fabian Francisco Vazquez Gonzalez, with his phone number. Mr. Gonzalez called you himself to explain everything and even told you he has a demand against Idema. You have seen my charges. You know Idema gave me AIDS, you know I am not able to travel there or it will kill me. Yet, you do nothing. What is wrong with you? You know about Idema, you know he is there illegally, you know he is a war criminal, you know he has drugs & guns, you know he is giving out AIDS and he is very dangerous, yet you do nothing. I promise you, there are Americans & Mexicans that will see that justice will be served. I also promise you, that I will tell the media & everyone what part you have played in letting this criminal get away with the crime he committed against me. I hope God forgives you, because I won't.
Lo encuentro completamente deplorable, despreciable y francamente una falta de respeto que no pueda entender mi caso. Estoy enferma, muy enferma. Ya le he dado el nombre de mi testigo, Fabián Francisco Vázquez González, con su número de teléfono. El señor González le llamó él mismo para explicarle todo y hasta le dijo que él tiene una demanda en contra de Idema. Usted ha visto los cargos. Usted sabe que Idema me dio el SIDA. Usted sabe que yo no puedo viajar ahí o me matará. Usted todavía no sabe nada. ¿Qué pasa con Usted? Usted sabe de Idema, usted sabe que él está ahí ilegalmente, usted sabe que él es un criminal de guerra, usted sabe que él tiene drogas y armas, usted sabe que él está dando SIDA y es muy peligroso, y aún así usted no hace nada. Le prometo, que hay Americanos y Mexicanos que verán que se haga justicia. También le prometo que le diré a los medios y a todos qué parte ha jugado usted permitiéndole a este criminal que se salga con la suya con el crimen que cometió contra mi. Espero que Dios lo perdone, porque yo no.
El Visitador General de la CDHEQR, José Carlos Cortés Mugártegui, tuvo que dejar en Octubre de 2009, su cargo como magistrado del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Quintana Roo, tras un escándalo de fraude a favor de Bancomer en el que él estuvo involucrado, al hacer procedente un proceso por el cuál, haciendo uso de sus facultades como magistrado, juzgó parcialmente favoreciendo a esa empresa.

