History, Heroes, and a Hometown Feeling
21 April 2009
Mr. Victor Sharpe Ph: (910) 433-1596
City of Fayetteville Fax: (910) 433-1594
Community Development Department Email: mhaire@ci.fay.nc.us
433 Hay St. Room 309
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Subject: Fayetteville Façade Grant Program
Reference: Submission of joint proposal for Grants
Dear Mr. Sharpe,
Greetings to you and the Committee! It is with great pleasure we submit the enclosed
proposal under Fayetteville’s Façade Grant Program.
Three businesses, Isabeau-Dakota Corporation, The Ultimate Pet Resort, and STAR Air,
have teamed together to propose the renovation of the property at 450 Robeson Street.
This property has been an eyesore for the last 7 years and a difficult place to conduct
business. Located on a critical corner and bordering a Fayetteville City Park, the
improvement to this property will greatly enhance this downtown area.
Attached are three $25 checks, one from each business applying. All of the individual
applications, documentation, site plans, maps, and estimates are included the enclosed
comprehensive package.
One question we have for your committee relates to the overall appearance of this
downtown area. In an effort to follow your vision for downtown Fayetteville, we
request guidance on what the Committee thinks about staining the front of the brick or
painting the front, as we are still undecided on that issue?
I hope you enjoy our proposals.
Best Regards,
President, Isabeau-Dakota Corporation
Part I
1. Project Participants Information, address, phones, email, and license #s 2
2. Project Manager and Project Advisors 3
3. Project Overview- Partners, Estimated Costs, Project budget details 4
4. Conceptual Drawing- façade improvements with list of renovations 5
Part II
5. Isabeau-Dakota Application 6-9
6. Ultimate Pet Resort Application 10-13
7. Star Air Application 14-17
Part III
8. Proof of ownership of property 18
a. Also provides proof that property taxes are paid
9. Property Owner consent form for Star Air & Ultimate Pet Resort 19
10. Photographs of the existing façade and adjacent building 20-23
11. Site plan of property 24
12. Maps of block location and property location 25-27
a. Street Block View 25
b. Zoom out Street Block View 26
c. Satellite View of building area 27
13. Job Creation Forms (3 each from each participating business) 28-30
14. Copy of Current Business Licenses 31-33
a. Isabeau-Dakota Corporation is exempt 31
b. Ultimate Pet Resort License is attached 32
c. Star America Aviation License is attached 33
15. Davis Bacon Act Certification 34
16. City of Fayetteville Guidelines for a Façade Grant 35-37
Part IV
17. Quotes for Proposed materials, including brand & colors 38+
18. Contractor Quotes and Material Quotes
19. Contractor Business Licenses and Certification Forms for low bidders
20. Copy of permits and Contractor Permits (Paving, painting, concrete, signs)
21. $25 application fee from each business applicant (provide with cover letter)
1 Yellow highlights indicate items being provided by contractors and not yet available.
1. Project Participants Information, address, phones, email, and license #s
2. Project Manager and Project Advisors
3. Project Overview- Partners, Estimated Costs, Project budget details
4. Conceptual Drawing- façade improvements with list of renovations
EIN # 62-1448961 D&B DUNS # 07-931-2042
EIN # 20-8074681 D&B DUNS # 95-647-8622
910-426-7827 FAX: 910-426-7828 LAWSON@STARAIR.US
EIN # 37-1570040 D&B DUNS # 82-761-7981
Gllass Company
450 Robeson Street – Fayetteville, NC 28301
Three local Fayetteville companies are proposing to partner in a joint renovation project at 450 Robeson
Street. This is an important location because it is highly visible and the surrounding businesses have all
remodeled their areas. While none of the companies can afford to take on the project individually, their 3
projects combined renovate the entire property. The 3 companies, and their individual projects are:
1. Applicant #1- Isabeau-Dakota Corporation (established 1989), the owner of the building.
Overview: Isabeau will take responsibility for roof of building and oversight of project.