El 20 de Octubre de ese año, el Congreso de Quintana Roo sólo ratificó a dos magistrados del TSJ, entre los que no estaba Cortés Mugártegui, razón por la que fue separado de la Institución.
Este es el certificado médico de Jonathan Keith Idema, que lo dictamina con SIDA:
Esta es una fotografía que muestra una arma de Idema:
Esta es una foto del pasaporte del ex boina verde:
Esta es una fotografía de Penny Alesi en el hospital, donde recibe tratamiento por su enfermedad: SIDA
*Todas estas fotografías fueron proporcionadas por la propia Penny Alesi.
La advertencia de Penny Alesi es clara. No obstante, se desconoce bien a bien si Idema propagó la enfermedad más allá de su primer círculo de amigos, pues ya es del dominio público que este hombre realizaba fiestas con gran dispendio en su casa de Bacalar.
Ninguna autoridad de salud de Quintana Roo ha reportado algún trabajo de inspección sobre el particular en ese lugar.
Tampoco se tiene certeza de quiénes participaban en esa fiestas, donde se dice, se consumían drogas y practicaban sexo masivo.
En tanto no haya una inspección de salud en el lugar, prevalece la duda que al paso del tiempo se va transformando en una leyenda urbana. Aquella que da cuenta de las vivencias de “El Rambo de Bacalar”.
This weekend, former Green Beret killed Jonathan Keith Idema American who lived in the south of the state. His death gives way to a growing urban legend: "The Bacalar Rambo." The bad thing is that this episode may not have completed yet, as only last November, his ex-wife, Penny Alesi, Human Rights warned that this guy was running in the novel AIDS municipality. Quintana Roo Record Record shows the IDEMA, including the mercenary HIV certificate, photos of your identity, a weapon, a job that calls into question an officer of the CEDHEQR and a picture of one of the victims of Idema, who struggles against the deadly virus.
The former wife of Jonathan Keith Idema, former U.S. Green Beret who died this weekend in Bacalar, said in mid-2011 to the Human Rights Commission of Quintana Roo, the subject was watering AIDS in Bacalar.
But not only alerted, but also gave them the medical certificate of Idema, that leaves no room for doubt that the former soldier did have AIDS, because they have to say, until the time of his death, has been speculated this particular, because the absence of a medical document to the public, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the body of an American was suspected.
Record Quintana Roo had access to the file that shows the documents and photographs that received the State Commission on Human Rights to intervene, in the absence of results from the State Attorney's Office in this case apparently goes beyond the story of a battered wife, because of the victim say, Idema went AIDS watering Bacalar.
Originally, Penny Alesi, Idema's former wife, the criminal complaint with the Attorney General of the State in August 2010, for crimes of domestic violence, rape, illegal deprivation of personal liberty and danger to the health of people , the latter, referring to former green Beret was a carrier of AIDS.
However, the attorney did not act on the subject, although he refused to attend twice as many citations that turned the institution.
Inexplicably, the subject was not presented, if I bothered, despite his refusal to appear voluntarily authorized the Attorney General to release at least one order of presentation to advance the proceedings.
This lack of action by the Attorney General and because Penny Alesi feared for his life, raised a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Quintana Roo, to disagreement with the PGJE and what is, to ignore his complaint against Idema and because they also knew that the American AIDS was watering Bacalar.
Derived from this complaint, the opening created CDHEQROO VG/OPB/147/06/2011 record.
On July 6, 2011, the first inspector general of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo, Jose Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, Penny sent the Office Number VG-I-726/2011 Alesi, in response to your complaint.
The office has two resolutions, both unsatisfactory for the victim.
The first operative paragraph gives the aggrieved testify about the case and provide evidence of their claims. While the second, simply orders the office to add record.
Here the text of the trade in question:
In view of the agreement issued on this same date, a signed, which states:''In the city of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, on July 6, two thousand eleven. SEEN: EI office PGJEjSZSjDGAp/1572j2011 number signed by the Director General of preliminary investigations of the Attorney General of the State, through which submits a report and copy of the inquiry initiated against number APjZSjCHEjOljSDj2410/7-2010 Jonathan Keith Idema of, attached to the profession, the report of the agent work that integrates such ministerial inquiry, in which he said dated June 17 two thousand eleven, was cited for the second time the alleged perpetrator, and that it was necessary to vent the declaration, as well as statements of two eyewitnesses. Because of this and given that this report meets with the request and forwarded the documentation to support it, plus the urgent need for further integration of the complaint, to be in a position to issue a determination in accordance with law appropriate. Accordingly, we find that the claimant complained to Penny Alesi this organization have been the victim of several crimes attributed to Jonathan Keith Idema, which were reported in the preliminary investigation already mentioned, and can not refer back to Mexico to continue the charges but want to be arrested, as well as provide a copy of his complaint to the ministerial agent, 'it was requested the respective report, in which the proceeding was yes answer has been given to such preliminary inquiry, in which as last diligence has been cited for the second time the suspect and indicated the need for two witnesses to the events, which, they felt they could properly integrate this investigation. Thus, based on Articles 49 and 51 fractions IV and 63 of the Act Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo, 18 and 21 paragraph d) the fourth paragraph of the Regulations of the Law of Human Rights Commission State of Quintana Roo, therefore, it is agreed: First: Give it a view of the complaining party for a period of three days from the day
In view of the agreement issued on this same date, a signed, which states:''In the city of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, on July 6, two thousand eleven. SEEN: EI office PGJEjSZSjDGAp/1572j2011 number signed by the Director General of preliminary investigations of the Attorney General of the State, through which submits a report and copy of the inquiry initiated against number APjZSjCHEjOljSDj2410/7-2010 Jonathan Keith Idema of, attached to the profession, the report of the agent work that integrates such ministerial inquiry, in which he said dated June 17 two thousand eleven, was cited for the second time the alleged perpetrator, and that it was necessary to vent the declaration, as well as statements of two eyewitnesses. Because of this and given that this report meets with the request and forwarded the documentation to support it, plus the urgent need for further integration of the complaint, to be in a position to issue a determination in accordance with law appropriate. Accordingly, we find that the claimant complained to Penny Alesi this organization have been the victim of several crimes attributed to Jonathan Keith Idema, which were reported in the preliminary investigation already mentioned, and can not refer back to Mexico to continue the charges but want to be arrested, as well as provide a copy of his complaint to the ministerial agent, 'it was requested the respective report, in which the proceeding was yes answer has been given to such preliminary inquiry, in which as last diligence has been cited for the second time the suspect and indicated the need for two witnesses to the events, which, they felt they could properly integrate this investigation. Thus, based on Articles 49 and 51 fractions IV and 63 of the Act Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo, 18 and 21 paragraph d) the fourth paragraph of the Regulations of the Law of Human Rights Commission State of Quintana Roo, therefore, it is agreed: First: Give it a view of the complaining party for a period of three days from the day following the notification of this agreement to the effect that he expresses his right to appropriate, as well also within the same time provide evidence to dispute the report of the responsible authority, after this, with a report or not, give yourself a new account to provide the appropriate course. Second. Add this job to present the complaint file to make good in him, as legally appropriate. This was agreed and signed by the lawyer Jose Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, First Inspector General of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo.
The former wife of Jonathan Keith Idema said this trade from the United States through an email address, posted on November 9, 2011, Jose Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, the inspector general of Human Rights in Quintana Roo.
In this email, Penny Alesi expressed disappointment and anger over the lack of action CDHEQR, but above all, contribute data and evidence on their words
explain that your health condition, they have AIDS, can not come to Mexico for prosecution, but also afraid of being murdered by her former husband, whom she defines as an extremely dangerous man, carrying drugs and weapons.
And it also reminds the visitor-general of Human Rights, which he already knows that Idema has been spreading AIDS in Bacalar, where the ex-Green Beret now know, he lived until his last day alive.
However, there is another part that stands out in the mail from Penny Alesi, it suggests that visitor's own Human Rights played an important role in the impunity enjoyed Idema all this time ..
I find it completely deplorable, despicable and downright disrespectful that you cannot understand my case. I am ill, very ill. I have given you the name of my witness, Fabian Francisco Vazquez Gonzalez, with his phone number. Mr. Gonzalez called you himself to explain everything and even told you he has a demand against Idema. You have seen my charges. You know Idema gave me AIDS, you know I am not able to travel there or it will kill me. Yet, you do nothing. What is wrong with you? You know about Idema, you know he is there illegally, you know he is a war criminal, you know he has drugs & guns, you know he is giving out AIDS and he is very dangerous, yet you do nothing. I promise you, there are Americans & Mexicans that will see that justice will be served. I also promise you, that I will tell the media & everyone what part you have played in letting this criminal get away with the crime he committed against me. I hope God forgives you, because I won't.
The Inspector General of the CDHEQR, José Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, had to leave in October 2009, his position as judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Quintana Roo, after a fraud scandal for Bancomer in which he was involved, the do from a process by which, using its powers as a judge, judged partially favoring the company.
Derived from this, the businessman who promoted the suit against Bancomer, Carlos Parra Jimenez then asked the State Congress, to investigate the judges who participated in the fraud, a request that the Legislature came just before starting a process of renewal of judges of the Supreme Court.
On October 20 of that year, Congress ratified Quintana Roo only two Supreme Court judges, including Mugartegui Cortes was not, why was separated
This is a photo of the passport of former Green Beret:
This is a picture of Penny Alesi in the hospital, where he received treatment for his illness: AIDS
* All these pictures were provided by Penny Alesi own.
Alesi Penny's warning is clear. However, it is unknown whether either Idema disease spread beyond the inner circle of friends, for it is common knowledge that this man carried out at great expense holidays at his home in Bacalar.
No health authority of Quintana Roo has reported some inspection work on the subject there.
Nor is there any certainty who participated in the festivities, where it is said, used drugs and had sex massive.
While there is no health inspection in place, the question that prevails over time is transformed into an urban legend. One who realizes the experiences of "Rambo Bacalar."
The former wife of Jonathan Keith Idema, former U.S. Green Beret who died this weekend in Bacalar, said in mid-2011 to the Human Rights Commission of Quintana Roo, the subject was watering AIDS in Bacalar.
But not only alerted, but also gave them the medical certificate of Idema, that leaves no room for doubt that the former soldier did have AIDS, because they have to say, until the time of his death, has been speculated this particular, because the absence of a medical document to the public, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the body of an American was suspected.
Record Quintana Roo had access to the file that shows the documents and photographs that received the State Commission on Human Rights to intervene, in the absence of results from the State Attorney's Office in this case apparently goes beyond the story of a battered wife, because of the victim say, Idema went AIDS watering Bacalar.
Originally, Penny Alesi, Idema's former wife, the criminal complaint with the Attorney General of the State in August 2010, for crimes of domestic violence, rape, illegal deprivation of personal liberty and danger to the health of people , the latter, referring to former green Beret was a carrier of AIDS.
However, the attorney did not act on the subject, although he refused to attend twice as many citations that turned the institution.
Inexplicably, the subject was not presented, if I bothered, despite his refusal to appear voluntarily authorized the Attorney General to release at least one order of presentation to advance the proceedings.
This lack of action by the Attorney General and because Penny Alesi feared for his life, raised a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Quintana Roo, to disagreement with the PGJE and what is, to ignore his complaint against Idema and because they also knew that the American AIDS was watering Bacalar.
Derived from this complaint, the opening created CDHEQROO VG/OPB/147/06/2011 record.
On July 6, 2011, the first inspector general of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo, Jose Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, Penny sent the Office Number VG-I-726/2011 Alesi, in response to your complaint.
The office has two resolutions, both unsatisfactory for the victim.
The first operative paragraph gives the aggrieved testify about the case and provide evidence of their claims. While the second, simply orders the office to add record.
Here the text of the trade in question:
In view of the agreement issued on this same date, a signed, which states:''In the city of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, on July 6, two thousand eleven. SEEN: EI office PGJEjSZSjDGAp/1572j2011 number signed by the Director General of preliminary investigations of the Attorney General of the State, through which submits a report and copy of the inquiry initiated against number APjZSjCHEjOljSDj2410/7-2010 Jonathan Keith Idema of, attached to the profession, the report of the agent work that integrates such ministerial inquiry, in which he said dated June 17 two thousand eleven, was cited for the second time the alleged perpetrator, and that it was necessary to vent the declaration, as well as statements of two eyewitnesses. Because of this and given that this report meets with the request and forwarded the documentation to support it, plus the urgent need for further integration of the complaint, to be in a position to issue a determination in accordance with law appropriate. Accordingly, we find that the claimant complained to Penny Alesi this organization have been the victim of several crimes attributed to Jonathan Keith Idema, which were reported in the preliminary investigation already mentioned, and can not refer back to Mexico to continue the charges but want to be arrested, as well as provide a copy of his complaint to the ministerial agent, 'it was requested the respective report, in which the proceeding was yes answer has been given to such preliminary inquiry, in which as last diligence has been cited for the second time the suspect and indicated the need for two witnesses to the events, which, they felt they could properly integrate this investigation. Thus, based on Articles 49 and 51 fractions IV and 63 of the Act Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo, 18 and 21 paragraph d) the fourth paragraph of the Regulations of the Law of Human Rights Commission State of Quintana Roo, therefore, it is agreed: First: Give it a view of the complaining party for a period of three days from the day
In view of the agreement issued on this same date, a signed, which states:''In the city of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, on July 6, two thousand eleven. SEEN: EI office PGJEjSZSjDGAp/1572j2011 number signed by the Director General of preliminary investigations of the Attorney General of the State, through which submits a report and copy of the inquiry initiated against number APjZSjCHEjOljSDj2410/7-2010 Jonathan Keith Idema of, attached to the profession, the report of the agent work that integrates such ministerial inquiry, in which he said dated June 17 two thousand eleven, was cited for the second time the alleged perpetrator, and that it was necessary to vent the declaration, as well as statements of two eyewitnesses. Because of this and given that this report meets with the request and forwarded the documentation to support it, plus the urgent need for further integration of the complaint, to be in a position to issue a determination in accordance with law appropriate. Accordingly, we find that the claimant complained to Penny Alesi this organization have been the victim of several crimes attributed to Jonathan Keith Idema, which were reported in the preliminary investigation already mentioned, and can not refer back to Mexico to continue the charges but want to be arrested, as well as provide a copy of his complaint to the ministerial agent, 'it was requested the respective report, in which the proceeding was yes answer has been given to such preliminary inquiry, in which as last diligence has been cited for the second time the suspect and indicated the need for two witnesses to the events, which, they felt they could properly integrate this investigation. Thus, based on Articles 49 and 51 fractions IV and 63 of the Act Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo, 18 and 21 paragraph d) the fourth paragraph of the Regulations of the Law of Human Rights Commission State of Quintana Roo, therefore, it is agreed: First: Give it a view of the complaining party for a period of three days from the day following the notification of this agreement to the effect that he expresses his right to appropriate, as well also within the same time provide evidence to dispute the report of the responsible authority, after this, with a report or not, give yourself a new account to provide the appropriate course. Second. Add this job to present the complaint file to make good in him, as legally appropriate. This was agreed and signed by the lawyer Jose Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, First Inspector General of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Quintana Roo.
The former wife of Jonathan Keith Idema said this trade from the United States through an email address, posted on November 9, 2011, Jose Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, the inspector general of Human Rights in Quintana Roo.
In this email, Penny Alesi expressed disappointment and anger over the lack of action CDHEQR, but above all, contribute data and evidence on their words
explain that your health condition, they have AIDS, can not come to Mexico for prosecution, but also afraid of being murdered by her former husband, whom she defines as an extremely dangerous man, carrying drugs and weapons.
And it also reminds the visitor-general of Human Rights, which he already knows that Idema has been spreading AIDS in Bacalar, where the ex-Green Beret now know, he lived until his last day alive.
However, there is another part that stands out in the mail from Penny Alesi, it suggests that visitor's own Human Rights played an important role in the impunity enjoyed Idema all this time ..
I find it completely deplorable, despicable and downright disrespectful that you cannot understand my case. I am ill, very ill. I have given you the name of my witness, Fabian Francisco Vazquez Gonzalez, with his phone number. Mr. Gonzalez called you himself to explain everything and even told you he has a demand against Idema. You have seen my charges. You know Idema gave me AIDS, you know I am not able to travel there or it will kill me. Yet, you do nothing. What is wrong with you? You know about Idema, you know he is there illegally, you know he is a war criminal, you know he has drugs & guns, you know he is giving out AIDS and he is very dangerous, yet you do nothing. I promise you, there are Americans & Mexicans that will see that justice will be served. I also promise you, that I will tell the media & everyone what part you have played in letting this criminal get away with the crime he committed against me. I hope God forgives you, because I won't.
The Inspector General of the CDHEQR, José Carlos Cortes Mugartegui, had to leave in October 2009, his position as judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Quintana Roo, after a fraud scandal for Bancomer in which he was involved, the do from a process by which, using its powers as a judge, judged partially favoring the company.
Derived from this, the businessman who promoted the suit against Bancomer, Carlos Parra Jimenez then asked the State Congress, to investigate the judges who participated in the fraud, a request that the Legislature came just before starting a process of renewal of judges of the Supreme Court.
On October 20 of that year, Congress ratified Quintana Roo only two Supreme Court judges, including Mugartegui Cortes was not, why was separated
This is a photo of the passport of former Green Beret:
This is a picture of Penny Alesi in the hospital, where he received treatment for his illness: AIDS
* All these pictures were provided by Penny Alesi own.
Alesi Penny's warning is clear. However, it is unknown whether either Idema disease spread beyond the inner circle of friends, for it is common knowledge that this man carried out at great expense holidays at his home in Bacalar.
No health authority of Quintana Roo has reported some inspection work on the subject there.
Nor is there any certainty who participated in the festivities, where it is said, used drugs and had sex massive.
While there is no health inspection in place, the question that prevails over time is transformed into an urban legend. One who realizes the experiences of "Rambo Bacalar."
Víctima del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (Sida) falleció en su domicilio en Bacalar, Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema, ex boina verde del ejército de Estados Unidos y caza recompensas, quien en agosto de 2010 fue denunciado por violencia intrafamiliar, violación, privación ilegal de la libertad personal y peligro para la salud de las personas, en agravio de su entonces pareja sentimental Penny Alesio, además de tener cuentas pendientes en su país por fraude. La muerte de esta persona fue reportada al número de emergencias 066, debido que sus amigos y familiares dejaron de frecuentarlo.
Diddier Felipe Vázquez Méndez, director general de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito en el municipio de Bacalar, señaló que el reporte fue hecho a través del número de emergencias 066, donde informaron que el cuerpo del ex militar estadounidense y caza recompensas se encontraba inerte dentro de su vivienda situada en el predio 509 de la avenida Costera de esa ciudad.
Mencionó el jefe policiaco que tenían conocimiento que Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema se encontraba en fase terminal por el Sida que padecía, por lo que se informó a la Embajada de Estados Unidos del deceso de esta persona, quien no tenía familiares cercanos y sus amigos dejaron de frecuentarlo.
Señaló que del deceso del estadounidense se hizo cargo el agente del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común y policías judiciales de Bacalar, que al término de sus diligencias trasladaron el cuerpo de “Jack” al anfiteatro del Servicio Médico Forense de Chetumal, en espera que su cuerpo sea reclamado por la Embajada de Estados Unidos o algún familiar.
Cabe señalar que a principios de agosto de 2010, Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema, fue denunciado ante el representante social por violencia intrafamiliar, violación, privación de la libertad personal y peligro para la salud de las personas, pues de las investigaciones que ha realizado la Policía Judicial se desprende que el acusado aparentemente es portador del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (Sida) y contagió a su pareja sentimental en ese entonces, Penny Alesio, quien lo demandó.
Penny Alesio, tras estos hechos, fue requerida por la Embajada de Estados Unidos en México, razón por la que de inmediato se regresó a su país, pero antes de esto en su declaración ministerial señaló que “Jack” la mantuvo privada de su libertad durante varios días en su residencia de Bacalar, donde la obligaba a sostener relaciones sexuales con él.
El vínculo que “Jack” tiene con las personas que la Policía Judicial investigaba a raíz de la denuncia de la mujer, era referente a las fiestas de índole sexual que realizaba en el interior de la propiedad número 509, en la avenida Costera de Bacalar, y por delitos en contra de la salud y seguridad de las personas, porque aparentemente este sujeto tenía Sida.
A principios de octubre de 2010, el ex boina verde y caza recompensas acusado de privar de su libertad a una estadounidense, estaba citado para comparecer y rendir su declaración ante el agente del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común de Bacalar, pero no se presentó, pues al parecer “Jack” abandonó su residencia y presuntamente se refugió en Belice con ayuda de una mujer identificada como Lynn Thomas, originaria de Chicago, quien tiene una propiedad en ese país caribeño.
Además, “Jack” estaba acusado en su país de origen de múltiples cargos por fraude, y era buscado por un investigador privado de nombre Bill Hagler, pues le estafó poco más de 100 mil dólares.
En Bacalar, Jack era propietario de la empresa de paseos en lancha Blue Lagoon, fue convicto en 2004 por haber coordinado una prisión privada en la que mantenía secuestrados bajo tortura a supuestos terroristas en Afganistán, donde operaba como caza recompensas, y fue liberado en abril de 2007 después de cumplir tres de los 10 años que le pusieron como sentencia, porque el gobierno afgano, encabezado por Hamid Karzai, le otorgó el perdón.
Después de eso, todo indica que vino a radicar a Bacalar, donde finalmente ayer su cuerpo fue encontrado sin vida en el interior de su vivienda.
Victim of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) died at his home in Bacalar, Jonathan Keith "Jack" Idema, a former Green Beret United States Army and bounty hunter, who in August 2010 was denounced by domestic violence, rape, unlawful personal freedom and danger to the health of people, to the detriment of his then girlfriend Penny Alesi, in addition to outstanding accounts in your country for fraud. The death of this person was reported to the emergency number 066, because their friends and family stopped frequenting.Diddi Felipe Vazquez Mendez, director general of Public Security and Traffic in the town of Bacalar, said the report was made through the 066 emergency number, which reported that the body of former U.S. military and bounty hunter was inert in its dwelling in the land 509 of the Costera Avenue in that city.He mentioned the police chief who knew that Jonathan Keith "Jack" Idema was terminally suffering from AIDS, as reported to the U.S. Embassy of the death of this person, who had no close relatives and friends ceased to haunt him.He noted that the death of the U.S. took over the prosecutor's Jurisdiction and judicial police Bacalar, that at the end of its proceedings moved the body of "Jack" at the amphitheater of the Forensic Medical Service Chetumal, pending your body be claimed by the U.S. Embassy or a family member.It should be noted that in early August 2010, Jonathan Keith "Jack" Idema, was reported to the social representative of domestic violence, rape, deprivation of personal liberty and danger to the health of people, because of the investigations carried out Judicial Police, it appears that the defendant apparently carries the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and spread to his girlfriend at the time, Penny Alesio, who sued him.Penny Alesio, after these events, was required by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, which is why he immediately returned home, but prior to this in his ministerial statement said that "Jack" kept deprived of their liberty for several days at his home in Bacalar, where he forced her to have sex with him.The link "Jack" has with the Judicial Police who investigated the complaint following the woman was referring to the holidays of a sexual nature performed within the property number 509, on Avenue Costera de Bacalar, and crimes against health and safety of people, because apparently this guy had AIDS.In early October 2010, the Green Beret and former bounty hunter charged with deprivation of their freedom to an American, was summoned to appear and testify before the prosecutor of the Common Jurisdiction of Bacalar, but are not presented because apparently "Jack" and allegedly left his residence in Belize took refuge with the help of a woman identified as Lynn Thomas, originally from Chicago, who owns property in the Caribbean country.In addition, "Jack" was accused in his country of origin of multiple counts of fraud, and was wanted for a private investigator named Bill Hagler, because he cheated a little over $ 100 000.In Bacalar, Jack owned company Blue Lagoon boat rides, was convicted in 2004 for coordinating private prison where hostages held under torture to suspected terrorists in Afghanistan, where it operated as a bounty hunter, and was released in April 2007 after serving three of the 10 years that began as a sentence, because the Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai, was granted a pardon.After that, everything indicates that came to lie to Bacalar, where yesterday his body was finally found dead inside their home.
Fayetteville con man reportedly dead in Mexico
Published in: Crime/Safety
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Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema, the con man extraordinaire from Fayetteville who spent years in an Afghan prison for running a private jail and torture chamber while claiming to be a secret Pentagon operative, has reportedly died in Mexico.
His death at age 55 marks the end of perhaps the most colorful, unpleasant and self-dramatizing character to tread North Carolina soil since Blackbeard.
Idema was a former soldier who reinvented himself repeatedly as he ran cons from Fayetteville to Uzbekistan. At various times he claimed to be a businessman, author, “superpatriot” terrorist hunter, drug and gun smuggler, bodyguard, security consultant, CIA paramilitary operator, Pentagon-backed special operator and, finally, charter boat captain.
The cause of death was complications from AIDS, according to local newspaper reports in Mexico and a former girlfriend, Penny Alessi, who was in contact with him until days before his death.
He apparently succumbed several days ago, but a U.S. State Department official in Washington said the government has not been able to confirm his death. A consulate official in Merida, Mexico, said the office is being careful because they’ve had trouble confirming his identity.
They are hardly the first.
Idema was born and raised in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and enlisted in the Army after high school. He served with the Special Forces from 1975 to 1978, according to his military record, and was then discharged from active duty.
He eventually went into the paintball equipment business in Fayetteville and began selling military-style clothing.
In 1994, he was convicted of fraud in U.S. District court for using a shell company to bilk suppliers of items valued at more than $200,000.
He served four years in prison, and there started a lasting pattern: He claimed that he had been set up by a government agency, this time the FBI.
According to records, he was charged with more than three dozen other crimes in North Carolina, among them assault on a female, assault with a deadly weapon, passing worthless checks, assault by pointing a gun and reckless driving.
Until his death, he was still wanted in Wake County for impersonating a law enforcement officer during a 2004 traffic stop.
In late 2001, he popped up in Afghanistan, claiming to be, variously, a humanitarian aid worker, CIA operative and hired advisor to the Northern Alliance forces who fought with U.S. troops against the Taliban.
He conned one Afghan warlord into believing that he was training some of the warlord’s men on behalf of the U.S. government, then instead rented their services to journalists who needed security details.
Several journalists were taken in by his offers of information and security, and he successfully used his fake covert operator act to woo at least a few female journalists, said Robert Young Pelton, author of “Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror.” The book includes a chapter on Idema that plays almost like comic relief amidst tales of mercenaries.
Eventually his play-acting in Afghanistan took a more serious turn than just hoodwinking Dan Rather or foisting fake Taliban training video on cable news producers.
At some point, he and a rag-tag band of followers he dubbed Task Force Saber 7, began kidnapping innocent Afghan “terror suspects” and torturing them, ostensibly to find the location of Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders.
In 2004, Afghan authorities arrested him and two American accomplices, Brent Bennett, another former soldier from Fayetteville, and Ed Caraballo, a freelance videographer.
In an Afghan court, Idema claimed that he had been operating with the support and knowledge of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other American officials.
U.S. and Afghan officials repeatedly said he had been operating on his own.
The trio was convicted of kidnapping and torture, and they were sent to Pul-e-Charkhi prison outside Kabul.
It’s one of the most notorious prisons in the world because of the dangerous inmates and harsh conditions. Idema, though, somehow managed to land in an apartment-style cell with luxurious carpets, satellite television and a private bathroom and dining area. He had a pet dog, a phone and access to the internet, which he used to make more mischief, tormenting his enemies and threatening legal action.
He was supposed to serve 10 years, but President Hamid Karzai commuted his sentence 2007.
Idema had collected a handful of supporters in the United States, and one, an attorney, filed suit against the federal government, accusing the State Department and FBI of gaming the Afghan judicial and prison systems to get Idema convicted and tortured.
It was just one of many lawsuits filed by Idema or on his behalf.
Idema sued CBS. He sued Steven Spielberg's studio, claiming a movie starring George Clooney was an unauthorized version of his story. He sued people with whom he stored the remnants of his military gear company.
He sued enemies, he threatened friends. At one point, he even sued his own father, who is now dead.
When he got out of the Afghan prison, Idema still had warrants out for his arrest in North Carolina and also feared shadowy federal charges if he was caught in the United States. Instead of coming home, said Alessi, his former girlfriend, he went to Dubai, where he began trying to pull together a drug and arms smuggling operation. Then he moved to Mexico.
There, he settled in a Middle East-turreted house and began running a charter boat for tourists.
Idema reinvented himself not only repeatedly but well, said Pelton.
And much of the Idema story would be funny if only he hadn’t left a trail of damaged lives as he scammed his way around the world, Pelton said.
“He would meet somebody that he needed, or wanted to be like, like (author) Robin Moore, then absorb all their mannerisms, words and the way they dressed,” he said.
It worked in part because he was highly intelligent, Pelton said. Few con artists could worm their way into helping Moore, the author of “The Green Berets,” write a book.
And few could come up with such strong legal arguments for so many spurious causes, he said.
Indeed, Alessi said, Idema wrote nearly all of the legal filings that he was involved with.
“I know, because I sat there and watched him,” she said. “Then the lawyers would just sign off on them.”
Alessi said that Idema’s problems went beyond criminality, that he had to be mentally ill because he seemed to believe his own made-up stories.
“At one point, I was talking with him on the phone, and he was said he didn’t have AIDS, that it was impossible because he had ‘superblood,’” she said
“He told the same stories again and again, and even if he was drunk and stoned out of his mind, the details were always exactly the same, because he really believed these things, even that ‘superblood’ stuff,” Alessi said.
When he got to Mexico, Alessi, who had begun corresponding with Idema online while he was locked in the Afghan prison, began spending time with him in the turreted house.
In his last few years, she said, as he began to fall apart from the effects of his illness and epic drug and alcohol use, his extraordinary skills got scrambled and he couldn’t stick to just one fake persona.
For the public, he played the daytime role of a tour boat operator known as “Captain Black Jack,” modeled after “The Pirates of the Caribbean” movie character played by Johnny Depp.
At home, he lounged in Arab robes, a cut-rate Lawrence of Arabia. A pirate flag wafted from house’s minaret-like turret.
He would often go on round-the-clock vodka-and cocaine-fueled binges while playing Arab music, the sound track of “Apocalypse Now” or Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” nonstop, said Alessi.
To the end, one of Idema’s biggest fears was not being taken seriously. In late 2010 after The News & Observer ran a story that dubbed him “a walking parody of U.S. foreign policy,” a reporter reached Idema on his cell phone. The often charming sociopath loosed a fusillade of active verb-laden profanity and threats.
“I’ll come up there and put a bullet in your ... head,” he concluded. “You’ve got no … idea who you are (messing) with.”
Which was true.
It will probably always be unclear who, exactly, Jonathan Keith Idema really was.
“The question,” Pelton said, “is who that one person is who he actually told the truth to?
“Was there even one?”
His death at age 55 marks the end of perhaps the most colorful, unpleasant and self-dramatizing character to tread North Carolina soil since Blackbeard.
Idema was a former soldier who reinvented himself repeatedly as he ran cons from Fayetteville to Uzbekistan. At various times he claimed to be a businessman, author, “superpatriot” terrorist hunter, drug and gun smuggler, bodyguard, security consultant, CIA paramilitary operator, Pentagon-backed special operator and, finally, charter boat captain.
The cause of death was complications from AIDS, according to local newspaper reports in Mexico and a former girlfriend, Penny Alessi, who was in contact with him until days before his death.
He apparently succumbed several days ago, but a U.S. State Department official in Washington said the government has not been able to confirm his death. A consulate official in Merida, Mexico, said the office is being careful because they’ve had trouble confirming his identity.
They are hardly the first.
Idema was born and raised in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and enlisted in the Army after high school. He served with the Special Forces from 1975 to 1978, according to his military record, and was then discharged from active duty.
He eventually went into the paintball equipment business in Fayetteville and began selling military-style clothing.
In 1994, he was convicted of fraud in U.S. District court for using a shell company to bilk suppliers of items valued at more than $200,000.
He served four years in prison, and there started a lasting pattern: He claimed that he had been set up by a government agency, this time the FBI.
According to records, he was charged with more than three dozen other crimes in North Carolina, among them assault on a female, assault with a deadly weapon, passing worthless checks, assault by pointing a gun and reckless driving.
Until his death, he was still wanted in Wake County for impersonating a law enforcement officer during a 2004 traffic stop.
In late 2001, he popped up in Afghanistan, claiming to be, variously, a humanitarian aid worker, CIA operative and hired advisor to the Northern Alliance forces who fought with U.S. troops against the Taliban.
He conned one Afghan warlord into believing that he was training some of the warlord’s men on behalf of the U.S. government, then instead rented their services to journalists who needed security details.
Several journalists were taken in by his offers of information and security, and he successfully used his fake covert operator act to woo at least a few female journalists, said Robert Young Pelton, author of “Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror.” The book includes a chapter on Idema that plays almost like comic relief amidst tales of mercenaries.
Eventually his play-acting in Afghanistan took a more serious turn than just hoodwinking Dan Rather or foisting fake Taliban training video on cable news producers.
At some point, he and a rag-tag band of followers he dubbed Task Force Saber 7, began kidnapping innocent Afghan “terror suspects” and torturing them, ostensibly to find the location of Osama bin Laden and other terrorist leaders.
In 2004, Afghan authorities arrested him and two American accomplices, Brent Bennett, another former soldier from Fayetteville, and Ed Caraballo, a freelance videographer.
In an Afghan court, Idema claimed that he had been operating with the support and knowledge of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other American officials.
U.S. and Afghan officials repeatedly said he had been operating on his own.
The trio was convicted of kidnapping and torture, and they were sent to Pul-e-Charkhi prison outside Kabul.
It’s one of the most notorious prisons in the world because of the dangerous inmates and harsh conditions. Idema, though, somehow managed to land in an apartment-style cell with luxurious carpets, satellite television and a private bathroom and dining area. He had a pet dog, a phone and access to the internet, which he used to make more mischief, tormenting his enemies and threatening legal action.
He was supposed to serve 10 years, but President Hamid Karzai commuted his sentence 2007.
Idema had collected a handful of supporters in the United States, and one, an attorney, filed suit against the federal government, accusing the State Department and FBI of gaming the Afghan judicial and prison systems to get Idema convicted and tortured.
It was just one of many lawsuits filed by Idema or on his behalf.
Idema sued CBS. He sued Steven Spielberg's studio, claiming a movie starring George Clooney was an unauthorized version of his story. He sued people with whom he stored the remnants of his military gear company.
He sued enemies, he threatened friends. At one point, he even sued his own father, who is now dead.
When he got out of the Afghan prison, Idema still had warrants out for his arrest in North Carolina and also feared shadowy federal charges if he was caught in the United States. Instead of coming home, said Alessi, his former girlfriend, he went to Dubai, where he began trying to pull together a drug and arms smuggling operation. Then he moved to Mexico.
There, he settled in a Middle East-turreted house and began running a charter boat for tourists.
Idema reinvented himself not only repeatedly but well, said Pelton.
And much of the Idema story would be funny if only he hadn’t left a trail of damaged lives as he scammed his way around the world, Pelton said.
“He would meet somebody that he needed, or wanted to be like, like (author) Robin Moore, then absorb all their mannerisms, words and the way they dressed,” he said.
It worked in part because he was highly intelligent, Pelton said. Few con artists could worm their way into helping Moore, the author of “The Green Berets,” write a book.
And few could come up with such strong legal arguments for so many spurious causes, he said.
Indeed, Alessi said, Idema wrote nearly all of the legal filings that he was involved with.
“I know, because I sat there and watched him,” she said. “Then the lawyers would just sign off on them.”
Alessi said that Idema’s problems went beyond criminality, that he had to be mentally ill because he seemed to believe his own made-up stories.
“At one point, I was talking with him on the phone, and he was said he didn’t have AIDS, that it was impossible because he had ‘superblood,’” she said
“He told the same stories again and again, and even if he was drunk and stoned out of his mind, the details were always exactly the same, because he really believed these things, even that ‘superblood’ stuff,” Alessi said.
When he got to Mexico, Alessi, who had begun corresponding with Idema online while he was locked in the Afghan prison, began spending time with him in the turreted house.
In his last few years, she said, as he began to fall apart from the effects of his illness and epic drug and alcohol use, his extraordinary skills got scrambled and he couldn’t stick to just one fake persona.
For the public, he played the daytime role of a tour boat operator known as “Captain Black Jack,” modeled after “The Pirates of the Caribbean” movie character played by Johnny Depp.
At home, he lounged in Arab robes, a cut-rate Lawrence of Arabia. A pirate flag wafted from house’s minaret-like turret.
He would often go on round-the-clock vodka-and cocaine-fueled binges while playing Arab music, the sound track of “Apocalypse Now” or Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” nonstop, said Alessi.
To the end, one of Idema’s biggest fears was not being taken seriously. In late 2010 after The News & Observer ran a story that dubbed him “a walking parody of U.S. foreign policy,” a reporter reached Idema on his cell phone. The often charming sociopath loosed a fusillade of active verb-laden profanity and threats.
“I’ll come up there and put a bullet in your ... head,” he concluded. “You’ve got no … idea who you are (messing) with.”
Which was true.
It will probably always be unclear who, exactly, Jonathan Keith Idema really was.
“The question,” Pelton said, “is who that one person is who he actually told the truth to?
“Was there even one?”
The American traitor Jack Idema died this morning in Mexico from AIDS.
A news report from Mexico confirms that Idema is dead.
A confidential informant reports to this writer that Idema died a very painful death and was abandoned for the last week of his life by his Mexican lackeys when the money ran out.
The Casa Arabi resort that was owned by Idema, and where he died this morning, was said to have been looted and stripped of anything valuable, while Idema lay dying on a filthy blood stained bed vainly begging the looters for food, drink and pain killers.
Idema weighed 98 pounds at death, covered with purple lesions (Kaposi's Sarcoma) and had pus sores (herpes) all over his genitals and thighs. It was his heroin supplier who found him dead in bed with vomit and feces around him.
It is not clear what happened to the body, but there are unconfirmed reports that it has been thrown into the street and was eaten by wild dogs.
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!
As Mayor of the Munchkin City, In the County of the Land of Oz, I welcome you most regally.
But we've got to verify it legally, to see
To see?
If she
If she?
Is morally, ethic'lly
Father No.1
Spiritually, physically
Father No. 2
Positively, absolutely
Undeniably and reliably Dead
As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her.
And she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead.
Then this is a day of Independence For all the Munchkins and their descendants
If any.
Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked Old Witch at last is dead!
The Mexican news report reprinted (Just in case it disappears)
Mencionó el jefe policiaco que tenían conocimiento que Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema se encontraba en fase terminal por el Sida que padecía, por lo que se informó a la Embajada de Estados Unidos del deceso de esta persona, quien no tenía familiares cercanos y sus amigos dejaron de frecuentarlo.
Señaló que del deceso del estadounidense se hizo cargo el agente del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común y policías judiciales de Bacalar, que al término de sus diligencias trasladaron el cuerpo de “Jack” al anfiteatro del Servicio Médico Forense de Chetumal, en espera que su cuerpo sea reclamado por la Embajada de Estados Unidos o algún familiar.
Cabe señalar que a principios de agosto de 2010, Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema, fue denunciado ante el representante social por violencia intrafamiliar, violación, privación de la libertad personal y peligro para la salud de las personas, pues de las investigaciones que ha realizado la Policía Judicial se desprende que el acusado aparentemente es portador del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (Sida) y contagió a su pareja sentimental en ese entonces, Penny Alesio, quien lo demandó.
Penny Alesio, tras estos hechos, fue requerida por la Embajada de Estados Unidos en México, razón por la que de inmediato se regresó a su país, pero antes de esto en su declaración ministerial señaló que “Jack” la mantuvo privada de su libertad durante varios días en su residencia de Bacalar, donde la obligaba a sostener relaciones sexuales con él.
El vínculo que “Jack” tiene con las personas que la Policía Judicial investigaba a raíz de la denuncia de la mujer, era referente a las fiestas de índole sexual que realizaba en el interior de la propiedad número 509, en la avenida Costera de Bacalar, y por delitos en contra de la salud y seguridad de las personas, porque aparentemente este sujeto tenía Sida.
A principios de octubre de 2010, el ex boina verde y caza recompensas acusado de privar de su libertad a una estadounidense, estaba citado para comparecer y rendir su declaración ante el agente del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común de Bacalar, pero no se presentó, pues al parecer “Jack” abandonó su residencia y presuntamente se refugió en Belice con ayuda de una mujer identificada como Lynn Thomas, originaria de Chicago, quien tiene una propiedad en ese país caribeño.
Además, “Jack” estaba acusado en su país de origen de múltiples cargos por fraude, y era buscado por un investigador privado de nombre Bill Hagler, pues le estafó poco más de 100 mil dólares.
En Bacalar, Jack era propietario de la empresa de paseos en lancha Blue Lagoon, fue convicto en 2004 por haber coordinado una prisión privada en la que mantenía secuestrados bajo tortura a supuestos terroristas en Afganistán, donde operaba como caza recompensas, y fue liberado en abril de 2007 después de cumplir tres de los 10 años que le pusieron como sentencia, porque el gobierno afgano, encabezado por Hamid Karzai, le otorgó el perdón.
Después de eso, todo indica que vino a radicar a Bacalar, donde finalmente ayer su cuerpo fue encontrado sin vida en el interior de su vivienda.
A news report from Mexico confirms that Idema is dead.
A confidential informant reports to this writer that Idema died a very painful death and was abandoned for the last week of his life by his Mexican lackeys when the money ran out.
The Casa Arabi resort that was owned by Idema, and where he died this morning, was said to have been looted and stripped of anything valuable, while Idema lay dying on a filthy blood stained bed vainly begging the looters for food, drink and pain killers.
Idema weighed 98 pounds at death, covered with purple lesions (Kaposi's Sarcoma) and had pus sores (herpes) all over his genitals and thighs. It was his heroin supplier who found him dead in bed with vomit and feces around him.
It is not clear what happened to the body, but there are unconfirmed reports that it has been thrown into the street and was eaten by wild dogs.
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. She's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead!
As Mayor of the Munchkin City, In the County of the Land of Oz, I welcome you most regally.
But we've got to verify it legally, to see
To see?
If she
If she?
Is morally, ethic'lly
Father No.1
Spiritually, physically
Father No. 2
Positively, absolutely
Undeniably and reliably Dead
As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her.
And she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead.
Then this is a day of Independence For all the Munchkins and their descendants
If any.
Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked Old Witch at last is dead!
The Mexican news report reprinted (Just in case it disappears)
Víctima de Sida, en su domicilio de Bacalar: Notifican a embajada de EU