2. Applicant #2- The Ultimate Pet Resort (established 1995), a boarding facility for pets.
Overview: The Resort will take responsibility for new signs, doors, painting, and wall repair.
They will also take responsibility for their landscaping and their signs, doors
3. Applicant #3- Star America Air, a July 4, 2008 start-up military air cargo business.
Overview: Star will take responsibility for their landscaping, signs, doors and new edge
flashing around building. (Note: Star had plans to move their offices to
Moore County, but this project will keep a company office in Fayetteville).
The specific repairs and renovations being proposed to improve business on Robeson Street, to bring the
building up to area standards, and to enhance Robeson Street and the City Park on Italy Street, are:
Façade Grant Program Renovations: Cost: Vendor:
Isabeau-Dakota Corp:
New COOL ROOF (white) to give clean look from City Park view $ 14,500.00 (Andek Corp.)
Includes Gore Crane Fees Estimated Total $ 14,500.00 +-
New A/C & Heat systems to reduce energy & improve air ($ 6,750.00)1 (Gore Heating)
Interior remodeling, carpet, paint, ceilings, etc ($30,000.00) (Misc Vendors)
The Ultimate Pet Resort
Brick wall surface cleaning, power-washing, staining of Building Brick $ 2,300.00 (R&N Ent)
Repair Existing Pet Resort Signage, and new signs $ 1,400.00 (King Signs)
Repair Back steps (facing City Park) $ 600.00 (Brett Co.)
Repaint Back doors and walls (facing City Park) $ 1,600.00 (R&N Ent)
Replace broken and leaking molding on windows $ 75.00 (SAAC)
Landscaping, to include removing grass from sidewalks, replace
rotted railroad ties and planting 10 small shrubs and 3 Bushes $ 2,934.00 (UPR)
Replace Texture 111 Wood on left side of building and repaint $ 300.00 (Brett Co.)
Repair Front Doors and entrances $ 500.00 (Osborne/Gill)
Estimated Total $ 9,709.00 +-
STAR America Aviation:
New edge flashing around exterior top edges $ 2,500.00 (Gutterman)
Replace Lights over front door $ 100.00 (Lowes)
Repair Cement exterior steps, sidewalk, and left concrete pad $ 400.00 (Diamond)
Professional Re-paving of Parking Lot $ 6,000.00 (Diamond)
Signs $ 600.00 (King Signs)
Estimated Total $ 9,600.00 +-
Total $33,509.00 +-
1 These are additional Renovations (non-grant) by Isabeau-Dakota that will enhance building look and functionality.
Proposed Work Overview:
13. Chinese Privet Bushes in front.
14. Dwarf Green/Blue Shurbs on right side.
15. River Rock and Rhodedendrums in center
roundabout on parking lot.
16. River Rock between Sidewalk and Wall.
17. If budget allows, exterior garden landscape
lighting will also be added.
1. New White CoolRoof Installed.
2. New Edge Flashing on all sides.
3. New SAAC Sign over right door.
4. New Pet Resort Signs on left side.
5. Renovation of Sidewalk and concrete.
6. New Parking Lot and curbs.
7. Windows repaired.
8. New lights at doorways.
9. Park Walls repaired and repainted.
10. Doors facing Park repaired and painted.
11. Gutters repaired.
12. New A/C & Heat throughout bldg.
The Ultimate
Pet Resort
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC
City Park On Italy Street
< Robeson Street >
Thanks to the City of Fayetteville;
From Eye-Sore to Jewel on a
Street which badly needs it.
Building Length 135’
4. Isabeau-Dakota Application
5. Ultimate Pet Resort Application
6. Star Air Application
EIN # 62-1448961 " D&B DUNS # 07-931-2042
Exhibit A 1
City of Fayetteville Façade Improvement Grant Program
City of Fayetteville
Community Development Department
433 Hay St. Room 309 ___________
Fayetteville NC 28301 (910) 433-1596 Fax: (910) 433-1594 Date Received
1. Project address: ISABEAU-DAKOTA BUILDING, 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301
2. Applicant(s) information:
If applicant is other than a sole proprietorship, please indicate business type below:
___ Partnership X -NC Corporation ___ Other __________________________
___ Start-up ___ Expansion ___ Relocating
Federal Tax ID 62-1448961 DUNS # 07-931-2042
Corporate Address: 12 Jonathan Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Office Address: 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301
Telephone: 845-452-5327 Fax: 480-247-5626 E-Mail ____________________
NC Telephone: 910-338-0107 Project Manager: 910-977-1055
3. Property owner(s), if other than applicant (attach written consent from owner)
Owner(s) name _____________________________ ______________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone ________________ Fax _________________ E-Mail __________________
4. Business: ISABEAU-DAKOTA CORPORATION Type of Business: Property Management
Gross revenues over last two years: ’08- $5,000.00 ’07- $0.00. (Attach accountant or bank
verification of gross revenues) (NOTE: Building has been basically unusable do to damaged parking
lot, leaking roof, and overall decrepit nature of property, this grant would help us rebuild the area)
5. Improvements planned (NOTE: Costs are current estimates)
NO Brick or wall surface cleaning, including power-washing
NO Patching & painting of façade walls
NO Lighting replacement or repair
NO Canopy, porch, awning installation
NO Window and/or door replacement/repair
NO Railings, ironwork repair or addition
NO Cement/brick replacement/repair to exterior steps
NO Landscaping
NO Signage
YES Other:
• New Energy Star COOL ROOF (white to give clean look) $14,500.00
Other renovations that would be done and not part of the Grant Program:
• New A/C & Heat systems to reduce energy & improve air $ 7,000.00
• Interior Remodeling, paint, carpet, ceilings, etc $30,000.00
Note: This project is being put together and administered by three local business partners. Please
see the total project cost overview on Page 4 of the Full Proposal. Each business is submitting
their own grant proposal and request as a team project. Simply put, this cannot be done without
a joint venture between these and other businesses and is sorely needed in that downtown area.
6. Total Isabeau-Dakota project cost $51,500.00 Total eligible expense $14,500.00
Amount of grant requested $ 5,000.000
7. Have you ever received a grant or loan from one of the other City’s programs?
8. Have all prior years’ property taxes been paid?
9. This program is specifically designed for projects that will result in new jobs being created. For
the purposes of this program, at least one full-time equivalent job must be created and made
available to a low to moderate-income person by each approved business. Please provide
information detailing the quantity and types of jobs that will be created by your business.
1. Building Manager $24,000.00
2. Part-Time Maintenance Man $ 5,000.00 (tentative)
The following information is being submitted with our application under Parts III and IV:
Page # Description
18 Proof of ownership of property;
19 Owner consent forms, (Isabeau is Property Owner);
24 A site plan drawn to scale, if applicable;
25-27 Maps of block locating property;
5 Drawings of façade improvements, including samples of proposed materials,
Colors, finishes, and details;
20-23 Photographs of the existing façade(s) and adjacent buildings;
4 Proposed budget and detailed cost estimates by professional estimators,
contractors, and design professionals qualified to provide estimates;
N/A Certificate of appropriateness, if property in historic district;
18 Proof that all prior years property taxes are paid;
28-30 Job Creation Forms;
Part IV Copy of permit(s);
X DUNS # 07-931-2042;
X Copy of Current Business License, if not exempt;
X Verification of gross revenues for last 2 years or current year if in business for less
than two years or lease agreement if property owner is applicant;
Part IV Copy of Contractor/Subcontractor Certification Form(s);
Part IV Copy of Contractor/Subcontractor Business License; and
X Nonrefundable $25 application fee
The applicant assures that the information provided is true and correct and agrees to comply with the
City of Fayetteville’s guidelines applicable to this program. The applicant agrees to be responsible
for the maintenance of the façade improvements described here for a period of five years from the
project completion or until such time as the building is sold. The applicant further agrees to submit a
picture of the façade improvements and detailed cost documentation, including canceled checks,
bills, copies of building permits, and original contractor’s final waivers of lien once the approved
improvements have been completed.