Víctima del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (Sida) falleció en su domicilio en Bacalar, Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema, ex boina verde del ejército de Estados Unidos y caza recompensas, quien en agosto de 2010 fue denunciado por violencia intrafamiliar, violación, privación ilegal de la libertad personal y peligro para la salud de las personas, en agravio de su entonces pareja sentimental Penny Alesio, además de tener cuentas pendientes en su país por fraude. La muerte de esta persona fue reportada al número de emergencias 066, debido que sus amigos y familiares dejaron de frecuentarlo.
Diddier Felipe Vázquez Méndez, director general de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito en el municipio de Bacalar, señaló que el reporte fue hecho a través del número de emergencias 066, donde informaron que el cuerpo del ex militar estadounidense y caza recompensas se encontraba inerte dentro de su vivienda situada en el predio 509 de la avenida Costera de esa ciudad.Mencionó el jefe policiaco que tenían conocimiento que Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema se encontraba en fase terminal por el Sida que padecía, por lo que se informó a la Embajada de Estados Unidos del deceso de esta persona, quien no tenía familiares cercanos y sus amigos dejaron de frecuentarlo.
Señaló que del deceso del estadounidense se hizo cargo el agente del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común y policías judiciales de Bacalar, que al término de sus diligencias trasladaron el cuerpo de “Jack” al anfiteatro del Servicio Médico Forense de Chetumal, en espera que su cuerpo sea reclamado por la Embajada de Estados Unidos o algún familiar.
Cabe señalar que a principios de agosto de 2010, Jonathan Keith “Jack” Idema, fue denunciado ante el representante social por violencia intrafamiliar, violación, privación de la libertad personal y peligro para la salud de las personas, pues de las investigaciones que ha realizado la Policía Judicial se desprende que el acusado aparentemente es portador del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (Sida) y contagió a su pareja sentimental en ese entonces, Penny Alesio, quien lo demandó.
Penny Alesio, tras estos hechos, fue requerida por la Embajada de Estados Unidos en México, razón por la que de inmediato se regresó a su país, pero antes de esto en su declaración ministerial señaló que “Jack” la mantuvo privada de su libertad durante varios días en su residencia de Bacalar, donde la obligaba a sostener relaciones sexuales con él.
El vínculo que “Jack” tiene con las personas que la Policía Judicial investigaba a raíz de la denuncia de la mujer, era referente a las fiestas de índole sexual que realizaba en el interior de la propiedad número 509, en la avenida Costera de Bacalar, y por delitos en contra de la salud y seguridad de las personas, porque aparentemente este sujeto tenía Sida.
A principios de octubre de 2010, el ex boina verde y caza recompensas acusado de privar de su libertad a una estadounidense, estaba citado para comparecer y rendir su declaración ante el agente del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común de Bacalar, pero no se presentó, pues al parecer “Jack” abandonó su residencia y presuntamente se refugió en Belice con ayuda de una mujer identificada como Lynn Thomas, originaria de Chicago, quien tiene una propiedad en ese país caribeño.
Además, “Jack” estaba acusado en su país de origen de múltiples cargos por fraude, y era buscado por un investigador privado de nombre Bill Hagler, pues le estafó poco más de 100 mil dólares.
En Bacalar, Jack era propietario de la empresa de paseos en lancha Blue Lagoon, fue convicto en 2004 por haber coordinado una prisión privada en la que mantenía secuestrados bajo tortura a supuestos terroristas en Afganistán, donde operaba como caza recompensas, y fue liberado en abril de 2007 después de cumplir tres de los 10 años que le pusieron como sentencia, porque el gobierno afgano, encabezado por Hamid Karzai, le otorgó el perdón.
Después de eso, todo indica que vino a radicar a Bacalar, donde finalmente ayer su cuerpo fue encontrado sin vida en el interior de su vivienda.
Victim of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) died at his home in Bacalar, Jonathan Keith "Jack" Idema, a former Green Beret United States Army and bounty hunter, who in August 2010 was denounced by domestic violence, rape, unlawful personal freedom and danger to the health of people, to the detriment of his then girlfriend Penny Alesi, in addition to outstanding accounts in your country for fraud. The death of this person was reported to the emergency number 066, because their friends and family stopped frequenting.Diddi Felipe Vazquez Mendez, director general of Public Security and Traffic in the town of Bacalar, said the report was made through the 066 emergency number, which reported that the body of former U.S. military and bounty hunter was inert in its dwelling in the land 509 of the Costera Avenue in that city.He mentioned the police chief who knew that Jonathan Keith "Jack" Idema was terminally suffering from AIDS, as reported to the U.S. Embassy of the death of this person, who had no close relatives and friends ceased to haunt him.He noted that the death of the U.S. took over the prosecutor's Jurisdiction and judicial police Bacalar, that at the end of its proceedings moved the body of "Jack" at the amphitheater of the Forensic Medical Service Chetumal, pending your body be claimed by the U.S. Embassy or a family member.It should be noted that in early August 2010, Jonathan Keith "Jack" Idema, was reported to the social representative of domestic violence, rape, deprivation of personal liberty and danger to the health of people, because of the investigations carried out Judicial Police, it appears that the defendant apparently carries the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and spread to his girlfriend at the time, Penny Alesio, who sued him.Penny Alesio, after these events, was required by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, which is why he immediately returned home, but prior to this in his ministerial statement said that "Jack" kept deprived of their liberty for several days at his home in Bacalar, where he forced her to have sex with him.The link "Jack" has with the Judicial Police who investigated the complaint following the woman was referring to the holidays of a sexual nature performed within the property number 509, on Avenue Costera de Bacalar, and crimes against health and safety of people, because apparently this guy had AIDS.In early October 2010, the Green Beret and former bounty hunter charged with deprivation of their freedom to an American, was summoned to appear and testify before the prosecutor of the Common Jurisdiction of Bacalar, but are not presented because apparently "Jack" and allegedly left his residence in Belize took refuge with the help of a woman identified as Lynn Thomas, originally from Chicago, who owns property in the Caribbean country.In addition, "Jack" was accused in his country of origin of multiple counts of fraud, and was wanted for a private investigator named Bill Hagler, because he cheated a little over $ 100 000.In Bacalar, Jack owned company Blue Lagoon boat rides, was convicted in 2004 for coordinating private prison where hostages held under torture to suspected terrorists in Afghanistan, where it operated as a bounty hunter, and was released in April 2007 after serving three of the 10 years that began as a sentence, because the Afghan government led by Hamid Karzai, was granted a pardon.After that, everything indicates that came to lie to Bacalar, where yesterday his body was finally found dead inside their home.
Dear Ronbo:
The "Amparo" legal writ from a Mexican court only protects Idema from arrest while he is in residence at his home. Hence, when he came to his senses in a hospital at 12:30 a.m. last Tuesday, he departed in haste and made his way back to his Casa Arabi Sex Resort, where he is ill and dying.
Jack Idema has become skin and bones with purple lesions all over his body, and in the words of his Mexican doctor, "mucho loco" - very crazy. This physician also claims he has a bad drug addiction to Nalbufina that he injects several times a day. When the doctor refused to give him this drug at the hospital, Idema begged him for mercy. The physician's medical opinion was that Idema is terminal and could die at any time.
Elaine Roach, the new Idema girlfriend and cash cow, has fled to Sarnia, Canada to escape the Casa Arabia Sex Resort madness after being briefed by Mexican medical personnel in regards to Idema's terminal AIDS condition. Ms. Roach is said to be concerned that she has been infected with HIV One and Two by Idema and is very concerned that Canadian socialized medicine offers few options for treatment. A friend has suggested she fly to San Francisco, California for treatment, as no one in the world has ever been turned down for necessary free medical care in America's Most Liberal Paradise.
The more I learn I'll let you know.
Please post this update on your blog, as your articles are being read by Idema, who has destroyed several computers in rage about the truth being published about the self appointed "Super Patriot" dying of a disease he thinks he doesn't have because of his "magic blood."
The "Amparo" legal writ from a Mexican court only protects Idema from arrest while he is in residence at his home. Hence, when he came to his senses in a hospital at 12:30 a.m. last Tuesday, he departed in haste and made his way back to his Casa Arabi Sex Resort, where he is ill and dying.
Jack Idema has become skin and bones with purple lesions all over his body, and in the words of his Mexican doctor, "mucho loco" - very crazy. This physician also claims he has a bad drug addiction to Nalbufina that he injects several times a day. When the doctor refused to give him this drug at the hospital, Idema begged him for mercy. The physician's medical opinion was that Idema is terminal and could die at any time.
Elaine and Tony Roach in married times
Elaine Roach, the new Idema girlfriend and cash cow, has fled to Sarnia, Canada to escape the Casa Arabia Sex Resort madness after being briefed by Mexican medical personnel in regards to Idema's terminal AIDS condition. Ms. Roach is said to be concerned that she has been infected with HIV One and Two by Idema and is very concerned that Canadian socialized medicine offers few options for treatment. A friend has suggested she fly to San Francisco, California for treatment, as no one in the world has ever been turned down for necessary free medical care in America's Most Liberal Paradise.
The more I learn I'll let you know.
Please post this update on your blog, as your articles are being read by Idema, who has destroyed several computers in rage about the truth being published about the self appointed "Super Patriot" dying of a disease he thinks he doesn't have because of his "magic blood."

This author has received information from a confidential informant that self styled "Super Patriot" Jack Idema was been taken by ambulance to a hospital in Chetumal, Mexico this morning and is expected to die soon of AIDS.
If this information is correct, it would mark the second time in less than a month that Idema has been hospitalized with serious AIDS related illnesses. The first health emergency happened on December 19, 2011, when Mexican paramedics were called to his Casa Arabi Sex Resort. The medics were able to stabilize Idema's condition and he was transported to a local hospital, where he recovered in time for the holidays and was discharged.
The Mexican consulate in New York City has confirmed this report is true, but no word yet from the Mexican Embassy in Washington, D.C.
It is also reported that Idema has a new female partner who has been identified as Elaine Roach (nationality not known) who has acted as his lover, nurse and "Sugar Momma" to bankroll his lifestyle and support his ongoing criminal activities. This new Idema groupie is reported to be in her 50s and "blond and very stupid." It would appear the two met as neighbors in Mexico when Elaine was married, but a sexual relationship developed despite the fact she had been given a certified copy of Idema's medical report that confirmed he had AIDS.
Idema's last wish was to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors as "a highly decorated Special Forces combat veteran." The Department of Army information office at the Pentagon declined to comment on Idema's last request, but did say that burial space at Arlington was "very restricted" and that his humble entreaty very likely would not be granted by the Army Chief of Staff.
Address of Idema's Hospital:
Public medical institution.
Avenida Andrés Quintana Roo #399 Col Centro
Phone (983) 832 1932
This author has received information from a confidential informant that self styled "Super Patriot" Jack Idema was been taken by ambulance to a hospital in Chetumal, Mexico this morning and is expected to die soon of AIDS.
If this information is correct, it would mark the second time in less than a month that Idema has been hospitalized with serious AIDS related illnesses. The first health emergency happened on December 19, 2011, when Mexican paramedics were called to his Casa Arabi Sex Resort. The medics were able to stabilize Idema's condition and he was transported to a local hospital, where he recovered in time for the holidays and was discharged.
The Mexican consulate in New York City has confirmed this report is true, but no word yet from the Mexican Embassy in Washington, D.C.
It is also reported that Idema has a new female partner who has been identified as Elaine Roach (nationality not known) who has acted as his lover, nurse and "Sugar Momma" to bankroll his lifestyle and support his ongoing criminal activities. This new Idema groupie is reported to be in her 50s and "blond and very stupid." It would appear the two met as neighbors in Mexico when Elaine was married, but a sexual relationship developed despite the fact she had been given a certified copy of Idema's medical report that confirmed he had AIDS.
Idema's last wish was to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors as "a highly decorated Special Forces combat veteran." The Department of Army information office at the Pentagon declined to comment on Idema's last request, but did say that burial space at Arlington was "very restricted" and that his humble entreaty very likely would not be granted by the Army Chief of Staff.
Address of Idema's Hospital:
Public medical institution.
Avenida Andrés Quintana Roo #399 Col Centro
Phone (983) 832 1932
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Jack Idema is nearing the end of his epic run of destruction that have left in his wake dead bodies and the broken lives of countless victims. The least fortunate of these his victims are dying slow and painful deaths from the horrible disease of AIDS. This is tantamount to a death sentence Idema knowingly and willing gave to numerous innocent people.
The Roman circus days of endless Idema litigation are nearing an end as well. The main reason is lack of funds, as his once vast financial resources are almost spent to the last dollar. Idema now operates in an environment where many millions of people the all over the world know of his infamy and will not do business with him. Still others have joined together into an informal alliance named the "Enemies of Idema" (EOI) who document his crimes and alert law enforcement on Idema's activities that are updated weekly. However, there are indications that the EOI have done more than documentation and reporting criminal activities.The number of the EOIs are large and growing daily, an international cast of Freedom Fighters who have decided enough is enough, and that Idema's command must be terminated with extreme prejudice. It is hoped this can happen by means of the legal system in either Mexico or the United States. In the event the authorities cannot or will not move against Idema, the way is clear for the ancient "law of the vendetta" to avenge his many victims.
Idema thinks he is protected in Mexico by his "Amparo" that allegedly puts him off limits from legal sanction, and his "friendship" with a corrupt Islamist Mexican Senator. The major problem here is that such protection and friendship in the anarchy that is Mexico can only be purchased at a high price for a limited time. When the money runs out, so too does the protection and the friend.
The Plan B is the "Idema Fortress" at Bacalur, Mexico that is defended by the best in electronic security systems backed up by the deadly firepower of numerous fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles. But on closer examination, the "Idema Castle" is not very secure from assault. The major weakness is the lagoon, where an assault team could easily gain access at night and enter the compound in minutes. Another weakness of the Idema home defense Plan B is the fact that the layout of compound is well known to numerous people.
When briefed on the Idema "Last Stand" defense plans, a confidential source in the U.S. Navy SEALS told this writer, "It would take a SEAL Team fifteen minutes to either arrest or kill Idema - and 14 of those minutes spent laughing at his pathetic home defense." When asked if the U.S. Government had plans to assault Idema's compound, the SEAL smiled and said, "I cannot confirm or deny the SEALs have orders from the president to take down Idema, but I will say there would be no lack of volunteers for such a mission, so hated is Idema by the special forces community for his treason in Afghanistan."
Since anyone anywhere in the world who wants Idema arrested or dead can easily discover the layout, location and weakness of his Mexican hideout and defense plans, his only real defense is the loaded pistol and attack dog he keeps at his side 24/7. One wonders how well Idema sleeps at night in a part of the world where people are often murdered for the shoes on their feet, not to mention that Roman legion of EOI earned by Idema in a life of crime, each of whom would be proud to be known as, "The Man Who Shot Jack Idema" and collect "The Idema Bounty" of book deals and movie rights based on this highly patriotic act of justice.
A brief review of the recent EOI attempts to bring "The Super Patriot" to justice should begin with the "Idema Accident" of September, 2009, which may have been an assassination attempt. In any event, Idema was nearly killed and spent many weeks in painful recovery in a dirty Third World hospital. As is well known, the best way to murder someone is by making it look like the result of being in the wrong place at the right time. One wonder if the Idema's Christmas morning of 2011 will have fatal results by him being on the receiving end of that extra special Christmas gift under the tree for a "good little boy" from the EOI of a well aimed 5.56mm hollow point round to the head?
The alleged EOI assassination wounded the wolf, but failed to put him out of action. One would have thought Third World Mexican Medicine that has a long track record of killing otherwise healthy American in border towns, who shop a deal for oral surgery and die in the dentist chair. The only upside is the cheap Mexican funeral for $49.95 that includes professional mourners at no additional charge! The only reason why the EOI think Idema survived his rendezvous with certain Mexican Medicine Gringo Death was due to the fact that he was drug addicted and full of HIV infection. This latest EOI Idema Theory, set to print here for the first time, holds that an internal bodily civil war death game where the worst injury/disease got the honor of the kill ended in a draw - So Idema survived a car accident that would have easily killed a younger and more healthy man.
The EOI avenger shadow warriors, if they exist, would have the training and experience to cause a fatal accident anywhere in the world at anytime day or night are very bad news for Idema. But not to be forgotten are the vast resources and agencies of Big Government Homeland Security: FBI, ATF, CIA, State Department and Secret Service all have very good reasons to arrest, or terminate with extreme prejudice, Idema. The only thing needed for their respective teams of special operators to swing into action and make it happen is a "Finding" from President Obama. The chief executive officer of our republic is a hardcore socialist leader who has ordered the assassination of at least one American citizen, so perhaps Comrade Obama will order Idema "to be taken out" for a "bump" upward in his approval polls?
After all, if Idema is arrested and hauled before a federal court, he will quickly turn the august federal courtroom into an Abbie Hoffman style "Chicago 7" farce with himself in the role of "The Super Patriot" the mean old traitor Obama wants to "Get" for serving his country in Afghanistan and Mexico. Thus the federal authorities may see the fast track for terrorist career ending, "killed by officers of the law while reaching for his AK-47 a.k.a Osama bin Laden" would be the best final solution of the "Idema Problem."
There is another serious problem with federal prosecution of Idema - namely, what do you do with him after the trial sends him to prison? As is well known from past experience, putting Idema in any prison is like holding a wolf by the ears.
When imprisoned for three years in the U.S. federal BOP in 1994 to 1997, Idema quickly maneuvered his way into one of the most liberal penal institutions in the country, FCI Butner in North Carolina, the federal showcase institution where high roller prisoners like Idema were allowed the free run of the institution in street clothes, after "chilling out" in their Holiday Inn style private rooms at the Maryland Unit with half bath, executive desk and electric typewriter. Based on this experience, in Afghanistan's infamous Polacharki prison from 2004 to 2007, Idema felt free to upgrade himself (on the frequent prisoner Visa card bonus points, no doubt) to a Hilton style suite of rooms complete with private room, personal secretary, personal computer and Internet access via satellite communication where he made electronic warfare on the world.
In the late spring 2007 - no doubt as a result of an unstated "Gentleman's Agreement" between Idema, the American State Department and the Government of Afghanistan - the self styled "Super Patriot" was FORCED to leave his "Asian Hilton" with its ever popular Thursday night homosexual orgy that Idema always attended, inexpensive drugs and high speed Internet connection. Of course, the mentally challenged fans of "Super Patriot" blog were most disappointed to miss the latest chapter of Jack Idema's alleged "Hunt For Bin Laden" and rants at what the cruel world had done to JACK OF AFGHANISTAN for small crimes like treason, murder, torture, kidnapping, death threats and fraud.
While the many psycho friends of Idema were teary eyed and lost when their hero dropped out of sight for many months in 2007, the EOI, who were responsible for his arrest and imprisonment in Afghanistan, were busy searching for him. It would appear "Super Patriot" Idema had turned "Super Traitor" for certain plutocrat Persian Gulf Arabs for insider information on the war being waged against Islamists in Afghanistan. Also, the endless hours of Idema filmed video sold to them a very reasonable price on his private torture prison quickly became you tube favorites for Islamists and Socialists! Finally, there was the famous 2004 conversion to Islam by Idema, where he kissed The Koran on video before a packed Afghan courtroom and said, "I am a Muslim." Thus he became the humble follower of the psychopathic Prophet Mohammad, whose resume in many ways parallels that of Idema.
Then came the news flash - Idema had surfaced in Mexico! The reason? He faced immediate arrest if he attempted to enter America by way of a sealed indictment. It would appear someone in the U.S. Homeland Security had read, "The Man Without A Country," where the protagonist, a traitor in the employment of Aaron Burr, curses the United States of America at his trial and tells the judge, "I hope to never hear of the USA again!" They say be careful what you pray for, so the judge grants his request and for the rest of his life the protagonist is a prisoner on American warships on the high seas where the officers and crew are forbidden to tell him anything about America. When the warship is to return to home port in the States, the prisoner is placed on an outward bound American warship. This goes on for decades. The prisoner finally dies an old man and patriot leaving behind a pathetic journal read by his last captain and his crude hand made American flag.
Where to go in the world when a very big "Idema Not Welcome" sign is placed on the front door to the USA? "The Super Traitor" winged to Mexico, a popular destination for Islamists and Communists with serious bribe money. Mexico, for those of you living in Rio Linda and ignorant of history, is the country where Lenin's pal Trotsky met his end with the old Stalinist-ax-to-the-head-routine. This fact was well known to the EOI and flashed in several heads, who made serious inquiries on Craig's List for "Paladin: Have Gun Will Travel" types, especially in Mexico, were anyone can be killed at reduced rates by the Mexican drug cartels with American supplied Obama Regime M-4 fully automatic assault rifles.
Alas, Idema quickly became a steady customer of the drug dealers, but told the EOI to keep checking back from time to time, as their customers often became worth more dead than alive. If this happened they informed the EOI to be more than happy to "off" Idema, along with the corrupt Leftist city administration of the nearest Mexican town at no additional charge - Say what you will about the Mexican drug rings, but they are good businessmen!
One wonder if they'd be interested in "wet" business north of the border in American cities, especially in West Coast cities like San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle? The banning of plastic grocery bags by Big City Bolsheviks may have pushed patriots over the edge into assassination and revolution.
Idema still lives in 2011, albeit, in a pest hole in Mexico where the water is not safe to drink and the electric is on twelve hours per day. The upside is that he can stay AIDS thin and not very happy to his dying day in the Republic of Mexico, where the likes of Castro, Che and Trotsky had fun in the southern sun in previous decades. The downside is that the Mexicans have a bad habit of killing their former guests, especially the hated Yankee, once their money runs out. And El Jacko must be running short on the dinero as one con after another is destroyed by his EOI.
One wonders if the Mexicans gave charity to a poor, homeless gringo con man down on his luck? The Humphrey Bogart character proved they didn't in "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" when he was murder by "Gold Tooth" the Mexican bandit.