Applicant Signature ________________________________ Date 21 April 2009
Rick Lawson, Project Manager
Property Owner Signature ___________________________ Date 21 April 2009
Penny Alessi, President, Isabeau-Dakota Corp.
The City of Fayetteville reserves the right to request additional information as needed to process this
EIN # 20-8074681 D&B DUNS # 95-647-8622
Exhibit A 2
City of Fayetteville Façade Improvement Grant Program
- The ULTIMATE PET RESORT Application-
City of Fayetteville
Community Development Department
433 Hay St. Room 309 ___________
Fayetteville NC 28301 (910) 433-1596 Fax: (910) 433-1594 Date Received
1. Project address: ISABEAU-DAKOTA BUILDING, 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301
2. Applicant(s) information:
If applicant is other than a sole proprietorship, please indicate business type below:
X Partnership ___ NC Corporation ___ Other _____________________
___ Start-up ___ Expansion ___ Relocating
Federal Tax ID 20-8074681 DUNS # 95-647-8622
Business Address: 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301
Telephone: 845-452-5327 Fax: 480-247-5626 E-Mail: Admin@UltimatePetResort.com
NC Telephone: 910-338-0107 Project Manager: 910-977-1055
3. Property owner(s), if other than applicant (attach written consent from owner)
Address: 12 Jonathan Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY 12602
Telephone 845-452-5327 Fax 480-247-5626 E-Mail ceo@isabeaudakota.com
4. Business: ULTIMATE PET RESORT Type of Business: Pet Boarding and Grooming
Gross revenues over last two years: ’08- $1500.00+- ’07- $700.00+- (Because of the
condition of the building our business has only been open during the Holiday season for the last three
years). (2009 Lease agreement can be provided if needed) (NOTE: For the past three years, The Pet
Resort has been basically barely usable do to damaged parking lot, leaking roof, and overall
decrepit nature of property, and floods. This grant would help us rebuild the area and put this
business back into a booming status to serve Fayetteville and the pets of deployed soldiers).
5. Improvements Planned (Check whatever applies):
YES Brick or wall surface cleaning, including power-washing
YES Patching & painting of façade walls
NO Lighting replacement or repair
NO Canopy, porch, awning installation
YES Window and/or door replacement/repair
NO Railings, ironwork repair or addition
NO Cement/brick replacement/repair to exterior steps
YES Landscaping
YES Signage
YES Other:
• Replace old T-111 wood on front left side
• Back steps will be repaired (facing City Park)
• Back doors and wall repainted (facing City Park)
Addtionally, we will do $20,000.00 dollars of inside repairs and renovations.
6. Total project cost: $ 28,918.00 Estimated Total eligible expense: $ 8,918.00
Amount of grant requested $ 4,500.00 +-
7. Have you ever received a grant or loan from one of the other City’s programs?
8. Have all prior years’ property taxes been paid?
9. This program is specifically designed for projects that will result in new jobs being created. For
the purposes of this program, at least one full-time equivalent job must be created and made
available to a low to moderate-income person by each approved business. Please provide
information detailing the quantity and types of jobs that will be created by your business.
1. Dog Walker $14,000.00 est.
2. Pet Groomer $16,000.00 est.
The following information is being submitted in parts III and IV of this joint proposal:
18 Proof of ownership of property;
19 Owner consent forms, (Isabeau is Property Owner);
24 A site plan drawn to scale, if applicable;
25-27 Maps of block locating property;
5 Drawings of façade improvements, including samples of proposed materials,
Colors, finishes, and details;
20-23 Photographs of the existing façade(s) and adjacent buildings;
4 Proposed budget and detailed cost estimates by professional estimators,
contractors, and design professionals qualified to provide estimates;
N/A Certificate of appropriateness, if property in historic district;
18 Proof that all prior years property taxes are paid;
28-30 Job Creation Forms;
Part IV Copy of permit(s);
X DUNS # 95-647-8622;
32 Copy of Current Business License, if not exempt;
Ultimate Pet Resort License is attached
X Verification of gross revenues for last 2 years or current year if in business for less
than two years or lease agreement if property owner is applicant;
Part IV Copy of Contractor/Subcontractor Certification Form(s);
Part IV Copy of Contractor/Subcontractor Business License; and
X Nonrefundable $25 application fee
The applicant assures that the information provided is true and correct and agrees to comply with the
City of Fayetteville’s guidelines applicable to this program. The applicant agrees to be responsible
for the maintenance of the façade improvements described here for a period of five years from the
project completion or until such time as the building is sold. The applicant further agrees to submit a
picture of the façade improvements and detailed cost documentation, including canceled checks,
bills, copies of building permits, and original contractor’s final waivers of lien once the approved
improvements have been completed.