*The Lawyers, Judges and Defendants that he dragged through his court dramas. These members of the Court system are exhausted by his frivolous cases performed by his minion lawyers. The jig is up and Idema can no longer get away with writing up his own cases, filing them with the pass code electronically and having them printed. All the lawyers had to do was pick them up, file, serve and appear if necessary. And the Defendants still owed money from his stupid litigation antics are extremely upset because they all knew what was going on from the start.
Idema claims to have won these cases but the reality is he's lost all except four, and still owes money to the victims he kept in court for sport. There is the new crop of people pissed off that Idema had the nerve to replace his name over Robin Moore's on "The Hunt for Bin Laden" book, and then sell it on Kindle. Robin Moore is deceased; an easy target for Idema. The lies that Idema fed Robin Moore were the reason this book was pulled off the shelves. Idema stole the money from two of the charities listed in the back of the nonfiction fictional novel. When Robin Moore finally learned of Idema's evil ways, he immediately ended all relationship with Idema.
*The Mexicans who worked for Idema at his Casa Arabi fortress and homosexual orgy center have "demands" on him for back pay that he has never paid. They are also said to be very unhappy with their slavish treatment when they did worked for him. In the words of one former Mexican worker, "Idema was pharaoh and we were his Hebrew slaves."*The residents of Bacalar, Mexico where is Idema currently residing. They are upset over the shame he has brought upon "Pueblo Magico" that has hurt their tourism and idema's constant rants about the lack of public services have them fed up.
*The honest and patriotic members of the Mexican Army and Mexican Government who believe what Idema is a national security threat and want him gone. He is in Mexico illegally, and the government has their own problems with illegal aliens from Central America and certainly do not need a psychopath American among their people.
*The Clinica Carranza in Chetumal, which still hasn't received a cent from Idema they for saving his worthless life in the aftermath of the alleged EOI assassination attempt by car in 2009. The Chetumal and Bacalar Police Departments who are tired of all the bad publicity he brought with him. They are aware Ms. Alesi still has the charges pending against Idema for the crimes he committed against her, but cannot move against him for political reasons.
*The police in North Carolina and New York state that were duped by Idema. Family members and friends of his deceased Father, H J Idema.
Jack Idema disgraced his Father's legacy. He even made it impossible at first to even give the man a decent funeral. Idema left him on ice for two months while he was trying to figure out the best way to get the old man's money. When Idema was finally ready for the coup against his late father (all the assets were accounted for and hidden), he scheduled the memorial. During this two month period, Idema never came to pay his final respects to his dead father. It has now come to light that back in August 2008, Idema had set up a plan to have his Father beat up in his own home and make it look like a home invasion. This dastardly deed was done by thugs hired by Idema, who harassed the local police in New York state in a vain attempt to hide his involvement. Idema didn't expect his father to survive the assassination attempt, but when he did, the police were able to piece together the real deal from his testimony. When his Idema's father did eventually died from his wounds and natural causes, Idema made up a fraudulent will in conspiracy with his corrupt lawyers to have instant access to the assets without any of his creditors being paid to them what was due.
*The reporters and journalists that fell for Idema's bullshit in Afghanistan during 2001 to 2004 and ended up losing their jobs, homes, careers because of his lies.
*The coutless people who are now getting sick from AIDS that Idema knowingly and willing infected them. The gay community in Chetumal/Bacalar know about Idema and his homosexual partner Nancy intentionally infecting them.
*The many victims of Idema Internet crime like domain holder Tom B. who was registered under "Go Daddy." Tom parted ways with Idema in 2006, when he became convinced that he was pure evil and asked him to remove his name from all of Idema's criminal activities. This never happened and Idema used Tom's name as domain owner for the SAAC and Counter-Terrorism Group and Super Patriots websites. In addition, Idema continues to use Tom's signature without his permission by means of computer imaging. Idema, in order to hide his criminal projects on the Internet, has also used the name of "Michael Versace" - it is not known by the EOI at this point whether or not this is a fictional person created by Idema, or a real person he has co-opted for his own purpose.
The "Versace" persona has been used mostly for homosexual activities when Idema advertised on the Internet a Domegos, Oceans 7 Mexico, Oceans 11 Mexico, and Manhunt under user name "Chetumal 7."

How will it end for Idema: will he receive his execution from his many enemies, or die of natural causes by way of the deadly HIV literally eating him alive? This writer cannot help but think of the movie "Murder On The Orient Express" where all the suspects took part in the murder of a very bad man, quite deserving of his untimely end. When some sunny morning in Mexico the cold body of Idema is discovered full of wounds, the Mexican police will have a list of suspects from countries all over the world who wanted Idema dead.
SOURCE: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - This journalist claims press protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will not disclose his sources at their request.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Now that John Tiffany has had his law license temporarily suspended, what is Jack Idema to do?
Temporary Suspension Order
John E. Tiffany
John E. Tiffany
New Jersey Law Journal
October 19, 2011 The Disciplinary Review Board having filed with the Court pursuant to Rule 1:20-15(k) a recommendation in DRB 11-272, that JOHN E. TIFFANY of HACKENSACK, who was admitted to the bar of this State in 1992, be suspended from the practice of law and compelled to pay a monetary sanction to the Disciplinary Oversight Committee for failure to comply with the determination of the District VI Fee Arbitration Committee in Docket No.VI-2011-0346F, and good cause appearing...
Idema can’t use Tiffany’s letterhead for future litigation while hiding in Mexico thinking up new get-rich quick schemes. He is going to have to come up with some cash real soon. The next hearing involving William Hagler and Isabeau Dakota, is scheduled in Fayetteville, NC, on this date.
The Idema Fan Club hasn’t mentioned the ongoing court drama on their site. Maybe because Idema is losing. Idema is directing his legal team of Seth Neyhart and Thomas Stark, as well as writing up all the legal documents for them, which only need a signature. However, they still are in a nasty court battle. William London should just step in and take charge, but, of course, it would be a conflict of interest issue. Rightfully so. William London has over 13 corporations registered with him as the Registered Agent in North Carolina alone.
Four of these 13 corporations are controlled by Jack Idema:
Isabeau Dakota, Inc.
3095 Tango Aviation LLC
Star America Aviation Company LTD
Counter Group, Inc.
For Isabeau Dakota, the last annual report was filed on 12-19-08. Nothing since that date. This is odd considering there WAS income during that period. Harvest Ministries is still renting although Idema is trying to evict them. In regards to the other three businesses: NO ANNUAL REPORT HAS EVER BEEN FILED!
And of course, there is Walnut Hill Holdings, LLC registered in Delaware. The H J Idema Trust was originally under that group, but now to hide its remaining assets from creditors, so Idema is scurrying to find another option. He better hurry, the clock is ticking and the house of cards is finally about to fall.
This is not to mention local, state and federal taxes that will be due very shortly on the crumbling assets Idema has left.
SOURCE: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - This journalist claims press protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will not disclose his sources at their request.
SOURCE: CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - This journalist claims press protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will not disclose his sources at their request.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Infamous video gone viral showing Idema waterboarding suspected Al Qaeda members in an effort to find Bin Laden at his private prison in Afghanistan.
Recently on the Leftist blog Invictus with strong ties to the neo-Communist DAILY KOS, the charge is made that Jack Idema was employed by the U.S. Government as its "Torturer In Chief" in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2004.
The following video was posted at both LiveLeak.com and You Tube, and provides "a glimpse of what went on during interrogations of [Afghan] insurgents by Jonathan Idema," who worked in conjunction with NATO forces in Afghanistan "counterterror" operations.
Idema is a controversial figure. He was arrested by Afghan authorities in July 2004 in Kabul, where according to a New York Times report, he had been holding eight men prisoner. Some of these men "said they were kicked and beaten, had scalding water poured on them, and had their heads repeatedly dunked in a bucket of water." Idema was pardoned by Afghan President Karzai in March 2007. He had claimed all along that he was working at the behest of U.S. authorities. The U.S. denied this, though admittedly he did work with international forces on counterterrorism operations.
In a well-documented examination of his career at Wikipedia, Idema's connections with U.S. Special Forces is dissected. Idema's various disgraces and problems with the military never kept him from working at various times with U.S. Special Forces, and interestingly, he has been connected to private contracting firms associated with the "war on terror," including Star America Aviation Company, Ltd. (SAAC).
One of the latter company's executives is retired Major General Jack Holbein, a former leading commander at U.S. Special Forces Command. SAAC is linked to a shell company, Isabeau Dakota, Inc., that listed Idema's father as president and sole officer, in that both are registered as corporations by the same individual, William L. London, who appears to be an attorney in Sanford, North Carolina. There is some evidence, given the connections noted in his Wikipedia entry, that Idema served as an off-the-record asset or operative of U.S. Special Forces.
Major General Holbein was listed in the 2008 Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) report on detainee abuse (large PDF) as one of the recipients of the Defense Department's interrogation-torture proposal developed by James Mitchell and John "Bruce" Jessen at Joint Personnel Services Agency (JPRA). Holbein was then Chief of Staff at U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), and JPRA was under command authority of JFCOM at that time. The implication of the SASC report is that Holbein and others helped send the torture proposal up the chain of command.
JFCOM was disbanded last August, "the first time a Defense Department combatant command has been dissolved" one news account explained. According to the article, by Hugh Lessig at The Daily Press:
There are problems with this latest Leftist attempt to tar and feather Republicans:
(1) The U.S. Army in Afghanistan knew early on that Idema was an ex-con, bounty hunter, psychopath and a man consumed by greed for the $25 million reward for Osama bin Laden's capture.
(2) In fact, it was the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, with the knowledge and approval of the American authorities in that war torn country, who "washed their hands" and paved the way for his arrest, trial and imprisonment by the government of Afghanistan for running a private prison and torture chamber.
(3) Shortly after Idema was imprisoned he converted to Islam and turned traitor against America. The immediate result was to be moved to a free luxury condo in the prison complete with internet/ satellite communication as a reward for his conversion to Islam and the release to Islamic authorities (for a fee, of course!) the Idema collection of torture videos. It is said that treason never profits, but in the case of Idema treason against the United States was well rewarded by foreign enemies.
4) Isabeau Dakota, Inc. with Penny Alesi as the titular president, was a front organization created by Idema in order for him to conduct business legally in the United States from Mexico, while keeping his corporate officers in the dark about what was really going on, especially in regards to the "Idema Building" in North Carolina.
(5) The connection between Isabeau Dakota, Inc. to Star Aviation, retired Major General Jack Holbein and Idema will be the subject of a future article on this blog. However, the bottom line to all Idema's relationships - business or personal - was to put dollars in his own private bank account by means of threats, deception, lies and disinformation.
Clearly, with the publication of his article, which is racing around the Leftist Blogsphere at the speed of light and will no doubt be picked up by the Big Left Media propaganda organizations like The New York Times, is a vain attempt to establish that a relationship under contract existed between Idema and the USA government to torture Afghans during 2001 to 2004.
The overwhelming evidence produced on this blog and elsewhere proves that no such contract ever existed between Idema and the American government. This particular truth the Left ignores, because it doesn't fit their agenda against intense interrogation, and political need to tar and feather Republican presidential candidates like Herman Cain as somehow responsible for the crimes of a rogue bounty hunter and traitor by the name of Jack Idema.
Monday, November 21, 2011
The following video was posted at both LiveLeak.com and You Tube, and provides "a glimpse of what went on during interrogations of [Afghan] insurgents by Jonathan Idema," who worked in conjunction with NATO forces in Afghanistan "counterterror" operations.
Idema is a controversial figure. He was arrested by Afghan authorities in July 2004 in Kabul, where according to a New York Times report, he had been holding eight men prisoner. Some of these men "said they were kicked and beaten, had scalding water poured on them, and had their heads repeatedly dunked in a bucket of water." Idema was pardoned by Afghan President Karzai in March 2007. He had claimed all along that he was working at the behest of U.S. authorities. The U.S. denied this, though admittedly he did work with international forces on counterterrorism operations.
In a well-documented examination of his career at Wikipedia, Idema's connections with U.S. Special Forces is dissected. Idema's various disgraces and problems with the military never kept him from working at various times with U.S. Special Forces, and interestingly, he has been connected to private contracting firms associated with the "war on terror," including Star America Aviation Company, Ltd. (SAAC).
One of the latter company's executives is retired Major General Jack Holbein, a former leading commander at U.S. Special Forces Command. SAAC is linked to a shell company, Isabeau Dakota, Inc., that listed Idema's father as president and sole officer, in that both are registered as corporations by the same individual, William L. London, who appears to be an attorney in Sanford, North Carolina. There is some evidence, given the connections noted in his Wikipedia entry, that Idema served as an off-the-record asset or operative of U.S. Special Forces.
Major General Holbein was listed in the 2008 Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) report on detainee abuse (large PDF) as one of the recipients of the Defense Department's interrogation-torture proposal developed by James Mitchell and John "Bruce" Jessen at Joint Personnel Services Agency (JPRA). Holbein was then Chief of Staff at U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), and JPRA was under command authority of JFCOM at that time. The implication of the SASC report is that Holbein and others helped send the torture proposal up the chain of command.
JFCOM was disbanded last August, "the first time a Defense Department combatant command has been dissolved" one news account explained. According to the article, by Hugh Lessig at The Daily Press:
The military is keeping the core mission of JFCOM: training the military to operate and fight together. But instead of maintaining a separate four-star command and all the overhead it entails, personnel will report directly to the Joint Staff.-------------------------------------------
The former JFCOM functions remaining in Hampton Roads include those related to joint training, developing new concepts and doctrine, experimentation and what the military calls "lessons learned."
There are problems with this latest Leftist attempt to tar and feather Republicans:
(1) The U.S. Army in Afghanistan knew early on that Idema was an ex-con, bounty hunter, psychopath and a man consumed by greed for the $25 million reward for Osama bin Laden's capture.
(2) In fact, it was the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, with the knowledge and approval of the American authorities in that war torn country, who "washed their hands" and paved the way for his arrest, trial and imprisonment by the government of Afghanistan for running a private prison and torture chamber.
(3) Shortly after Idema was imprisoned he converted to Islam and turned traitor against America. The immediate result was to be moved to a free luxury condo in the prison complete with internet/ satellite communication as a reward for his conversion to Islam and the release to Islamic authorities (for a fee, of course!) the Idema collection of torture videos. It is said that treason never profits, but in the case of Idema treason against the United States was well rewarded by foreign enemies.
4) Isabeau Dakota, Inc. with Penny Alesi as the titular president, was a front organization created by Idema in order for him to conduct business legally in the United States from Mexico, while keeping his corporate officers in the dark about what was really going on, especially in regards to the "Idema Building" in North Carolina.
(5) The connection between Isabeau Dakota, Inc. to Star Aviation, retired Major General Jack Holbein and Idema will be the subject of a future article on this blog. However, the bottom line to all Idema's relationships - business or personal - was to put dollars in his own private bank account by means of threats, deception, lies and disinformation.
Clearly, with the publication of his article, which is racing around the Leftist Blogsphere at the speed of light and will no doubt be picked up by the Big Left Media propaganda organizations like The New York Times, is a vain attempt to establish that a relationship under contract existed between Idema and the USA government to torture Afghans during 2001 to 2004.
The overwhelming evidence produced on this blog and elsewhere proves that no such contract ever existed between Idema and the American government. This particular truth the Left ignores, because it doesn't fit their agenda against intense interrogation, and political need to tar and feather Republican presidential candidates like Herman Cain as somehow responsible for the crimes of a rogue bounty hunter and traitor by the name of Jack Idema.
Monday, November 21, 2011

The quick-deed of the “Idema Building” on 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina that Penny Alesi gave to William Hagler was the beginning of a side show that continues to this day.
Ms. Alesi never wanted this controversy that has landed in a North Carolina court and has attracted much local media attention and some national coverage. In early August, 2010 when Ms. Alesi escaped Idema white slavery in Mexico to the USA (She filed charges in Mexico against him on July 30, 2010 – the document is here), she made a good faith offer to settle out of court if Idema (1) Shipped to her all her personal belongings (2) Returned her “Mexican” cat she had named “Tinka.” (3) Repay the balance on the American Express card that Idema had gained by fraud in her name. Idema did nothing to settle his legal obligations to his former wife, which were extremely modest when compared to the trials that she went though in Mexico at the hands of man many would describe as a latter day Marquis De Sade, who took delight in the torture and sexual degradation as his prisoner at an isolated resort in Mexico. Ms. Alesi also gives part of blame for the North Carolina legal proceedings to Idema's legal team in that she believes are blinded by greed and corrupt to the core.
Ms. Alesi thinks Idema and some of his associates were well aware that she suffered from the most lethal form of AIDS and hoped she would die, or be too sick to continue resistance. If this line of attack failed, Ms. Alesi believes the plan was to silence her by means of harassment and death threats.
The attack has obviously failed as well and Ms. Alesi very much still in the struggle.
Affidavits filed on November 3, 2010 from Lynn E. Thomas and John Edwards Tiffany regarding the lawsuit over the “Idema Building” and William Hagler are excellent fiction that slanders Ms. Alesi. Tiffany has been Idema's lawyer since his adventures in Afghanistan starting in 2001/02, and has ties to another Idema important issue - the controversial death of Rita Gray. (The death of Ms. Gray and the Idema/Tiffany connection to it will be covered in a future article). The other member of the “Idema Legal Team” are Tiffany's cousin and fellow lawyer, Vallerie Magory, who also teamed up with William London regarding the H.J Idema Trust.
What Thomas and Tiffany wrote in the affidavits concerning Ms. Alesi good entertainment, but completely false. Tiffany knew her as the wife of Jack Idema when they first met at Idema's father funeral. He also saw her while in Mexico at the STAR meetings. Tiffany was also aware that Ms. Alesi's name was being used for many purposes by Legal Team Idema and never mentioned the fact to her – this was the case with William London as well – who was first to congratulate Ms. Alesi on her marriage to Idema.
It would appear that Tiffany had an easy job as Idema's attorney, as Idema (a real jailhouse lawyer, for sure!) would write up the legal issue at question and send the document to Tiffany, who would copy, sign and submit the finished product to the court. One hears much about “ghost writers” who create books for famous people like Obama, but this is first time this investigative reporter has heard of a “ghost lawyer” - in this case Idema - who uses a real lawyer's letterhead, signature and license to practice law. Ms. Alesi has documentation as well (to be produced at a later date) of this unusual manner of law practice. This legal project of Idema's was financed by the Ms. Alesi's corporate American Express card obtained by fraud by Idema, where these legal documents sent to Kinko to be reproduced and charges billed. Ms. Alesi has copies of these documents where all that need be added for submission to the court are Tiffany's signature.
The Thomas Affidavit is quite interesting as well. Ms. Alesi has described Thomas as a “professional victim” who can tell lies and pump out a sea of salty tears on command concerning her alleged abuse by Ms. Alesi! One of the oldest tactics used by criminals and communists is to accuse the accuser. In this dirty little game that is based on psychological projection is to charge the victim with being aggressor. The father of the Russian Revolution, Lenin, once famously told his stooges the best way to attack the opposition, “accuse them of what you are.” If this is true, Thomas is quite the villain, as she has committed a serious hate crime by exposing Ms. Alesi's HIV status to the world on the Internet. Thomas attempts to advertise her herself as an American patriot and Christian, but many think she has would have made an excellent Bolshevik in the party of Lenin.
The Stupor Patriots in April 2006:
"Well lets see here ... Now here is proof of a conspiracy. Lynn Thomas has admitted here that she has been in contact with Jackbo's lawyers. That through Jackbo's lawyers she posted a partial deposition that was under a Court Order of Protection. That she is and has been involved as a accessory to perpetrate a fraud. Nice Christian Woman ....................................................... Got to love this Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas! She has been receiving threats .............................................................. LOL! Sick girl Lynn you really need help!"
More from The Stupor Patriots dated October 2006:
"So Thomas attacks forgetting all about the FACT that Jackbo has had many opportunities to prove his case in court and every time he sued one of the people Thomas continues to wrongly defame he has not just lost in court but ended up being sanctioned and owing the defendants money. Of course Thomas reports on all that? Well of course not! Every time Jackbo has gotten his ass handed to him Thomas rails against the truth and attacks or threatens the person who was wronged. Just like the threat of calling the FBI. LOL! Calling the FBI! LOL! Lynn Thomas is going to call the FBI! Ok, here is the jist of the conversation between Thomas and the FBI."
"Thomas just plainly for what ever demented reason refuses to acknowledge the truth and this includes emails and statements from Jackbo's old Commanding Officer and Green Beret Billy Waugh. But note that Thomas only attacks a selected group of people. You have to ask why? Why not bring to light that Jackbo's old Commanding Officer wrote personally to Thomas and Thomas even refused to answer or post his email. Also note that Thomas has not even mentioned the fact that Billy Waugh slammed the door on Jackbo's private prison. She forgets that 98% of Jackbo's claims have been exposed as BULLSHIT! His military record, how and why he entered Afghanistan, and even the FRAUD Jackbo committed playing US Military covert terrorist hunter killer. But none of this sinks into Thomas lying brain. Yes she is a very sick and demented woman."
This is more proof of what Jack Idema, Lynn Thomas and the rest of his gang will do to destroy the lives of their opponents.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - This journalist claims press protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will not to disclose his sources at their request.
November 14, 2011
One thing is certain as the publisher, editor, writer and investigative reporter for The Freedom Fighter's Journal - You never know what messages in the email, or comments on the blog will appear suddenly out of the world wide web.
Last week was no exception when comments were made on this blog by Hans Van Kooijk (called "Hans" hereafter), a long time associate of and neighbor of Jack Idema in Mexico, who performed the role of minister at Idema's Muslim wedding in 2008. Hans is pictured at the right of the wedding party that included George the security guard and witness at the extreme left standing next to Jack Idema, who is dressed in a uniform of his own creation that appears to be modeled on those wore by Saudi Arabian officers and holding a sword pointed upwards, and Penny Alesi, the newly wed Mrs. Jack Idema.
Ms. Alesi has good reasons to believe that Hans is an alcoholic and in fear of Jack Idema. The two apparently had a long standing business relationship in the shadow world of the Mexican economy where all economic dealings are a mixture of the illegal and legal. Ms. Alesi also thinks that the two comments by Hans published below were done under threat of harm by Jack Idema.
So who is telling the truth about this latest affair exposed at Casa Arabi, Ms Alesi or Hans? This is for the reader to conclude after first reading the statements made by Hans and the rebuttal authored by Ms. Alesi. The writer and editor of this article can only note that he has seen a large number of documents, pictures, videos, and sworn statements by the principals involved in the Hans Affair at the Casa Arabia Sex Resort in Mexico that indicate Ms. Alesi has told the truth.
The two comments on this blog made by Hans:hans said...
- Sounds horrible this story, written by whom....by Penny? If not, where is the name of the author or why didn't you put your name on it sweetheart ? Who knows what happened between those two highly intelligent, headstrong and agressive mates. When I, hans van kooijk, knew them, Penny was already skinny as a 2x4 and as tough as one too. Some mornings Jack (probably deserved it) had blue spots on shoulders, breast and belly after "sweet" Penny vented her anger once alone with her chosen man. Both Penny and Jack tended to blow up when I knew them, so what.....Hot Love War Zone...maybe?Penny certainly had lot's of time and opportunity to think about there relationship (years) and we (my wife and me) offered space if she wanted to rethink stuff. So...use this space as a forum for vengeance? Why...what's the use..give it a rest!
November 11, 2011 11:02 PM
hans said...
- Yes, he got mended good in a non VA hospital in the South of Mexico "Boondogs" after a serious accident which crushed several of his ribs and assorted bones for about nothing in us $$. Would he has been as well taken care off in a VA Hospital? He would say yes, patriote as he is, but would that be true? I remember lot's of negatory stories of personel and family who feel left alone after receiving a broken soldier!
November 12, 2011 1:28 AM
My Response on Hans' website:
Interesting comments you made about Idema on my blog!
As is well known, I'm doing an investigative series of articles on Idema as a free lance writer and blogger, so feel free to continue to comment on the articles I publish.
If you care to contact me:Cheers, Ronbo
REBUTTAL BY PENNY ALESI:Loving those comments. Let me address each one.First, I would like to comment on his comment. Notice there is no denial of the wedding taking place and he refers to us as "mates", meaning the marriage was legitimate.Second, Hans is a hardcore alcoholic, the very reason he and Idema got along. His wife Ann is a sweetie. I would have released many more photos of the ceremony, but Ann is in them and I didn't want to subject her to public exposure. Yes, they offered me a place to stay in 2008, but I knew their lives would be in grave danger if I went there. They live perhaps, ten houses down from where we lived, which made easy for Idema, or one of his thugs to break into the house. Both of them are terribly afraid of Idema. I am certain that Hans is on a fishing expedition for Idema. This makes me think Idema is desperate. Hans and Idema parted ways a long time ago. Thus, for Idema to bring him back into the fold reeks of urgency on the part of Idema for information on the publication of articles concerning him on The Freedom Fighter's Journal.Yes, there were blue marks on Idema many mornings. They were not the result of husband beatings, but came from rough sex with his male playmates. Of course, Idema told everyone they were done by me. Honestly, do you think Idema would let ME slap him around?! Would a sadistic slavemaster and Muslim like him allow his small female slave to assault him? C'mon now.Yes, I was thin. Hans is thinner than me. So what does that mean? Every thin person has AIDS? I was also working out 24/7. I had to, I never knew when I would need to fight physically.Idema was in Clinica Carranza in Chetumal. I believe he got adequate medical care. Perhaps he would have had better if he had not kept throwing things at the nurses, cursing and screaming non-stop. He was thrown out of the hospital after trying to stab one of the nurses with a pen in the neck. He also NEVER paid his bill. Also, he was in isolation. I think he was in isolation because of AIDS and his behavior. Don't know this for a fact, but I do know they never allowed me to look at ANY OF HIS MEDICAL FILE. And unlike all the other patients, his file was not hanging near the door of his room.I'd also like to add now that Hans NEVER called or visited Idema while he was in the hospital and never spoke or saw him while I was still involved with Idema. This is was true up until July of 2010. The friendship between Idema and Hans ended after July of 2009. They would only communicate when Hans would call him and remind him that he needed to take Hans' name off the entry sticker. Period.Hans helped take my belongings from the States to Bacalar, in June of 2009. He was paid two thousand USD on top of expenses to do this. He also was given a new computer by Idema. Hans sold the computer to a hooker in Bacalar, for sex, because he has no cash available due to his wife controlling the family finances. Hans, the drunk he is, decided the $2,000 was not enough and wanted more. This was between him and Idema, not me. Hans had a Mexican Import sticker for the jeep entry into Mexico, as well as the pontoon boat Idema purchased in the States that he had driven down, attached to the jeep. Hans had repeatedly asked Jack to switch it to his name.Idema, of course, couldn't do that because he was in the country illegally. So he stalled. Hans had a legitimate beef with Idema but it should not have involved me. On Sept. 28, 2009, Hans decided that he wanted the jeep and the boat. Idema was in the hospital. So a drunken Hans started yelling my name from the locked front gate demanding to see me. My bodyguard told him to leave. Instead of leaving, Hans decided to climb over the gate to get me. He was quite drunk and in the process, injured himself on the top of the gate (See pictures of the incident at the end of the article) I went downstairs to meet Hans and he demanded I give him the boat & the jeep. Yup. If I didn't he said he would hurt me.I told my bodyguard to step aside and said to Hans, "Fine, go ahead, hurt me, but you need to deal with Idema not me." Hans was petrified of Idema and thought he could get me to just give him what he wanted. Again, I told him, "Fight me and we'll see who is the champ with no bodyguard or dog involved. I should note Nina was going nuts barking, wanting to attack Hans because he was screaming at me. I told the bodyguard to just hold onto to Nina and not let her go." Hans didn't expect the challenge to hand-to-hand combat with a small, but very angry woman, and coward that he is, backed off and climbed over the gate in shameful retreat. He came back the next morning (Sept. 29, 2009) to start a verbal conflict with me all over again, however, this time I had a different bodyguard (George at the gate with Hans on the other side, photos included) waiting for him, so being the champion in combat with small women, he naturally ran away as scared as a little bunny rabbit: He knew well that bodyguard George is a major bad ass and was my protector in Mexico.The week of Nov.16th, 2009 (I forget what exact day that week, but it was in the earlier part), I went to the border in Belize, with Nick Hunter, and had Hans taken off the import sticker. I was supposed to go back to Belize to put my name on it, but I never did. This is the nonsense I had to deal with on an everyday basis in Mexico. Idema had made many enemies and they knew he was in the hospital so they were going after me for retaliation.But I never gave up or let them get me.I fought all of them. There are so many more stories like this one. I had a trusted circle of men who defended me and stood by me, while Idema was in the hospital and stayed with me around the clock. Nina and I would fight to the end without them if it was necessary. Also, I had Idema's arsenal of weapons and that was all I needed.In conclusion, I am so glad I took photos and kept a diary. Somehow I knew eventually I would need all this stuff.All The Best, Penny AlesiPICTURES OF THE INCIDENT:
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October 31, 2011

The letter that Jack Idema sent to Vallerie Magory looks like a legitimate business agreement.
However, the reality is, like all of Idema's so-called business ventures, it is a fig leaf designed to hide the hairy nakedness of a criminal venture by means of honest people like Penny Alesi and Herbert Doe (last name withheld per request by informant) with titular authority over Isabeau Dakota.
The de facto power in this enterprise would be in the hands of Jack Idema, who used it for his own ends – the chief one being to enlarge his own bank account – while leaving all business expenses and legal penalties to the legal owners the corporation.
This is exactly what Idema did to Viktoria Running Wolf and Tom Bumback in a previous scam.
Idema did not pay his appointed Isabeau Dakota Corporation officers a salary. Herbert Doe used his personal credit cards for business expenses that were to be reimbursed by Idema, but never paid. The same promise of a later payment of salary were made to Penny Alesi with a twist – Idema applied for an American Express card online in her name by way of Jet Blue Airlines (Reason: Bonus Miles!) The American Express card he obtained by criminal means in the name of Penny Alesi was the key to the entire scam and quickly became charged up to its limit (95% of this debt has not been paid). Thus her “salary” went as payments to the card from the Isabeau Corporation. This “creative money model” was used by Idema to fund other necessary business expenses like cell phones for his corporate officers, phony ID cards, and ongoing lawsuits.
How did Idema exercise control of this criminal enterprise? This is easy if you're an intelligent psychopath with many years of experience. Ms. Alesi was held directly in his control by means of white slavery at his Casa Arabi Sex Resort in Mexico and Herbert Doe believed Idema was worthy of trust as an “off the books CEO of the corporation” and who repay him with a generous salary plus bonus. Idema also exercised control by means of the corporate cell phone by changing passwords on a regular basis, so that he could monitor every call made of these phones.
As if this Big Brother victimization of Herbert Doe wasn't bad enough, Idema made him his personal representative for extensive business legwork and many personal errands, which involved extensive travel in the eastern United States and Mexico. The bulk of this travel were trips to and from the Idema Building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina; the deceased Idema father's house in Poughkeepsie, New York where the house, hanger and plane were located; and Mexico to “coordinate” matters with “CEO” Idema. Of course, this hard work and expense of many thousand dollars was accomplished without compensation from Idema.
Meanwhile during this time frame of 2008 to 2009, the Idema Building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville North Carolina was in serious decline due to previous flooding and needed a new roof, removal of mold, new heating/cooling unit and a repaved parking lot. The two new tenants running The Ultimate Pet Resort were (from Dec. 2008--July 2009), were running out of patience because they were continuing to pay their rent but Idema had not done the repairs he had promised them in the lease agreement. Idema's solution? As always (OPM) Other People's Money! Yes, our self styled “super patriot” made a “super prososal” to the city of Fayettesville, North Carolina in the form of 74 page grant for the Idema Building entitled, “450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville; 2009 RENOVATION PROJECT PROPOSAL”. In reading this document, this writer has to give Idema, its author his due, it looks on the surface like an excellent QUID PRO QUO to turn endangered property around in order enrich the city property taxes.
Indeed, the Isabeau Dakota Corporation, STAR America Aviation & The Ultimate Pet Resort were all listed in this proposal with awesome pictures, graphs, estimates, job creations, etc. in a very professional business style! The reader will very likely not notice small items like Penny Idema's name being spelled “Penny Alessi” on page 13 and “President Isabeau Dakota Corporation & CEO” with signature forged seven times in the Idema grant document.
Herbert Doe is listed as Project Manager. Project Advisors, General Counsel has two of Idema’s lawyers - William London III (Isabeau Dakota) and John Edwards Tiffany (STAR Air) listed as well. Jack Idema is solely responsible for this 74 page grant submission, dated April 21, 2009. Each section would be given five thousand dollars towards their repairs. And each section had a year to complete their end of the agreement after receiving the money. As it always turns out with everything Idema is involved with, it became a nightmare. Herbert Doe worked non-stop to get all these repairs completed, but of course, Idema was never satisfied: He would change his mind constantly and never settle on one idea at a time; he would argue about the price, the materials needed, when it would be done, how he wanted it done; and he would completely "forget" the conversations with the individuals involved in them the next day.
In the late spring and summer of 2009, Idema was in meltdown over the Isabeau Dakota affair.
Penny Alesi recalls Idema's screams into the speakerphone and calling the persons on the receiving end vile names who preformed unspeakable sexual acts. Ms. Alesi and her “family” of three American cats were then living with Idema from March 31, 2009 - September 17, 2009; and was his close companion every single day. What she experienced in those months of horror will never be forgotten: Idema was constantly breaking phones, glasses, ashtrays, anything within reach because he was not happy with the way things were going in the States. However, he would not even attempt to return to America because he was afraid that the FBI had a sealed indictment that would put him in jail the moment he stepped foot on U.S. soil. Thus he would do all his business via phone, computer and fax. The problem was that Idema had broken rule number one of a successful con artist by drinking to excess and using illegal drugs like cocaine. As if wasn't enough to blow his cool, the dust to dawn bizarre sex escapades at his Casa Arabi Sex Resort that by themselves would have driven anyone over the edge.
The last business in the Idema Building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina – the Ultimate Pet Resort – closed at the end of July, 2009. The profits from this enterprise had been excellent, but the owners were sick and tired of broken promise after broken promise that came from the shadow owner of the building – Jack idema. It was at this low point Ms. Alesi demanded that Idema produce all the records concerning this enterprise and told by Idema to “take a hike.” Hence, to this day Ms. Alesi has no idea what happened to the rents and desposits taken from businesses and the non-profit that rented space in the Idema Building, but a good guess is that this money was placed in Idema's pocket. When asked by this writer if any city/state/federal taxes were paid by Idema as the de facto CEO of the Idema Building, Ms. Alesi doubts if this ever happened, “Paying taxes is the last thing Idema would ever do – he hated government – all goverments, but in particular the American government who he blamed for most of his problems.”
The beginning of the end for the Isabeau Dakota scam came in January, 2011, when litigation started in a North Carolina court. The de jure officers of the corporation – Penny Alesi and Herbert Doe – were absolutely clueless where the grant money, rents and deposit money had went, as no accounting was ever forwarded by Idema, the de facto CEO of the corporation. It should noted once again, that these official corporate officers were told lie after lie by Idema over the course of a year, and his skillful mixture of fact and fiction along with outbursts of temper kept them at bay. This saga of deception by Idema will be addressed at length in future articles, however, this side of the story has yet to be exposed in court.SOURCES:
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - This journalist claims press protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will not to disclose his sources at their request.
The letter that Jack Idema sent to Vallerie Magory looks like a legitimate business agreement.
However, the reality is, like all of Idema's so-called business ventures, it is a fig leaf designed to hide the hairy nakedness of a criminal venture by means of honest people like Penny Alesi and Herbert Doe (last name withheld per request by informant) with titular authority over Isabeau Dakota.
The de facto power in this enterprise would be in the hands of Jack Idema, who used it for his own ends – the chief one being to enlarge his own bank account – while leaving all business expenses and legal penalties to the legal owners the corporation.
This is exactly what Idema did to Viktoria Running Wolf and Tom Bumback in a previous scam.
Idema did not pay his appointed Isabeau Dakota Corporation officers a salary. Herbert Doe used his personal credit cards for business expenses that were to be reimbursed by Idema, but never paid. The same promise of a later payment of salary were made to Penny Alesi with a twist – Idema applied for an American Express card online in her name by way of Jet Blue Airlines (Reason: Bonus Miles!) The American Express card he obtained by criminal means in the name of Penny Alesi was the key to the entire scam and quickly became charged up to its limit (95% of this debt has not been paid). Thus her “salary” went as payments to the card from the Isabeau Corporation. This “creative money model” was used by Idema to fund other necessary business expenses like cell phones for his corporate officers, phony ID cards, and ongoing lawsuits.
How did Idema exercise control of this criminal enterprise? This is easy if you're an intelligent psychopath with many years of experience. Ms. Alesi was held directly in his control by means of white slavery at his Casa Arabi Sex Resort in Mexico and Herbert Doe believed Idema was worthy of trust as an “off the books CEO of the corporation” and who repay him with a generous salary plus bonus. Idema also exercised control by means of the corporate cell phone by changing passwords on a regular basis, so that he could monitor every call made of these phones.
As if this Big Brother victimization of Herbert Doe wasn't bad enough, Idema made him his personal representative for extensive business legwork and many personal errands, which involved extensive travel in the eastern United States and Mexico. The bulk of this travel were trips to and from the Idema Building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina; the deceased Idema father's house in Poughkeepsie, New York where the house, hanger and plane were located; and Mexico to “coordinate” matters with “CEO” Idema. Of course, this hard work and expense of many thousand dollars was accomplished without compensation from Idema.
Meanwhile during this time frame of 2008 to 2009, the Idema Building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville North Carolina was in serious decline due to previous flooding and needed a new roof, removal of mold, new heating/cooling unit and a repaved parking lot. The two new tenants running The Ultimate Pet Resort were (from Dec. 2008--July 2009), were running out of patience because they were continuing to pay their rent but Idema had not done the repairs he had promised them in the lease agreement. Idema's solution? As always (OPM) Other People's Money! Yes, our self styled “super patriot” made a “super prososal” to the city of Fayettesville, North Carolina in the form of 74 page grant for the Idema Building entitled, “450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville; 2009 RENOVATION PROJECT PROPOSAL”. In reading this document, this writer has to give Idema, its author his due, it looks on the surface like an excellent QUID PRO QUO to turn endangered property around in order enrich the city property taxes.
Indeed, the Isabeau Dakota Corporation, STAR America Aviation & The Ultimate Pet Resort were all listed in this proposal with awesome pictures, graphs, estimates, job creations, etc. in a very professional business style! The reader will very likely not notice small items like Penny Idema's name being spelled “Penny Alessi” on page 13 and “President Isabeau Dakota Corporation & CEO” with signature forged seven times in the Idema grant document.
Herbert Doe is listed as Project Manager. Project Advisors, General Counsel has two of Idema’s lawyers - William London III (Isabeau Dakota) and John Edwards Tiffany (STAR Air) listed as well. Jack Idema is solely responsible for this 74 page grant submission, dated April 21, 2009. Each section would be given five thousand dollars towards their repairs. And each section had a year to complete their end of the agreement after receiving the money. As it always turns out with everything Idema is involved with, it became a nightmare. Herbert Doe worked non-stop to get all these repairs completed, but of course, Idema was never satisfied: He would change his mind constantly and never settle on one idea at a time; he would argue about the price, the materials needed, when it would be done, how he wanted it done; and he would completely "forget" the conversations with the individuals involved in them the next day.
In the late spring and summer of 2009, Idema was in meltdown over the Isabeau Dakota affair.
Penny Alesi recalls Idema's screams into the speakerphone and calling the persons on the receiving end vile names who preformed unspeakable sexual acts. Ms. Alesi and her “family” of three American cats were then living with Idema from March 31, 2009 - September 17, 2009; and was his close companion every single day. What she experienced in those months of horror will never be forgotten: Idema was constantly breaking phones, glasses, ashtrays, anything within reach because he was not happy with the way things were going in the States. However, he would not even attempt to return to America because he was afraid that the FBI had a sealed indictment that would put him in jail the moment he stepped foot on U.S. soil. Thus he would do all his business via phone, computer and fax. The problem was that Idema had broken rule number one of a successful con artist by drinking to excess and using illegal drugs like cocaine. As if wasn't enough to blow his cool, the dust to dawn bizarre sex escapades at his Casa Arabi Sex Resort that by themselves would have driven anyone over the edge.
The last business in the Idema Building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina – the Ultimate Pet Resort – closed at the end of July, 2009. The profits from this enterprise had been excellent, but the owners were sick and tired of broken promise after broken promise that came from the shadow owner of the building – Jack idema. It was at this low point Ms. Alesi demanded that Idema produce all the records concerning this enterprise and told by Idema to “take a hike.” Hence, to this day Ms. Alesi has no idea what happened to the rents and desposits taken from businesses and the non-profit that rented space in the Idema Building, but a good guess is that this money was placed in Idema's pocket. When asked by this writer if any city/state/federal taxes were paid by Idema as the de facto CEO of the Idema Building, Ms. Alesi doubts if this ever happened, “Paying taxes is the last thing Idema would ever do – he hated government – all goverments, but in particular the American government who he blamed for most of his problems.”
The beginning of the end for the Isabeau Dakota scam came in January, 2011, when litigation started in a North Carolina court. The de jure officers of the corporation – Penny Alesi and Herbert Doe – were absolutely clueless where the grant money, rents and deposit money had went, as no accounting was ever forwarded by Idema, the de facto CEO of the corporation. It should noted once again, that these official corporate officers were told lie after lie by Idema over the course of a year, and his skillful mixture of fact and fiction along with outbursts of temper kept them at bay. This saga of deception by Idema will be addressed at length in future articles, however, this side of the story has yet to be exposed in court.SOURCES:
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - This journalist claims press protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will not to disclose his sources at their request.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