Applicant Signature ________________________________ Date 21 April 2009
Jack Idema, General Partner, Ultimate Pet Resort
Property Owner Signature ___________________________ Date 21 April 2009
Penny Alessi, President, Isabeau-Dakota Corp.
The City of Fayetteville reserves the right to request additional information as needed to process this
910-426-7827 # FAX: 910-426-7828 # LAWSON@STARAIR.US
EIN # 37-1570040
D&B DUNS # 82-761-7981
STAR Air Façade Grant Application
Exhibit A 3
City of Fayetteville Façade Improvement Grant Program
City of Fayetteville
Community Development Department
433 Hay St., Room 309 ___________
Fayetteville NC 28301 (910) 433-1596 Fax: (910) 433-1594 Date Received
1. Project address: ISABEAU-DAKOTA BUILDING, 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301
2. Applicant(s) information:
If applicant is other than a sole proprietorship, please indicate business type below:
___ Partnership X NC Corporation ___ Other ____________________
___ Start-up ___ Expansion ___ Relocating
Federal Tax ID # 37-1570040 DUNS # 82-761-7981
Business Address: 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301
Telephone: 910-426-7827 Fax: 480-247-5104 Email: Morgan@StarAir.us
Project Manager: Mobile 24/7: 910-977-1055 E-Mail Lawson@StarAir.us
3. Property owner(s), if other than applicant (attach written consent from owner)
Address: 12 Jonathan Lane, Poughkeepsie, NY 12602
Telephone 845-452-5327 Fax 480-247-5626 E-Mail ceo@isabeaudakota.com
4. Business: STAR AVIATION Type of Business: Aviation Air Cargo & Aviation Manufacturing
Gross revenues over last two years: ’08- $200,000.00 ’07- $0.00. Star has been in business
since July 4th, 2008. (NOTE: had planned to move our offices to Moore County, to a new building
because we could not find a suitable location in Fayetteville for a satellite office, however, upon
approval of this project Star Air will renew its lease for a company office in Fayetteville).
5. Improvements Planned (Check whatever applies)
NO Brick or wall surface cleaning, including power-washing
NO Patching & painting of façade walls
YES Lighting replacement or repair
NO Canopy, porch, awning installation
STAR Air Façade Grant Application
NO Window and/or door replacement/repair
NO Railings, ironwork repair or addition
YES Cement/brick replacement/repair to exterior steps
YES Landscaping
YES Signage
YES Other: Parking Lot will be professionally re-paved
New gutters and edge flashing around exterior wall tops and edges
6. Total project cost $ 9,200.00 Total eligible expense $ 9,200.00
Amount of grant requested $ 4,600.000 + or -
7. Have you ever received a grant or loan from one of the other City’s programs?
8. Have all prior years’ property taxes been paid?
9. This program is specifically designed for projects that will result in new jobs being created. For the
purposes of this program, at least one full-time equivalent job must be created and made available to a
low to moderate-income person by each approved business. Please provide information detailing the
quantity and types of jobs that will be created by your business.
1. Administrative Assistant $14,000.00 est.
2. Receptionist (once we have contracting officers in place)
The following information must be submitted with your application to ensure prompt
X Proof of ownership of property;
X Owner consent form, if not property owner;
X A site plan drawn to scale, if applicable;
X Maps of block locating property;
X Drawings of façade improvements,
X Photographs of the existing façade(s) and adjacent buildings;
X Proposed budget and detailed cost estimates by professionals;
N/A Certificate of appropriateness, if property in historic district;
X Proof that all prior years property taxes are paid;
X Job Creation Form;
X Copy of permit(s);
X DUNS # 82-761-7981;
X Copy of Current Business License, if not exempt;
Star America Business License is attached
X Verification of gross revenues for last 2 years or current year if in business for less
than two years or lease agreement if property owner is applicant;
X Copy of Contractor/Subcontractor Certification Form(s);
X Copy of Contractor/Subcontractor Business License; and
X Nonrefundable $25 application fee
STAR Air Façade Grant Application
The applicant assures that the information provided is true and correct and agrees to comply with the
City of Fayetteville’s guidelines applicable to this program. The applicant agrees to be responsible for
the maintenance of the façade improvements described here for a period of five years from the project
completion or until such time as the building is sold. The applicant further agrees to submit a picture
of the façade improvements and detailed cost documentation, including canceled checks, bills, copies
of building permits, and original contractor’s final waivers of lien once the approved improvements
have been completed.
Applicant Signature ________________________________ Date 21 April 2009
Bayeux Morgan III, CEO, STAR America Aviation Company
Property Owner Signature ___________________________ Date 21 April 2009
Penny Alessi, President, Isabeau-Dakota Corp.
The City of Fayetteville reserves the right to request additional information as needed to process this application.
The STAR America Aviation Company
Military Air Cargo – Anytime, Anywhere, Anything, Professionally
DOD Contractor Cage Code ID # 55XX0 DOD JCCS Code Certification #39260
DOD, NATO, and government shipment SCAC Code: SAQC. TSA IAC License #SE0902005
PO Box 1326 – Fayetteville, NC 28302 – Phone: 910-426-7827 – Facsimile: 480-247-5104
www.StarAir.us 7 www.StarAviation.us 7 www.SAACairops.us 7 info@StarAir.us
from upper left:
1) Air Force
Show booth,
Washington, DC; 2) a STAR Air Show Brochure; 3) STAR Air Special Forces Poster;
4) STAR Air Army Show booth, Washington; 5) STAR Air at the Logistics Officers Show, Ohio;
6) STAR Air at the Marine Corps Show, Quantico, VA.
8. Proof of ownership of property
a. Also provides proof that property taxes are paid
9. Property Owner consent form for Star Air & Ultimate Pet Resort
10. Photographs of the existing façade and adjacent building
11. Site plan of property
12. Maps of block location and property location
a. Street Block View
b. Zoom out Street Block View
c. Satellite View of building area
13. Job Creation Forms (3 each from each participating business)
14. Copy of Current Business Licenses
a. Isabeau-Dakota Corporation is exempt
b. Ultimate Pet Resort License is attached
c. Star America Aviation License is attached
15. Davis Bacon Act Certification
16. City of Fayetteville Guidelines for a Façade Grant
PO BOX 449
Statement Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009
www.co.cumberland.nc.us/tax.asp (click online
BY PHONE: 1-866-441-6614 (credit cards)
Payments are accepted 7 days a week from
8:00 am - 9:00 pm.
A Processing Fee Applies only to Credit
IN PERSON: 117 Dick St., County
Courthouse, Room 527.
Office Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm, Mon. - Fri.
2008 2466359 LR 1000 $2,474.89
0437-22-5187- $0.00 $0.00 $165,100.00 $165,100.00
Questions Related To:
Tax Bill, Business Listings or
Call (910) 678-7507
Solid Waste
Call (910) 321-6920
Solid Waste = SW User Fee
Storm Water
Call (910) 433-1613
Fayetteville Curbside Recycling
Call (910) 433-1329
Fayetteville Curbside Recycling =
Hope Mills
Storm Water Call (910) 424-4555
Ext: 3407
Refuse Call (910) 423-2777 Ext:
Hope Mills Refuse = HM REFUSE
Spring Lake
Storm Water Call (910) 497-3390
Refuse Call (910) 436-0241
Spring Lake Refuse = SL REFUSE
{ Taxes Due Sept. 1st.