By Ron Barbour
What do you do if you are a famous convicted felon on the run from the law, and a man many believe to be an American traitor and international war criminal for running a private torture prison in Afghanistan?
Jack Idema's solution was to marry Penny Alesi and use her as his "front woman" in a criminal project he named “Isabeau Dakota, Inc.” and put her in "office" as “President” of a building located at 450 Robeson Street in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
This was the perfect coup from Idema's perspective: Ms. Alesi is a good woman without a police record, excellent credit rating and employment record.
In this fashion, Idema believed he could have his cake and eat it too, since he planned to continue his criminal activity in North Carolina and the USA by means of a wife he thought he reduced to white slavery who would sign documents without question in order to avoid further torture. However, this plan came to a bad end for him when Penny Alesi somehow survived torture, imprisonment and mock executions at the hands of Idema at his resort/drug/torture chamber in Mexico. Today Ms. Alesi lives inthe northeast United States with pictures, documents and statements that expose more than three years criminal activity by Idema and his associates in North Carolina.
This proof of these serious allegations are proven in documents proving that Ms. Alesi (then Idema) was “President of Isabeau Dakota, Inc.” of the Fayetteville, NC property from 2008 to 2011. There are additional documents that includes a grant for all three sections of the building as well as a bank account that also prove that Penny Alesi was forced to become Idema's figurehead president under the phony name of Isabeau Dakota with only the authority to sign documents, while all the decisions were made by him or his co-conspirators.
What was the real deal at the Idema building in Fayetteville?
One scam for Idema and associates was to rent space out to tenants and wait until they improved the property. In the period December 2008 to August 2009, the Ultimate Pet Resort was in business in the Idema building. This small enterprise was very successful. When Idema was informed that his property was improved, the lease was cancelled and the tenant was asked to move for alleged non-payment of rent. The "Idema Treatment" was repeated with a small, but growing Christian church that installed improved air conditioning, new carpet, repaired and repainted the walls and ceilings, and added two new bathrooms. There are no reports of money lost by small business and non-profit organizations who rented space at the Idema Building, but they could run into many thousands of dollars when the cost of improvements and relocation are taken into account.
Ms. Alesi finally demanded an account in 2009 of what was going on under her business name in North Carolina: She had become concerned over IRS issues in the USA and asked to "see the books." The very reasonable request by the titular President of her own company was denied by Idema and his lawyers for the obvious reasons of ongoing and past shady business dealings at the site. It would appear the final goal of Idema in regards to the final solution for his North Carolina property by means of lies, deceptions and white slavery was to allow Other People's Money (OPM) to fix it up for sell at the maximum price with the profits going into his pockets.
The major sources of lies, disinformation, propaganda, threats, slander and bad poetry against Penny Alesi and the situation at the former Idema building in Fayetteville come mainly from one source” Cao's Blog. The owner of this blog is Lynn Thomas, a decade long supporter, business associate, propaganda minister of Idema and his girlfriend who has published vast amounts of material that would fill a small North Carolina library in support of a “Cult of Idema.” Ms. Thomas states on her work history that she was employed at the Idema Building in North Carolina:
What do you do if you are a famous convicted felon on the run from the law, and a man many believe to be an American traitor and international war criminal for running a private torture prison in Afghanistan?
Jack Idema's solution was to marry Penny Alesi and use her as his "front woman" in a criminal project he named “Isabeau Dakota, Inc.” and put her in "office" as “President” of a building located at 450 Robeson Street in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
This was the perfect coup from Idema's perspective: Ms. Alesi is a good woman without a police record, excellent credit rating and employment record.
In this fashion, Idema believed he could have his cake and eat it too, since he planned to continue his criminal activity in North Carolina and the USA by means of a wife he thought he reduced to white slavery who would sign documents without question in order to avoid further torture. However, this plan came to a bad end for him when Penny Alesi somehow survived torture, imprisonment and mock executions at the hands of Idema at his resort/drug/torture chamber in Mexico. Today Ms. Alesi lives inthe northeast United States with pictures, documents and statements that expose more than three years criminal activity by Idema and his associates in North Carolina.
This proof of these serious allegations are proven in documents proving that Ms. Alesi (then Idema) was “President of Isabeau Dakota, Inc.” of the Fayetteville, NC property from 2008 to 2011. There are additional documents that includes a grant for all three sections of the building as well as a bank account that also prove that Penny Alesi was forced to become Idema's figurehead president under the phony name of Isabeau Dakota with only the authority to sign documents, while all the decisions were made by him or his co-conspirators.
What was the real deal at the Idema building in Fayetteville?
One scam for Idema and associates was to rent space out to tenants and wait until they improved the property. In the period December 2008 to August 2009, the Ultimate Pet Resort was in business in the Idema building. This small enterprise was very successful. When Idema was informed that his property was improved, the lease was cancelled and the tenant was asked to move for alleged non-payment of rent. The "Idema Treatment" was repeated with a small, but growing Christian church that installed improved air conditioning, new carpet, repaired and repainted the walls and ceilings, and added two new bathrooms. There are no reports of money lost by small business and non-profit organizations who rented space at the Idema Building, but they could run into many thousands of dollars when the cost of improvements and relocation are taken into account.
Ms. Alesi finally demanded an account in 2009 of what was going on under her business name in North Carolina: She had become concerned over IRS issues in the USA and asked to "see the books." The very reasonable request by the titular President of her own company was denied by Idema and his lawyers for the obvious reasons of ongoing and past shady business dealings at the site. It would appear the final goal of Idema in regards to the final solution for his North Carolina property by means of lies, deceptions and white slavery was to allow Other People's Money (OPM) to fix it up for sell at the maximum price with the profits going into his pockets.
The major sources of lies, disinformation, propaganda, threats, slander and bad poetry against Penny Alesi and the situation at the former Idema building in Fayetteville come mainly from one source” Cao's Blog. The owner of this blog is Lynn Thomas, a decade long supporter, business associate, propaganda minister of Idema and his girlfriend who has published vast amounts of material that would fill a small North Carolina library in support of a “Cult of Idema.” Ms. Thomas states on her work history that she was employed at the Idema Building in North Carolina:
Property Manager · Sep 2010 to Apr 2011 · Fayetteville, North Carolina
I managed properties in New York and North Carolina and completed the work in North Carolina at the end of April."
In fact, Ms. Thomas lived at 450 Robeson Street for the eight months, as she tesified on January 24, 2011 in a North Carolina Court to "help out" Idema and get space in the building rented. This long time associate of Idema also said in the same court appearance that, "Penny Idema doesn't exist, there is no such person." The reality is that Penny Alesi - the former Penny Idema and ex-wife of Jack Idema - is very much alive and can prove that she was, indeed, his lawfully wedded wife under Islam!" When easily exposed lies such as are made in a court of law under oath by Ms. Thomas it leads a reasonable person to question if anything said in or out of court by her is the truth. This writer wonders if Ms. Thomas' tearful testimony in this court in which she relates what she knows about a certain building in North Carolina and her association with Idema, and fear of "stalking" and "threats" is nothing more than the projection of guilty conscience where she give voice of what is being done to the her critics and the opponents of Idema?
One important element in this terrorist campaign against Ms. Alesi is the getting court system of North Carolina to do much of the Idema gang's dirty work. What is really shocking about this episode are the Idema lawyers acting on his behalf know full well he is a criminal under indictment in North Carolina! As is well known, lawyers are officers of the court held to high ethical standards. Ms. Alesi has in procession numerous copies of emails to these legally challenged individuals who refused to provide her with documents she requested, as is her right as the former president of Idema's real estate in North Carolina. These lawyers either ignore her, or say the requested documents don't exist, only later to publish the "non-existent documents" on the Internet with Ms.Alesi's forged signatures. One would think in the interest of justice, Idema's lawyers highly ethical lawyers in North Carolina would have him give direct testimony in court. After all, the world knows his current address in Bacalar, Mexico, including the police in North Carolina.
The second front in Idema's psychological terrorist war against Ms. Alesi takes place on the Internet.
It would appear that after years of exposure of Idema's criminal activities that literally spans the world, he has as supporters a small army of cultists who believe that he is super trooper warrior patriot hero who is under attack by oppressive governments and jealous individuals. These Idema cultists are so far gone in their hatred for Penny Alesi they have created blogs like "Your Worst Nightmare," in which a very nasty poem dedicated to "Penny" that was authored by someone named “Kender." The latest "Get Alesi" attack website is "For Every Action" The Idema cult have long proven they will publish anything to bully Ms. Alesi mentally and emotionally. For instance, her serious medical status as an AIDS patient who was knowingly infected by their "hero" Idema.
These lies, disinformation and harassment were bad enough, but Ms. Thomas even had the nerve to write on her blog without proof that Ms Alesi had sex with thousands of people in underground bars.This writer notes that Ms Thomas claim to be a Christian and a patriot who always tells the truth, but perhaps not the truth in the dictionary sense.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANTS - This journalist claims press protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and will not to disclose his sources at their request.
Previous articles on Jack Idema published at "The Freedom Fighter's Journal"
October 10, 2011
On November 22, 2008, Jack Idema married Penny Alesi in a Muslim wedding ceremony at the infamous Casa Arabi Sex House (up in the lighted tower) in Mexico. The groom, in true Muslim military strongman tradition, wore a uniform of his own creation. The bride wore an attractive Arabian dress purchased by her soon-to-be husband in Dubai, just after his release from prison in Afghanistan in 2007. The evening of the wedding was warm, calm and clear under the starry Mexican skies, the perfect romantic backdrop for two lovers standing before Hans van Kooijk, a boat captain who was thought to have the authority to conduct a wedding as the captain of a ship.
The wedding ceremony was a short affair of less than half an hour that consisted of Arabic words translated on cards for the bride and groom to speak, rings exchanged (The bride's ring was an el cheapo never replaced with a real diamond) and the lighting of candles.
Unfortunately for the new bride, this picture of gentle lovers in an earthly paradise would soon turn into a latter day Dante's Inferno of the worst regions of Hell.
Jack Idema, the groom and alleged romantic “man's hero” of many adventures in various parts of the world including Afghanistan turned out to be a classic psychopath. A wolf of a man who attempted to turn an innocent woman into his slave by means of mental, emotional and physical torture. This was a session of Hell lasting endless months in an isolated part of Mexico far from the eyes of Mexican federal law enforcement, who very likely wouldn't have been interested, since the people involved were foreigners.
What torture Penny Alesi underwent at the hands of the raving and often drugged Jack Idema the world may never know in detail, even Penny today has problems remembering, as the brain can only take so much horror before it switches off. However, it is certain she was often hit for small misdemeanors by her new husband. (not to mention the fact that she was always ducking to avoid the items coming at her head (mostly cell phones, glasses and ashtrays). There were also attempts on her life by Jack Idema, who was only stopped by the intervention of their bodyguard Frank, an honest, intelligent and very physically fit man that Penny credits with saving her life on more than one occasion.
The story gets worse as the long months of 2009 passed. However, because Penny had moved her cats down there to Mexico to be with her at the end of March 2009, she endured it. She not only had herself to worry about, but her three cats who are were her children and she had to stay lucid enough to protect all of them. Furthermore, she was very worried about her newly adopted Mexican cat, Tinka, and Nina, the dog from Afghanistan she had rescued for Idema.
Penny soon discovered that her new husband had been unfaithful and was/is a secret homosexual with many male playmates. These include Nancy the transsexual, Fernando his boyfriend and Eduardo.
Idema, Fernando and Eduardo loved to be the stars of home videos with many other homosexual partners as extras who came to the Casa Arabia Sex House. This establishment soon became famous as a vacation spot for American homosexuals and was listed online as a gay resort in Mexico. The homosexual orgies continued around the clock at this establishment, fueled by cheap Mexican liquor and expensive illegal drugs like cocaine/heroin provided for a price by Idema and the Mexican drug cartel. Of course, the fun seekers were off limits to Mexican law enforcement, since the owner of the complex was a corrupt Mexican Senator.
After months of torture that makes the Hanoi Hilton look like a Boy Scout camp, a broken Penny was introduced by Jack Idema to the orgy games at the pleasure dome of Casa Arabia, where men rule in true Muslim fashion and women are reduced to Third World white slavery whose only reward is bare physical survival. The well fed, happy and lucky citizens of the West, especially women, cannot begin to imagine the horrors of womanhood in these regions where decent women like Penny are forced to purchase their lives by Muslim husbands like Jack Idema at the cost of brain washing, drugs, beatings, mock executions and perverted sex with dirty and diseased people. Many women would commit suicide rather than submit to the torture and degrading sexual demands of a psychopath.
But Penny is a survivor.
She escaped her prison hell in the Casa Arabia Sex House with the help of few good men and women. On July 30, 2010, Penny filed charges in Chetumal, Mexico against Idema. The legal Mexican document is here in Spanish (English translation in progress), but if you have knowledge of the Spanish language, as many Americans do, you will be shocked at the horror related in legalese. In brief, the document states in detail how a good American woman by the name of Penny Alesi was broken in body and degraded in spirit by a modern day De Sade in 2009 and 2010 at a homosexual sex/drug resort in Mexico.
The reward for Penny and her hellish experience in Mexico has been continued death threats, name calling on blogs, obscene phone calls, endless lies about her motivation for telling the truth and legal civil action by the co-conspirators of Jack Idema living in the United States. Most of these are legally challenged individuals have never even met Idema The Hun in person, although one woman, Lynn Thomas, has had at least one sexual liaison with him (the author hopes Idema wore protection). Ms. Thomas continues to fight daily for the "Idema Honor" by waging endless electronic warfare on the Blogsphere using more than one publication.
In recorded messages and emails, Idema tried to convince Penny to come back. One message in particular, has Idema screaming at her on her answering machine "What the fuck is going to happen to the business now? You HAVE TO TALK TO ME TO STRAIGHTEN THIS OUT. Just come back home to me and it'll be alright." Penny has never been arrested, has never had any substance or alcohol abuse problems, had excellent credit, had the same job for fifteen years and was the perfect target for Idema. She was previously married for thirteen years as well. No children just her pets.
When the Idema threats from Mexico failed to bring Penny back into his camp, he begin to send Penny's elderly parents emails laced with vulgarities and filled with lewd photos taken from the orgies he forced her to participate in under torture threats. The failure of this attempt to get Penny back on the Idema side caused El Jacko to double down and call Penny's parents long distance to make threats of jailing them "as co-conspirators" (!) and calling their terminally ill daughter "a whore." These emails and audio recordings (that will be published on the Internet at a later date) are disgusting to read and hear, especially as senior citizens should be not subjected to that kind of harassment.
When this gambit failed, Idema contacted Penny's brother and repeated the action related in the paragraph above. This was Penny's reward for looking after Idema's dying father, a decorated WW II Marine Corps hero, who she arranged to have buried with full military honors complete with a 21 gun salute and Taps. After this very moving tribute to a fallen patriot, the officer in charge of the Marine Corps burial detail presented the "Old Glory" to Penny Alesi, as Jack Idema, the man's son and heir refused to attend the ceremony, fearing arrest in the USA on felony charges.
Penny published the Idema threats and harassment of her family on Complaints.com, Of course, the Idema free rent propaganda minister, Lynn Thomas, the publisher and owner of Cao's Blog, took aim at the facts presented by Penny to spin them as lies in article after article. This author thinks Ms. Thomas should go work as a highly paid member of Obama's Propaganda Team, as she has a rare talent for making lies look logical, rational and true! Lynn Thomas reminds this author of a woman who is seen by the police with a smoking gun in her hand over the dead body of a man with a large hole in the middle of his chest saying to the officers, "Are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?"
Article after Lynn Thomas article hit the Internet, the latest gambits launched from the Idema Gang in Mexico and the USA "proving" that Penny was "insane." This author can verify personally from over a year of talking to Penny Alesi on numerous occasions by phone and countless emails that this woman is quite sane and very strong minded. He recently interviewed Penny and her legal counsel in person to see if what she was saying was true. She presented this writer with documents, recordings, CDs, photographs and all the verification necessary to prove she is telling the truth. No wonder Idema and his followers are trying to discredit her. They don't even have a clue how much information this woman is retaining. When this latest piece of mud thrown at Penny rolled off her face without result charging her with insanity, the Idema Gang moved the "Penny Alesi and Jack Idema Were Never Married" gambit to the center of the chessboard.
Check again for the Idema Gang!
First of all, there are pictures and witness statements that prove Penny Alesi and Jack Idema were joined together as man and wife in a Muslim religious ceremony in Mexico. These types of weddings happen every day in the Muslim World and are recognized immediately by The State as being legal and binding. This author doesn't know the legal status of such a wedding in Mexico, but the important thing to remember is that most Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that marriage is a sacred contract between a man and woman with God, not the State. In America, a Jewish, Christian, or Muslim wedding would be recognized as legal and binding by the various states in the federal union.
Penny Alesi and Jack Idema are about as married as two people can be!
There are other items of evidence to check this gambit - For instance, Jack Idema wrote the obituary for his father H. John Idema. In this moving tribute of a son honoring his hero father, he states that Penny Alesi is his wife. Idema also created an inappropriate handout for the funeral that complained about the length of time it took the government to arrange the full dress and very moving patriotic ceremony. In this document Jack Idema states Penny Alesi is his wife, and thanks her for many good deeds done for his late father.
At the end of this voyage into a heart of darkness, that is the soul of Jack Idema, this author has to wonder who is more guilty – Jack Idema – or the horde of his fellow travelers who have made profits from his crimes in the past and future, yet still consider themselves good people. This writer thinks no one can remain good if they follow evil. After all, Jack Idema is a psychopath, a subhuman, a wolf disguised as a human out for the kill – So we can expect evil of such a creature. But what about a lawyer or businessman who knows Jack Idema is evil, yet for profit continues to do business with him?
This writer believes the question was answered years ago by the author of Moby Dick, where an entire ship full of “good” men die save one, because they knowingly and willingly followed an evil commander.
Today, Penny lives with her parents in poverty. The once robust body that could propel Penny along jogging trails for miles is now reduced to ruins by the many terrors of HIV/AIDS, a “gift” from her former psychopathic husband who thought nothing of killing a good woman for his own personal gain. The once sharp mind that won her honors in school has become a short circuit that cuts on and off, the playground of horrible nightmares and terrible flashbacks to terror in Mexico at the hands of the psychopath and sadist who laughed at her discomfort, and often threatened to "gut her" if she told anyone the truth.
A wise man once said that overcoming the bad things in life is what makes us better people.
Thus the trials of Penny Alesi over which she has won many hard battles against the armies of the night made her a gallant warrior for truth and justice in the endless battle against evil. Yes, her poor head has been beaten bloody on more than one occasion; her once attractive body invaded and eaten alive by a deadly virus; but she has never been conquered by one of the most ruthless enemies and torturers one can imagine.
This is the claim few of us can make make..
Those who can we call HEROES!
Penny Alesi is a hero and an American Freedom Fighter!
The wedding ceremony was a short affair of less than half an hour that consisted of Arabic words translated on cards for the bride and groom to speak, rings exchanged (The bride's ring was an el cheapo never replaced with a real diamond) and the lighting of candles.
Unfortunately for the new bride, this picture of gentle lovers in an earthly paradise would soon turn into a latter day Dante's Inferno of the worst regions of Hell.
Jack Idema, the groom and alleged romantic “man's hero” of many adventures in various parts of the world including Afghanistan turned out to be a classic psychopath. A wolf of a man who attempted to turn an innocent woman into his slave by means of mental, emotional and physical torture. This was a session of Hell lasting endless months in an isolated part of Mexico far from the eyes of Mexican federal law enforcement, who very likely wouldn't have been interested, since the people involved were foreigners.
What torture Penny Alesi underwent at the hands of the raving and often drugged Jack Idema the world may never know in detail, even Penny today has problems remembering, as the brain can only take so much horror before it switches off. However, it is certain she was often hit for small misdemeanors by her new husband. (not to mention the fact that she was always ducking to avoid the items coming at her head (mostly cell phones, glasses and ashtrays). There were also attempts on her life by Jack Idema, who was only stopped by the intervention of their bodyguard Frank, an honest, intelligent and very physically fit man that Penny credits with saving her life on more than one occasion.
The story gets worse as the long months of 2009 passed. However, because Penny had moved her cats down there to Mexico to be with her at the end of March 2009, she endured it. She not only had herself to worry about, but her three cats who are were her children and she had to stay lucid enough to protect all of them. Furthermore, she was very worried about her newly adopted Mexican cat, Tinka, and Nina, the dog from Afghanistan she had rescued for Idema.
Penny soon discovered that her new husband had been unfaithful and was/is a secret homosexual with many male playmates. These include Nancy the transsexual, Fernando his boyfriend and Eduardo.
Idema, Fernando and Eduardo loved to be the stars of home videos with many other homosexual partners as extras who came to the Casa Arabia Sex House. This establishment soon became famous as a vacation spot for American homosexuals and was listed online as a gay resort in Mexico. The homosexual orgies continued around the clock at this establishment, fueled by cheap Mexican liquor and expensive illegal drugs like cocaine/heroin provided for a price by Idema and the Mexican drug cartel. Of course, the fun seekers were off limits to Mexican law enforcement, since the owner of the complex was a corrupt Mexican Senator.
After months of torture that makes the Hanoi Hilton look like a Boy Scout camp, a broken Penny was introduced by Jack Idema to the orgy games at the pleasure dome of Casa Arabia, where men rule in true Muslim fashion and women are reduced to Third World white slavery whose only reward is bare physical survival. The well fed, happy and lucky citizens of the West, especially women, cannot begin to imagine the horrors of womanhood in these regions where decent women like Penny are forced to purchase their lives by Muslim husbands like Jack Idema at the cost of brain washing, drugs, beatings, mock executions and perverted sex with dirty and diseased people. Many women would commit suicide rather than submit to the torture and degrading sexual demands of a psychopath.
But Penny is a survivor.
She escaped her prison hell in the Casa Arabia Sex House with the help of few good men and women. On July 30, 2010, Penny filed charges in Chetumal, Mexico against Idema. The legal Mexican document is here in Spanish (English translation in progress), but if you have knowledge of the Spanish language, as many Americans do, you will be shocked at the horror related in legalese. In brief, the document states in detail how a good American woman by the name of Penny Alesi was broken in body and degraded in spirit by a modern day De Sade in 2009 and 2010 at a homosexual sex/drug resort in Mexico.
The reward for Penny and her hellish experience in Mexico has been continued death threats, name calling on blogs, obscene phone calls, endless lies about her motivation for telling the truth and legal civil action by the co-conspirators of Jack Idema living in the United States. Most of these are legally challenged individuals have never even met Idema The Hun in person, although one woman, Lynn Thomas, has had at least one sexual liaison with him (the author hopes Idema wore protection). Ms. Thomas continues to fight daily for the "Idema Honor" by waging endless electronic warfare on the Blogsphere using more than one publication.
In recorded messages and emails, Idema tried to convince Penny to come back. One message in particular, has Idema screaming at her on her answering machine "What the fuck is going to happen to the business now? You HAVE TO TALK TO ME TO STRAIGHTEN THIS OUT. Just come back home to me and it'll be alright." Penny has never been arrested, has never had any substance or alcohol abuse problems, had excellent credit, had the same job for fifteen years and was the perfect target for Idema. She was previously married for thirteen years as well. No children just her pets.
When the Idema threats from Mexico failed to bring Penny back into his camp, he begin to send Penny's elderly parents emails laced with vulgarities and filled with lewd photos taken from the orgies he forced her to participate in under torture threats. The failure of this attempt to get Penny back on the Idema side caused El Jacko to double down and call Penny's parents long distance to make threats of jailing them "as co-conspirators" (!) and calling their terminally ill daughter "a whore." These emails and audio recordings (that will be published on the Internet at a later date) are disgusting to read and hear, especially as senior citizens should be not subjected to that kind of harassment.
When this gambit failed, Idema contacted Penny's brother and repeated the action related in the paragraph above. This was Penny's reward for looking after Idema's dying father, a decorated WW II Marine Corps hero, who she arranged to have buried with full military honors complete with a 21 gun salute and Taps. After this very moving tribute to a fallen patriot, the officer in charge of the Marine Corps burial detail presented the "Old Glory" to Penny Alesi, as Jack Idema, the man's son and heir refused to attend the ceremony, fearing arrest in the USA on felony charges.
Penny published the Idema threats and harassment of her family on Complaints.com, Of course, the Idema free rent propaganda minister, Lynn Thomas, the publisher and owner of Cao's Blog, took aim at the facts presented by Penny to spin them as lies in article after article. This author thinks Ms. Thomas should go work as a highly paid member of Obama's Propaganda Team, as she has a rare talent for making lies look logical, rational and true! Lynn Thomas reminds this author of a woman who is seen by the police with a smoking gun in her hand over the dead body of a man with a large hole in the middle of his chest saying to the officers, "Are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?"
Article after Lynn Thomas article hit the Internet, the latest gambits launched from the Idema Gang in Mexico and the USA "proving" that Penny was "insane." This author can verify personally from over a year of talking to Penny Alesi on numerous occasions by phone and countless emails that this woman is quite sane and very strong minded. He recently interviewed Penny and her legal counsel in person to see if what she was saying was true. She presented this writer with documents, recordings, CDs, photographs and all the verification necessary to prove she is telling the truth. No wonder Idema and his followers are trying to discredit her. They don't even have a clue how much information this woman is retaining. When this latest piece of mud thrown at Penny rolled off her face without result charging her with insanity, the Idema Gang moved the "Penny Alesi and Jack Idema Were Never Married" gambit to the center of the chessboard.
Check again for the Idema Gang!
First of all, there are pictures and witness statements that prove Penny Alesi and Jack Idema were joined together as man and wife in a Muslim religious ceremony in Mexico. These types of weddings happen every day in the Muslim World and are recognized immediately by The State as being legal and binding. This author doesn't know the legal status of such a wedding in Mexico, but the important thing to remember is that most Jews, Christians and Muslims believe that marriage is a sacred contract between a man and woman with God, not the State. In America, a Jewish, Christian, or Muslim wedding would be recognized as legal and binding by the various states in the federal union.
Penny Alesi and Jack Idema are about as married as two people can be!
There are other items of evidence to check this gambit - For instance, Jack Idema wrote the obituary for his father H. John Idema. In this moving tribute of a son honoring his hero father, he states that Penny Alesi is his wife. Idema also created an inappropriate handout for the funeral that complained about the length of time it took the government to arrange the full dress and very moving patriotic ceremony. In this document Jack Idema states Penny Alesi is his wife, and thanks her for many good deeds done for his late father.
At the end of this voyage into a heart of darkness, that is the soul of Jack Idema, this author has to wonder who is more guilty – Jack Idema – or the horde of his fellow travelers who have made profits from his crimes in the past and future, yet still consider themselves good people. This writer thinks no one can remain good if they follow evil. After all, Jack Idema is a psychopath, a subhuman, a wolf disguised as a human out for the kill – So we can expect evil of such a creature. But what about a lawyer or businessman who knows Jack Idema is evil, yet for profit continues to do business with him?
This writer believes the question was answered years ago by the author of Moby Dick, where an entire ship full of “good” men die save one, because they knowingly and willingly followed an evil commander.
Today, Penny lives with her parents in poverty. The once robust body that could propel Penny along jogging trails for miles is now reduced to ruins by the many terrors of HIV/AIDS, a “gift” from her former psychopathic husband who thought nothing of killing a good woman for his own personal gain. The once sharp mind that won her honors in school has become a short circuit that cuts on and off, the playground of horrible nightmares and terrible flashbacks to terror in Mexico at the hands of the psychopath and sadist who laughed at her discomfort, and often threatened to "gut her" if she told anyone the truth.
A wise man once said that overcoming the bad things in life is what makes us better people.
Thus the trials of Penny Alesi over which she has won many hard battles against the armies of the night made her a gallant warrior for truth and justice in the endless battle against evil. Yes, her poor head has been beaten bloody on more than one occasion; her once attractive body invaded and eaten alive by a deadly virus; but she has never been conquered by one of the most ruthless enemies and torturers one can imagine.
This is the claim few of us can make make..
Those who can we call HEROES!
Penny Alesi is a hero and an American Freedom Fighter!
Friday, October 07, 2011
He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision—he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath—"The horror! The horror!" -- Joseph Conrad, "The Heart of Darkness"
-International Criminal...
-American Traitor...
-Islamist Terrorist
-Sex Offender...
The man you never wanted to hear about again is coming back on October 10,2011
The man who runs with the Mexican drug cartels!
The man who robbed Christians in North Carolina!
The man who knowingly infects his sexual partners with AIDS!
The man who converted to Islam and changed sides during the war in Afghanistan!
The man who ran a private prison and torture chamber in Afghanistan!
The man who tortured his wife into white slavery!
Monday, October 03, 2011

Everyone wants a piece of Ronbo_
The U.S. Secret Service...
The Islamists...
The Socialists...
The Fascists...
The Communists...
The Democrat Party...
The Black Racist/Nationalists...
The White Racist/Nationalists...
The Mexican Drug Cartel...
(Did I miss anyone out there?)
...And the latest on the ever longer Ronbo hit list is"El Jacko" Idema's blogger pal Cao, who apparently doesn't like my blog reprinting articles that I find on her good friend's blog Hence, the Blogger Cao threatens old Ronbo with legal action in a North Carolina civil court. Now this is a real twist - normally my enemies threaten and/or attempt to murder me, but being hauled into a nice civilized court? Yes, I may suffer a fate worse than death and have to wear a coat and tie, not to mention shave.
The horror! THE HORROR!!!
Anyhow, you be the judge and jury of Ronbo. The blog in question is here and someone is posting articles there under the name of Jack Idema. This person could be the one and only Jack Idema in an honest attempt to get right with God before he dies of AIDS by public confession, as the pictures and articles seem to come directly from his down-at-the heels resort in Mexico. I'm sure if this isn't The Real McCoy posting at this website, Blogger would have pulled the plug by now.
The U.S. Secret Service...
The Islamists...
The Socialists...
The Fascists...
The Communists...
The Democrat Party...
The Black Racist/Nationalists...
The White Racist/Nationalists...
The Mexican Drug Cartel...
(Did I miss anyone out there?)
...And the latest on the ever longer Ronbo hit list is"El Jacko" Idema's blogger pal Cao, who apparently doesn't like my blog reprinting articles that I find on her good friend's blog Hence, the Blogger Cao threatens old Ronbo with legal action in a North Carolina civil court. Now this is a real twist - normally my enemies threaten and/or attempt to murder me, but being hauled into a nice civilized court? Yes, I may suffer a fate worse than death and have to wear a coat and tie, not to mention shave.
The horror! THE HORROR!!!
Anyhow, you be the judge and jury of Ronbo. The blog in question is here and someone is posting articles there under the name of Jack Idema. This person could be the one and only Jack Idema in an honest attempt to get right with God before he dies of AIDS by public confession, as the pictures and articles seem to come directly from his down-at-the heels resort in Mexico. I'm sure if this isn't The Real McCoy posting at this website, Blogger would have pulled the plug by now.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The fall of the once mighty self styled, "Super Patriot" Jack Idema now hiding from U.S. law enforcement in Mexico in the house of a narco Mexican Senator and looking like a homeless bum at the Salvation Army soup kitchen.
...And fighting off AIDS with the help of modern medicine.
Stay tuned..
The EOI (Enemies Of Idema) are waiting, watching and reporting...
September 20, 2011
The fall of the once mighty self styled, "Super Patriot" Jack Idema now hiding from U.S. law enforcement in Mexico in the house of a narco Mexican Senator and looking like a homeless bum at the Salvation Army soup kitchen.
...And fighting off AIDS with the help of modern medicine.
Stay tuned..
The EOI (Enemies Of Idema) are waiting, watching and reporting...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Jack Idema accident on Sept. 17, 2009 was caused from speeding & driving while drinking & doing drugs. If he had wore a seat belt maybe he would not have gotten hurt so bad. He was put in isolation due to the AIDS they found in his blood. Clinica Carranza in Chetumal threw him out after a few weeks after he tried to stab a nurse with a pen in the neck. He left & never paid them of course. So they were more than willing to give out his confidential medical status. He also became more addicted to drugs than ever before as seen on this table from CasaArabi. Poor Jack, why don't you ever learn that being mean to others always comes back to bite you in the ass. Oops, we meant the face because you LOVE being bitten in the ass by your playmates!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
One picture speaks a thousand words. This is the alleged Super Patriot Jack Idema in the uniform of the enemy. It would be same as if in the middle of World War II, an American Army veteran donned the uniform of Hitler's dread SS for the cameras.
Want to see and read more on the traitor, Jack Idema?
The file of shame is HERE.
Want to see and read more on the traitor, Jack Idema?
The file of shame is HERE.
Monday, September 12, 2011

Just when you don't think the Great American Traitor Black Jack Idema can't sink any lower in Hell, he pulls off a surprise coup!
The smoking gun HERE
Of course, El Jacko is too sick with AIDS to personally commit this most extreme exercise in bad taste to the heroes of 9/11; thus 90% of the blame and most of the profit will go to his more or less physically healthy, but very greedy cult members in the USA living like cowards underground under fake names posting endless Idema lies and propaganda at websites like this ONE
I ask you: Who is more evil - people who follow and make profit from an evildoer, or the evildoer himself?
Also, who deserves most to be destroyed along with the evildoer?
A great poet and writer once asked these timeless questions in an American classic entitled "Moby Dick" and illustrated in his masterwork that if good men follow evil, they, too, will become evil and face the judgement of God on Earth and in Heaven.
The smoking gun HERE
Of course, El Jacko is too sick with AIDS to personally commit this most extreme exercise in bad taste to the heroes of 9/11; thus 90% of the blame and most of the profit will go to his more or less physically healthy, but very greedy cult members in the USA living like cowards underground under fake names posting endless Idema lies and propaganda at websites like this ONE
I ask you: Who is more evil - people who follow and make profit from an evildoer, or the evildoer himself?
Also, who deserves most to be destroyed along with the evildoer?
A great poet and writer once asked these timeless questions in an American classic entitled "Moby Dick" and illustrated in his masterwork that if good men follow evil, they, too, will become evil and face the judgement of God on Earth and in Heaven.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
There is no Statute of Limitations when a person flees from prosecution. It seems "failure to appear" is a constant comment on Idema's arrest log. He thinks he's above the law. The above document relates to Impersonating an Officer. He had used one of his many phony ID cards, but got snagged on that gig.
This is in addition his WAR CRIMES in Afghanistan, drug & arms dealing, all the court judgments that he owes...We can see why he's so afraid to come back to the United States.
Poor iguana, Idema is probably going to hang you upside down and torture you.
Then probably eat you, because he is low on funds.
The battle in North Carolina over the Idema's former building and business continues with the end not in sight. (Please note: No details can be posted because of the legal issues involved)
While lawyers and courts in North Carolina attempt to sort out the Black Jack train wreck of business dealings and property (lots of luck!)- and Idema groupie Cow is still hoping she and Black Knight Jack will be riding off in the sunset with his Lady Fair - at the Casa Arabi Sex House, a poor, sick and dying Idema is frolicking with homosexual "Nina" and his best boyfriend, Tony, who, between orgies and drug sessions, is actually helping Idema with the yard and house work. This is necessary because the disgusted, straight and unpaid Mexican non-drug abuse staff finally got smart and bolted.
I wonder if Bacalar Blue Lagoon boat tours are back in operation with the fleet down to one shitty boat?
Have fun Black Jack Idema.
By the way, what is that wrist band you have on? What does it mean? How are you feeling since your car accident? You were banged up badly. Hey, you are a great military hero, so how come you didn't get air-lifted to one of the VA hospitals in America, instead you stayed in a shoddy Mexican hospital & chose to suffer in pain at Casa Arabi? You MUST have all the VA medical benefits from the time you claim you served America in the U.S. Army Special Forces and would most certainly be able to utilize them. Oh wait, that's right, you can't come back here! You won't risk going to jail. And you don't have any medical benefits in the U.S. because you are a FRAUD!!!!!!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
What more PROOF do YOU need??
YOU are allowing this criminal to live in your house. What are you thinking?? We have proven everything he is below and you still protect him?? Idema is a type of human for which no animal comparisons work, there's nothing on earth lower, though people who would use his "services" to accomplish their political aims come close.
Terrorist sympathizer
War Criminal
Selling self-created tapes for financial gain to Al Jazerra
Stealing electricity from YOUR government in YOUR Casita at CasaArabi - YOUR HOME at Costera #113, Bacalar
Selling drugs
Selling arms
Infecting Mexicans with AIDS
Illegally living in Mexico
Avoiding charges an American woman has against him for raping, assaulting & trying to kill her in YOUR HOME, with a phony "Amparo". Those charges were filed in Chetumal on July 30, 2010 & Idema has been hiding in your CasaArabi ever since then
Conducting an illegal boat business in Mexico "Blue Lagoon Boat Tours"
Not respecting the "Demands" on him from your own people who he owes money for back employment
Drug & Sex Parties at YOUR house
He has no - FM3 Visa, NEVER HAS
He has no Driver's License, he is using Phony I.D. cards using alias JACK BLACK
Owes YOU rent, never paid Clinica Carranza hospital bill, owes storage on other illegally driven black jeep in Chetumal, owes CFE, owes Telmex, filed false litigation suits against others in Mexico - including his neighbor who lives next door, over a wall, and a condominium suit in Puerto Aventuras where he was thrown out of because of his arrest there for two days involving disturbance of the peace & drugs on October 30 & 31, 2007, then fled to your home in Bacalar. The cost of getting him out of jail was 7 grand US Dollars!
Created SAAC (STAR America Aviation Company) solely for the transport of drugs & arms. SAAC was created in YOUR home, all contracts & key players were at your home. Idema tried to stay hidden & used unsuspecting victims in his company to resist any fallout. He also ripped off the investors 200 grand, issued false ID cards for clearance in & out of airports to transport the illegal cargo
Assault, Torture, Robbery, Impersonating Military Personnel & Imprisoned in Kabul, Afghanistan for 3 years (2004)
Assault with a deadly weapon (2002, USA)
Conspiracy & Wire Fraud 58 counts (convicted 1994, served 3 years in prison, USA)
We have further information that we will be posting in regards to SAAC (STAR America Aviation Company) & how Idema & his lawyers were able to file so many lawsuits in the USA & Mexico. We are also going to start reprinting an old blog that was started in 2005 regarding Idema and his cronies. Haven't you ever wondered if Idema was the real deal, a real hero, like he brags he is, why he hasn't returned to the United States since he left in 2004? What is he afraid of?
Also, why did his house in Poughkeepsie never have the auction that was announced? Could it be he owes so many debts on judgements he has lost in his court cases against others? Why doesn't he come back here to straighten out his finances himself, instead of letting others who work for him try to figure it out? If he's so honest and such a hero, you would think he'd be dying to get back here. Instead of just staring at his "Me Wall" Shrine to himself in the kitchen of CasaArabi.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lance Cpl. Blas Trevino of the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, clinches his Rosary beads as he is treated by U.S. Army flight medic Sgt. Joe Campbell after being rescued onto a medevac helicopter from the U.S. Army’s Task Force Lift “Dust Off”, Charlie Company 1-214 Aviation Regiment in Afghanistan Saturday, June 11, 2011. Trevino was shot in the stomach outside Sangin, in the Helmand Province of southern Afghanistan, Saturday. The Army’s ‘Dust Off’ crew needed two attempts to get him out, as they were fired upon and took five rounds of bullets into the tail of their aircraft. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)Said President Obama today in a press conference, "Naturally we salute the heroism of this young Marine wounded in action in Afghanistan, however, the wanton display of the Christian Cross in a Muslim country is totally unacceptable and is a courts martial offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice."SOURCE: JACK IDEMADetails?
Email me at:
Will forward what I know about this latest Obama foot-in-the-mouth.
Monday, May 30, 2011

Further proof of Idema's connection with the enemy. As we've said previously, he not only lives in an Arab house in Bacalar, Mexico. He wears Arab garb & sold tapes to Al Jazeera featuring himself water boarding & torturing Afghans for profit. Here's proof he also is very good friends with these terrorists. You don't have to be an active member to sympathize with the cause. Jack and Mullah Mujahed were at Pulacharke prison together. Mullah Mujahed, who has 200,000 or more Taliban terrorists under him is a terrorist, but Jack considers him a good friend. Put all this together with the facts and you have a traitor plain and simple. Photos do not lie. Idema sold his country out long ago & is continuously trying to cash in on his lies telling more stories for a quick buck to whoever is stupid enough to listen. What a creep.
Below is the IED (Improvised Explosive Devises) Threat that was issued on 8/16/06 in Afghanistan regarding the Taliban suicide bombers, Jack's friends and associates.
"The MEYMANEH group is led by Haji HAFIZ from KANDAHAR or QUETTA. HAFIZ is of light build and has a black beard with tones of white. He has cut his beard short in order to avoid resemblance with a typical Taliban member. His two deputies are FNU HABIBULLAH and Mullah MUJAHED, both from CHARBOLAR (GNK) in MASAR e SHARIF (42S UF 3164). Mullah MUJAHED is possible ANWAR AL-HAQ, aka MUJAHED. MUJAHED is not a common name, but often seen as a label for veteran mujahedin fighters. ANWAR AL-HAQ is earlier reported to be a TALIBAN commander thought to be conducting insurgent activities in NANGARHAR province, AFGHANISTAN. Mullah MUJAHED might also be ANWARUL HAQ MUJAHED, listed as TALIBAN in charge of NANGARHAR province as of April 2006. He is reportedly close to TALIBAN leader Mullah OMAR. The group will travel to MAZAR E SHARIF before moving on to MEYMANEH. While in MAZAR E SHARIF, the group will stay in the home of Mullah MUJAHID. Commanders could nurture and fuel radicalism without finding substantial proves. The absence of such indications does not omit that there could be people supportive to TALIBAN. In given circumstances they might be supportive or ally themselves with terrorist elements."
Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Right behind her was a little kid who was patted down. And then right behind him was a guy in Arabian dress who just walked right through. Why are we patting down grandma and kids?"
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
The pictures below prove that Idema was sympathizing with Al Qaida because they paid him money for the anniversary 9/11 water boarding and torture tapes. He revered the Arabs and started dressing like one and hated America. HE WAS AND STILL IS A TRAITOR. He went to get the bounty on Bin Laden, failed, so sold the tapes for profit to get even with the US who didn't help him with his lies when he got in trouble in Afghanistan. The photos are proof of his disrespect.

Monday, May 02, 2011
A Jonathan Keith Idema-Con of the First Degree
Jonathan Keith Idema's
book of lies that was pulled off the bookshelves due to his self-inflated ego. Poor Robin Moore was misled & conned into believing the fake. Idema even pocketed money from the charities that were listed in the back of the book. After this book was pulled and the media discovered what a fraud he was, Idema graduated himself to selling fake "Al Qaeda" training tapes to make money. Then he was featured in 2 of the Bin Laden 9/11 Anniversary tapes where he is featured torturing & water boarding innocent Afghans for his own self interest. Then had the nerve to sell those tapes as well to the enemy. He is a traitor and disrespects all Americans that are losing their lives fighting for our country. He should be considered a War Criminal & tried harshly. He is expected in the States anytime now (public auction on 12 Jonathan Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY May 15 Sunday; the home he grew up in) & anyone that sees him should report him to the local authorities. If he was what he said he was, how come the FBI were trying to catch him way back when?
Check out the video below and see what a sociopath this asshole really is:

Check out the video below and see what a sociopath this asshole really is:

May 02, 2011
A Jonathan Keith Idema-Con of the First Degree
Jonathan Keith Idema's
book of lies that was pulled off the bookshelves due to his self-inflated ego. Poor Robin Moore was misled & conned into believing the fake. Idema even pocketed money from the charities that were listed in the back of the book. After this book was pulled and the media discovered what a fraud he was, Idema graduated himself to selling fake "Al Qaeda" training tapes to make money. Then he was featured in 2 of the Bin Laden 9/11 Anniversary tapes where he is featured torturing & water boarding innocent Afghans for his own self interest. Then had the nerve to sell those tapes as well to the enemy. He is a traitor and disrespects all Americans that are losing their lives fighting for our country. He should be considered a War Criminal & tried harshly. He is expected in the States anytime now (public auction on 12 Jonathan Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY May 15 Sunday; the home he grew up in) & anyone that sees him should report him to the local authorities. If he was what he said he was, how come the FBI were trying to catch him way back when?
Check out the video below and see what a sociopath this asshole really is:

Check out the video below and see what a sociopath this asshole really is:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
MEET & GREET JACK! See the house he grew up in that he now has for sale! Free open bar & hors d'oeuvres served! Autograph signing! Connect with other members of his fan club! Tons of surprises!Come one, come all!
Unreserved Real Estate & Contents Auction
![]() Directions: From Spackenkill Rd. (Rte. 113) go North on Co. Rd. 74 (Cedar Ave.) Left on Walnut Hill Rd. to left on Jonathan Dr. Bidding Starts @ $1 Sunday, May 15, 1 P.M. | |
![]() | |
![]() 12 Jonathan Lane Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 | |
Sunday, May 15, 1 P.M. | |
Open House: Sunday, May 8, 1-3 P.M. and one hour before auction. | |
To Be Sold To The Highest Bidder Regardless of Price!
County: Dutchess
Municipality: Town of Poughkeepsie
School District: Spackenkill Union Free
Tax Map#: 006.-160-0002-605.8010000
Assessment: $367,000.00
Equalization Rate: 100%
100% Assessed Value: $367,000.00
Lot Size: 1.10 Acres
Zoning: Residential
Classification: 210-Single Family Residence
Town/County Taxes: $4,735.97
School Taxes: $5,743.11
Total Yearly Taxes: $10,479.08
Real Estate Features: 4,202' sq. ft. Custom Built Ranch Home with four bedrooms, three full baths & 2 car garage w/electric door openers on 1.10 acres! Features kiln fired brick exterior, asphalt custom roof (Dec. 2002), slate floor foyer, catherdral ceilings, office with Danish design library shelving, custom hardwood floors throughout, highly exotic Virginia white granite wall in living room. Full finished basement includes kitchen, full bath, laundry, private entrance & wet bar. Built in 1962. Tarvia driveway, Located on dead end street.
Household Furnishings to be auctioned immediately following the sale of the Real Estate to include: Dining room, Living room & Bedroom Furniture & misc. household items.
Terms on Personal Property: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Debit Cards. No Checks. Ten percent buyer’s premium. All items sold in “AS IS” condition. Subject to errors and omissions. Refreshments available. Driver’s license required for bidding number. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material.
Terms on Real Estate: Down payment of 10% due day of auction by Cash or Check. Additional 10% due within 3 days (72 hours) and the balance due on closing in 30-45 days. 10% Buyer's premium will be added to the final bid and included in the purchase price. Property sold in "AS IS" condition with transfer of title by Administrator's Deed. Broker Participation: 25% of Brzostek's Commission to be paid to the Licensed Real Estate Broker whose prospect successfully closes on the property. To qualify for a commission, the Real Estate Agent or Broker must register their prospect 48 hours prior to auction and attend the auction with client. Call for information. Brokers acting as principals are excluded from broker participation. All the information contained in this flyer/brochure was obtained from sources believed to be correct, but is not guaranteed. All announcements from the Auction block take precedence over any printed or advertised material. This property will be sold subject to any applicable Federal, State, and/or Local Government Regulations. All acreages, measurements, & other figures described in this flyer are approximate and, therefore, not necessarily to scale. Auction: #6023/11.
*EOI = Enemies Of Idema
*EOI = Enemies Of Idema
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
By Penny Alesi
First of all, I want it known that I am not anti-gay, quite the contrary. I have joined HIV support groups & I am active at the local AIDS Project Center. I am not prejudiced against any race, creed, color, political party, sexual preference or anything like that. What I am against is deceit & evil. I think if someone has a disease, like HIV, they should be responsible enough to make sure no one else gets it from them and let them know you have it so they have a choice in whether or not they want to engage in any kind of sex with you.
I was outed way before I was ready or my family was ready. A certain "humble" blog took away my anonymity and spread horrible lies about me. When I tried to respond to that blog I never was given the chance to tell my side of the story, instead my family & I were harassed, intimidated & threatened. I lost my dignity, self-respect, my cat, good credit (due to all fraudulent business endeavors Idema put my name on), my belongings, my health, my reputation, friends, and the right to choose how I live & die. Jack Idema took all that from me. He also decided to make my life a living hell way right up until I take my last breath. He left me destitute & he clearly knew he was infected with HIV.
I did not get HIV via drugs or being a hooker. I got it the way alot of women get it. I was in love & stupid. Period. And because of love & stupidity, my life will never be the same, whatever is left of it. So this story is not for profit, it is for peace of mind and so that when I meet my maker, I will know I did all I could to stop this monster. Jack Idema has alot more sins than just giving out HIV. I'm concerned about other people being as sick as I am & dying, though. The other stuff will come out eventually, although I am sure I won't be around long enough to see it. So, yes, I am mad, very mad. Sad as well.
I challenge anyone who is handed this death sentence of HIV 1, HIV 2, HPV, Herpes 1 & 2, to react differently. Having these STD's can drive you insane. You feel isolated, sick all the time & know that people are afraid to come near you & not even hug you. Jack knew he was doing this to me & never gave me the decency of even apologizing, instead he used me for all he could because he couldn't come back to the States, or so he claims. I took Nina the dog for him when he left Afghanistan, I buried his father & I took charge of his medical rehab when he had his near fatal accident on Sept.17, 2009.
My payment was a horrible disease that he knew he had. Jack always told me he was a heterosexual & when I finally found out the truth, it was too late. Now, I also know that he was bisexual years ago. A Green Beret, who was stationed at Fort Bragg, has come forward & told me of his meeting Jonathan Keith Idema (as he called himself back then). He met him at a "newstand" located on Bragg Blvd. in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in early 2000/2001. They would have sex in a back room. He also went to 450 Robeson Street & have sex with Jack at his apartment next to his office in that building. 2 other men have also come forward, which totally sickens me.
Jack was into cross dressing secretly then too, as well as having his anus penetrated with dildos. He never used condoms then. Now, occasionally he does. But the damage is already there, the disease has progressed. I've also been told about his encounters with men while he was in prison in Kabul, Afghanistan. Apparently, Thursday nights there were for "man sex". I wish to god he had told me this himself when I first met him.
Hopefully now the truth is out & others will be careful.
I was outed way before I was ready or my family was ready. A certain "humble" blog took away my anonymity and spread horrible lies about me. When I tried to respond to that blog I never was given the chance to tell my side of the story, instead my family & I were harassed, intimidated & threatened. I lost my dignity, self-respect, my cat, good credit (due to all fraudulent business endeavors Idema put my name on), my belongings, my health, my reputation, friends, and the right to choose how I live & die. Jack Idema took all that from me. He also decided to make my life a living hell way right up until I take my last breath. He left me destitute & he clearly knew he was infected with HIV.
I did not get HIV via drugs or being a hooker. I got it the way alot of women get it. I was in love & stupid. Period. And because of love & stupidity, my life will never be the same, whatever is left of it. So this story is not for profit, it is for peace of mind and so that when I meet my maker, I will know I did all I could to stop this monster. Jack Idema has alot more sins than just giving out HIV. I'm concerned about other people being as sick as I am & dying, though. The other stuff will come out eventually, although I am sure I won't be around long enough to see it. So, yes, I am mad, very mad. Sad as well.
I challenge anyone who is handed this death sentence of HIV 1, HIV 2, HPV, Herpes 1 & 2, to react differently. Having these STD's can drive you insane. You feel isolated, sick all the time & know that people are afraid to come near you & not even hug you. Jack knew he was doing this to me & never gave me the decency of even apologizing, instead he used me for all he could because he couldn't come back to the States, or so he claims. I took Nina the dog for him when he left Afghanistan, I buried his father & I took charge of his medical rehab when he had his near fatal accident on Sept.17, 2009.
My payment was a horrible disease that he knew he had. Jack always told me he was a heterosexual & when I finally found out the truth, it was too late. Now, I also know that he was bisexual years ago. A Green Beret, who was stationed at Fort Bragg, has come forward & told me of his meeting Jonathan Keith Idema (as he called himself back then). He met him at a "newstand" located on Bragg Blvd. in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in early 2000/2001. They would have sex in a back room. He also went to 450 Robeson Street & have sex with Jack at his apartment next to his office in that building. 2 other men have also come forward, which totally sickens me.
Jack was into cross dressing secretly then too, as well as having his anus penetrated with dildos. He never used condoms then. Now, occasionally he does. But the damage is already there, the disease has progressed. I've also been told about his encounters with men while he was in prison in Kabul, Afghanistan. Apparently, Thursday nights there were for "man sex". I wish to god he had told me this himself when I first met him.
Hopefully now the truth is out & others will be careful.
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Seems Jack is calling on old friends now to help him. George Maracek has been visiting the Fayetteville, NC building to help his old buddy Jack. Red truck, license plate number #MPP6262. Why is he getting involved? Doesn't he realize what Jack is all about yet? Maybe someone should let him know before he gets in deeper. George has a checkered past, maybe that's why Jack has him visiting Lynn Thomas at 450 Robeson Street.
Date of article: August 19, 2003 ABC News 11
Army Colonel George Maracek, was a Green Beret and decorated veteran of Korean and Vietnam conflicts. released from prison 12 years after death of wife in 1991. Col Marecek was convicted in 2000 of second degree murder of his wife. The evidence showed that 42 year old Viparet Marecek was afraid for her safety and told a friend to call police if she didn’t return home to Fayetteville from the beach. Col Mareck took out an insurance policy on his wife shortly before her death. After her death he married a cousin from his native Czech Republic. Do the math: Convicted in 2000; released in 2003 then paroled (NC prison).
Army Colonel George Maracek, was a Green Beret and decorated veteran of Korean and Vietnam conflicts. released from prison 12 years after death of wife in 1991. Col Marecek was convicted in 2000 of second degree murder of his wife. The evidence showed that 42 year old Viparet Marecek was afraid for her safety and told a friend to call police if she didn’t return home to Fayetteville from the beach. Col Mareck took out an insurance policy on his wife shortly before her death. After her death he married a cousin from his native Czech Republic. Do the math: Convicted in 2000; released in 2003 then paroled (NC prison).
Friday, January 14, 2011
JACK IDEMA'S CASA ARABI SEX HOUSEOn July 30th, 2010, I filed charges in Chetumal, Mexico against Jonathan Jack Keith Idema, who also goes by the name Jack Black. I have gone through hell because of this monster. But my hell is nothing compared to what he is currently doing to others in Mexico now. I told the police and other authorities what was happening they choose to ignore my charges & not reply to me because they don't care. I am too ill to go back to Mexico & pursue this. My only voice is through the media now. Someone has to stop him before he starts an AIDS epidemic in the Bacalar, Chetumal Area. One person has died on the Costera. Casablanca ( Casa Arabi) is a death trap. He was advertising for the house for gay rentals & put himself on Manhunt.Com for a time as Chetumal7.
The house of prostitution on #111 Costera Laguna in Bacalar, Mexico. It is easy to find, it's the huge white Arab house right on the Lake of 7 Colors. Just make sure you have alot of condoms and money & you will be all set. Be prepared for a night of sex & loads of drugs (cocaine & heroin especially). Jack's speciality is being on bottom & toys, so come and have fun! Also, Jack loves to video the sex so look your best!
But the police chose to ignore this. Guess they don't care about AIDS killing their Mexican people or tourists. Nancy/Yarlan has moved in. Nancy is quite attractive for a man I will say. She must be. She works the highway in Bacalar at the Pemex Gas Station & must easily do 20 truckers or so on a good night. She is originally from Belize, although she likes to lie & says she's from Egypt to her customers. And she does own at least 10 dildos that she loves to brag about. She so wants to be a woman she has been taking the steroids to make her breasts bigger & doesn't have to shave. One of her customers has died of AIDS. And Idema still denies any involvement with gays, bisexuals, etc. Yup. The diseased hooker is also wearing all my clothes around Bacalar. Also has been seen driving his black Jeep. Don't seem right to me. What a lying piece of scum. That poor guy that died of AIDS also gave the diseased tranny hooker a motor scooter awhile back to drive around Bacalar when there was a drought of customers. What is wrong with these people? How can anyone be okay with 2 people spreading this fatal disease & not care? What is wrong with the police? The chief of police in Bacalar, Caesar, is a constant visitor to CasaBlanca/Casa Arabi & one of Idema's best friends. Is he in on the action? Must be or it seems to me he would stop this. What is wrong with Jose Hadad, a supposedly decent, respectable Senator that lets them do these things in his Arab house on the Costera in Bacalar? He is supposed to be working for the Mexican people but yet he allows his people to be infected with a fatal disease in his own home?????????? Not to mention the drugs that are being used during the sex trysts. How about the Nalbufina (Bufigen) that Jack keeps getting fraudulent prescriptions for. Why doesn't Dr. Francisco Guillermo Denis stop him from doing this? He is also the doctor that diagnosed Idema, why is he not coming forward? What is wrong with this picture? Could it be like my original police report states in Mexico, that it's all about drugs, arms & money. Must be, why else would you ruin your reputation as a Senator or a Doctor or a top Police Official, unless someone has something over you? I've asked Jose Hadad repeatedly via emails & phone conversations to help me get my belongings & even told him what was going on there & sent him documented proof, but yet Hadad does nothing. Why????????? I have tried all I can so all that is left is to ask anyone who wants to help stop this madness to call the numbers below & see if perhaps you can reason with these idiots. Spreading AIDS is a crime & should not be tolerated. Thank you to anyone that thinks this should be stopped & wants to help. Penny Alesi Jack Black Idema home phone 983-834-2904 cell phone 983-103-7961 Jose Hadad Senator cell phone 983-752-0207 Francisco Guillermo Denis Doctor phone 983-832-9852 at Pasteur Labortorio Clinico Chetumal Rosente Police Chief in Bacalar phone 983-101-5836 Caesar Top Police Chief in Bacalar phone 983-138-2277 |
Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Real operators generally don't court uncalculated risk or crave the violence and horrific bloodshed of combat, but they are trained and prepared both mentally and physically to confront such circumstances when thrust upon them. In general, a real operator is quiet and unassuming, and prefers to avoid talk of his work with outsiders, whereas impostors most often seem incapable of talking about anything other than their imaginary superhuman accomplishments and fabricated heroic exploits.
In reality, they are insecure cowards craving undeserved respect and seeking to instill awe and fear in those they encounter, if for no other reason than to conceal their true cowardly nature and satisfy the coward's universal desire to be the object of hero worship.
Real heroes don't seek to be worshipped. They don't seek to be heroes in the first place."
(from the Veriseal site)
In reality, they are insecure cowards craving undeserved respect and seeking to instill awe and fear in those they encounter, if for no other reason than to conceal their true cowardly nature and satisfy the coward's universal desire to be the object of hero worship.
Real heroes don't seek to be worshipped. They don't seek to be heroes in the first place."
(from the Veriseal site)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Rest in Peace Tinka
I knew he would do this to my cat. I have tried for 5 months to get Tinka back to the States. No one helped me. I guess giving me credit card debt, taking my belongings, ruining me financially, physically, mentally & emotionally wasn't enough. The non-stop harassing, bullying & stalking wasn't enough. He had to torture & kill my cat. It's time for the whole truth to come out. The following IM Skype message says it all. All I tried to do was walk away with everything I had left. I even quick deeded a building in my name for $10.00 measly dollars to get away. I was tired of all the evil & fraud.
[2:00:06 AM] pennylane.black: You won't see me Monday, I walked away from it [2:00:32 AM] pennylane.black: That's why I wasn't there last time either [2:02:56 AM] tfsaber: too bad, too sad, you are now a defendant.... [2:08:07 AM] tfsaber: lets see who wins............. [2:09:23 AM] tfsaber: PS: the cat is dead... [2:15:35 AM] pennylane.black: I knew you would kill my cat. You hated me & he had to die. [2:23:01 AM] pennylane.black: That makes you the winner. Hope you feel good about yourself now. [2:32:21 AM] pennylane.black: Why did you kill Tinka? How? Did you at least bury him? When did he die? [2:35:08 AM] pennylane.black: Did he suffer? Please tell me. [2:37:45 AM] pennylane.black: Was it quick? Please tell me [2:38:27 AM] pennylane.black: Nina is she okay? How is she taking this? [2:39:20 AM] pennylane.black: Nina has to be devastated, she loved him. Please tell me [2:40:53 AM] pennylane.black: Please tell me what happened [2:41:31 AM] pennylane.black: Did you kill him? Or did he die from a disease or bloat? PLEASE TELL ME [2:42:36 AM] pennylane.black: I'm begging you to tell me when & how my cat died [2:44:02 AM] pennylane.black: Why won't you tell me? Please tell me [2:44:55 AM] pennylane.black: Did you bury or cremate him? PLEASE TELL ME [2:48:05 AM] pennylane.black: Why didn't you tell me when he died???????????????????? [2:48:41 AM] pennylane.black: Maybe I could of at least talked to him on the phone before he passed over. Why didn't you let me know? [2:50:08 AM] pennylane.black: Why didn't you let me talk to him before it happened? [2:52:11 AM] pennylane.black: Please tell me how Tinka died & when please I'm begging you [2:57:51 AM] pennylane.black: This is omnipotent evil personified not even letting me know when my cat died & how you are the most toxic human being and I use the term loosely that ever existed you will go to hell for this you know. And not even answering me about how my cat died surpasses any other rotten thing you have ever done hands down. You can't even let me know how Tinka's life ended & you knew Tinka meant the world to me. [2:59:01 AM] pennylane.black: I thought you cared about animals at least I guess that's gone too [2:59:41 AM] pennylane.black: One more time---------I am begging you-------------when & how did Tinka die? [3:11:30 AM] pennylane.black: Please Please Please Please Please Please I am begging you tell me what happened to my cat? How did he die? |
Monday, November 22, 2010
Jack Idema Mexican Charges
Idema, Keith
aka Idema, John Keith
aka Idema, Jonathan
aka "Jack"
aka Jack Black 08/2010
Jack Idema Mexican Charges
Idema, Keith
aka Idema, John Keith
aka Idema, Jonathan
aka "Jack"
aka Jack Black 08/2010
We Cannot Arrest the Ex Green Beret - Alor
Faux Command Vigilante Wanted In Mexico
MSNBC - Creepy Jack Idema
Wired Danger Room
Narco Blog
Mercenary Located in Bacalar
Denounced for Rape and Abuse
Former Green Beret Investigated for Domestic Violence in Bacalar
Rambo Barricaded in Bacalar
Enslaved by Rambo
Soulless Green Beret
More Niceties of the Green Beret
Rambo Slave with AIDS

Sunday, November 21, 2010

There comes a time in every man's life when he must a long and honest look at his life.
I will reflect this weekend on my many sins this weekend.
On Monday, November 22, 2010, I will make an honest and very public Internet confession to the world and Almighty God.
No doubt many will cry, "Say it ain't so, Jack!"
While others will punch one another in the ribs to shouts of, "I knew it all along!"
Am I a rogue, or am I a hero?
On Monday, I will confess every secret thing.

Friday, November 19, 2010
Ex-soldier Jack Idema fights for building in court case

fayobserver,com ^ | November 16, 2010 | Paul Woolverton
Former Special Forces soldier Jonathan "Jack" Keith Idema, who made world headlines when he was sentenced to Afghan prison on torture charges in 2004, is doing battle in Cumberland County court.
The fight is over ownership of his former counterterrorism headquarters on Robeson Street in Fayetteville.
Court documents batting back-and-forth between Idema and the man trying to take the building, investigator and former bounty hunter Bill Hagler, make claims of fraud, theft and coercion, among others.
(Excerpt) Read more at fayobserver.com ...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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November 18, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Further (ALLEGED) Adventures of "Jack" Jonathan Keith Idema

Jonathan Keith Idema aka "Jack" Idema Barricaded in Bacalar Mexico - Drug dealer
Armed And Dangerous Fugitive "Jonathan Keith Idema" located and hiding in house in Bacalar Mexico. He is wanted by Raleigh North Carolina FBI, and for numerous legal judgements against him.
There is now a reward for his arrest and conviction. contact offshorewarrant@gmail.com with booking number or proof of fugitive under your control. Idema is wanted by Mexican authorities as well.
While transporting and selling cocaine for the cartels he was also selling selling information on the local cartels.
Contact for law enforcement:
Detalles del servidor público
Dirección de la Policía Judicial Zona Sur
Procurador General de Justicia del Estado
Teléfono: 9838350050 #1201
Conmutador: 9838350050
Fax: 9838323174
Correo electrónico/Email: dpj_pgje@qroo.gob.mx
Av. Adolfo López Mateos 500 esquina con Nápoles
Colonia Italia 77010
Ms. Lizbeth Loy Song Encalada
President Judge of the Superior Court of Justice and the Judicial Council.
Avenida Independencia No. 2, corner Bay Boulevard. CP 77 000
Colonia Centro. Chetumal, Quintana Roo
Phone: 01 (983) 8321000, 8327706, 21 157, 113 and 22 255 Ext 115
Fax: 01 (983) 8326488
DOB May 30, 1956
5' 9" 170 lbs white, long shoulder length hair and beard, wears prescription sunglasses
Convicted fraud felon and convicted kidnapper Jonathan Keith Idema aka Jack
"Idema" aka "Jack Black" has been arrested but released in Bacalar, Mexico in the state of Quintana Roo. He is currently fleeing from arrest warrants and judgements in the United States and is in Mexico illegally. He is currently hiding in his house to prevent arrest.
He was deported from Afghanistan after serving a jail term for kidnapping and torturing prisoners
He has also served jail time in the US for multiple counts of wire fraud. Currently he is the
advanced stage of HIV1 and HIV2 along with syphilis and is attracting
locals and tourists for unprotected sex with Mexican nationals using ads on internet gay cruising sites.
He is under investigation for kidnapping, battery, deliberate infection of HIV with intent to harm and attempted murder of his American girlfriend Penny Alessio.
Direct Contact:
0115219831037961 cell
011529838342904 house
910-338-0107 skype
Casablanca (Casa Arabi)
Costera 111 or 113
Bacalar, Quintaroo Roo 77930- CR – 77931
House is owned by Senator Hadad
Mexico legal contact for Victim
Procurador General de Justicia del Estado
Teléfono: 9838350050
Conmutador: 9838350050
Extensión: 1190
Fax: 9838323174
Email: dgap_pgje@gob.qroo.mx
CONTACT FOR IDEMA: tfsaber7@counterrgroup.org
Skip London, North Carolina
Runs Walnut Hill Holdings as a front for Idema, provides funds
skipl@SCC-INC.com, skip0628@hotmail.com
AS OF LATE JULY 2010 IDEMA TRANSFERRED TO LAWYER GUILLERMO TORRES his M4 rifle, pistol, cocaine, pornography, hard drives from computers with evidence and tapes his lawyer is Torres based in Chetumal - Torres is current possession of illegal weapons and cocaine direct contact number: 983 105 3741
Bribery of local law enforcement
Sale of Cocaine to Mexican nationals for the Cappelini Cartel
Sale of Crack Cocaine to mexican nationals for the Cappelini Cartel
Possession and Use of Cocaine
Possession and Use of Heroin
Possession of one M-4 Semi Automatic military rifle
Possession of one Glock 9mm Pistol
Possession of one Smith and Wesson 45 handgun (purchased from Mexican national "Ceasar" in Bacalar in Jan 2009)
Smuggling of weapons into Mexico
Possession and creation of pornographic materials
Threats against life of others
Brandishing a loaded weapon
Unregistered boat
Currently in Mexico illegally Unregistered alien (US Passport holder)
Known to be infected with HIV and in advanced stages but continues to infect Mexican citizens with HIV and Syphillis
Current boyfriend is "Nancy" a 21 year old local transvestite prostitute who can be found working the highway
Released from Afghan Prison in June 2007
Illegal Entry into Afghanistan (2002)
Impersonating a Government Contractor (2002 - 2003)
Impersonating a CIA officer (2002 - 2003)
Assault Kabul, Afghanistan (2004)
Robbery Kabul, Afghanistan (2004)
Torture Kabul, Afghanistan (2004)
Impersonating a Police Officer (arrested Jan-2004)
Assault with a Deadly Weapon shot at unarmed Dallas Morning News reporter Tod Robberson in Kabul (20-Apr-2002, no charges filed)
Conspiracy (convicted 1994)
Wire Fraud 58 counts (convicted 1994)
Assault (North Carolina
Resisting Arrest (North Carolina)
Idema is featured in R.Y. Pelton's book Licensed to Kill and 60 Minutes with Dan Rather
Compañia Editorial del Sureste S.A. de C.V.
Calzada Tampico No. 615, Esq. Ignacio Comonford
Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México. C.P. 77018
(983)-83-2-45-85 al 89
Novedades de Quintana Roo
Oficinas: Pecari No. 37 SM 20 M6 Ret 2 Col. Centro
Cancún, Quintana Roo
C.P. 77500
Tel: 8815900, 8815959
Doctor’s brother who diagnosed Idema with HIV
Juan 983 117 6474
Laboratorio del Centro
Bacalar 834-2836
Test taken on Jan. 18, 2010
Han (partners in the boat business)
983 834 2336
Última edición por justicio; 21/08/2010 a las 11:57 Razón: mas informacion
Convicted Torturer, Vigilante in Mexican Stand-Off
The world’s most notorious pseudo commando and self-appointed terrorist interrogator has resurfaced in Mexico, where he’s locked in a standoff with police in the state of Quintana Roo.
According to local press reports, Idema is holed up in his home in the town of Bacalar. Police officers are outside, waiting to question him after a visitor to the house accused Idema of “rape and deprivation of personal liberty.” Exactly how Idema got to Mexico, or what he was doing there, wasn’t immediately clear from the media accounts.
This wouldn’t be the first time cops sought to question Idema.
Years before Gary Brookes Faulkner went hunting for Osama Bin Laden with a sword, Johnathan Idema decided to wage his own personal war on Al Qaeda. But while Faulkner was really only a danger to himself, Idema was an utter poison to many around him. In 2004, Idema was convicted in Afghanistan of running a his own personal prison. (Above is a video of one of the interrogations, released by Al Qaeda in 2008 as an anti-American propaganda tool.)
“Three prisoners found in Idema’s custody during the raid were blindfolded and beaten and strapped to the ceiling by their feet,” New York magazine recounts. “Five others were tied to chairs with rope in a small, dark room down a hall that was littered with bloodied clothing.”
That was Idema’s second conviction, at least. In 1994, Idema, then a salesman of military clothing and equipment, was convicted of defrauding 60 companies out of more than $200,000.
Idema first arrived in Afghanistan in November 2001 to do what he claimed was “humanitarian relief” work. According to a former associate, Idema confessed that his real desire was “to kill every fucking Afghan I see.”
Idema portrayed himself as a badass Special Forces frontline operator (actually, records show he was more of a supply guy). He boasted ties with top generals in the U.S. military (remarkably, they didn’t exactly high-five Idema in public). He served as a consultant to media organizations like CBS News, and set up a small, self-styled anti-terror squad, “Task Force Saber 7.”
The Pentagon later acknowledged that it had contact with Idema, but said it rejected his offer to help capture terrorist suspects. (Check out Robert Young Pelton’s Licensed to Kill for more on this character.)
In 2007, Idema was granted a pardon by Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and returned to the United States. Then, he seemed to drop off of the map. For a while. But he always seems to turn back up.
See Also:
My heart goes out to because I know this good little cat was like a child to you.
Also, this is especially cruel due to your poor health.
I'm sure Tinka sleeps tonight with the angels.
I hope Jack Idema understands this act condemns him forever to the lowest levels of Hell.
Your Friend, Ronbo