{ Interest Begins Jan. 6th.
{ Pay By Jan. 5th
PERSONAL & REAL PROPERTY BILL - Cumberland County Tax Payments Page 1 of 1
http://www.co.cumberland.nc.us/tax/payments/LR_PS_Bill.aspx 4/21/2009
450 Robeson Street – Fayetteville, NC 28301
17 April 2009
Subject: Owner Consent for Building Renovations
Reference: City of Fayetteville Façade Grant Program
To: City of Fayetteville, North Carolina
Dear Sirs and Madams,
Greetings. It is with great appreciation that we provide our proposals to the City of
Fayetteville under your Façade Grant Program, a unique program that is helping re-vitalize
downtown Fayetteville.
Isabeau-Dakota Corporation is the sole owner of the property located at 450 Robeson Street
and has owned the property for more than 20 years. We have partnered with two local
Fayetteville companies to propose a joint renovation project at 450 Robeson Street to the
City of Fayetteville. This is an important location because it is highly visible and the
surrounding businesses have all remodeled their areas. Consent for Building Renovations.
Isabeau-Dakota consents for The Ultimate Pet Resort to make renovations to the exterior
façade of the building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville as outlined in their grant
Isabeau-Dakota further consents for Star Aviation (Star Air) to make renovations to the
exterior façade of the building at 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville as outlined in their grant
Once completed, all renovations become the permanent property of Isabeau-Dakota
Corporation and cannot be removed or altered without the express, written consent of
With Kindest Regards and Appreciation.
Authorized and Agreed to:
President, Isabeau-Dakota Corporation
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC
Property Pictures – Before Project
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC
New White CoolRoof Installed
New A/C & Heat
throughout bldg
Gutters repaired Facing City Park
Building Washed &
Pressure Washed
Park Walls repaired &
repainted Mist Gray
The Ultimate
Pet Resort
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC
< Robeson Street >
Surrounding City curbs and grass
will also be cleaned up and repaired.
New Edge Flashing
Around building
Windows repaired
New Parking Lot and repair curbs
Renovation of Sidewalk and concrete
New Pet Resort Signs- left side
New SAAC Sign
Chinese Privet Bushes in front
Dwarf Green/Blue
Shurbs on right side
River Rock & Rhodedendrums in
center roundabout on parking lot
River Rock between Sidewalk & Wall
Exterior garden landscape lighting
Repair/Replace T-111
Depending on Pricing, brick wall
staining by PermaTint® Company
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC Map 1 - Block Map
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC Map 2 - Area Map
450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, NC Map 3 - SAT Map
This loan program is funded by the City’s Community Development Department’s CDBG
funds. Federal statutes require that the City’s CDBG funds be used to meet at least one HUD
national objective. The national objective for this loan program is job creation or retention,
with at least 51% of the jobs being made available to low to moderate-income persons.
Approved businesses agree to create at least one full-time equivalent job and make it available
to low to moderate-income persons within one year from the date of the grant agreement. The
approved business understands the City will conduct on-site annual monitor visits for two
consecutive years to verify compliance with this requirement.
List job(s) to be created or retained by job title. Indicate whether each job is full or part-time
and if special skills or education is required.
Job Title Full or Part-Time Special Skills/Education
Property Manager Full Time Knowledge of general
building management
Building Maintenance Part Time 5 years experience in field
For the jobs, which will be made available to low to moderate-income persons, describe the
actions you will take to ensure low to moderate-income persons will receive first consideration.
A description of the hiring process must be provided.
We have a person who is currently unemployed in mind for the position of Property Manager.
We will post the position for Building Maintenance with the NC Unemployment Security
Commission with guidance to only provide applicants who have low to moderate income
Applicant Signature ___________________________ 21 April 2009
President and CEO
Applicant: The Ultimate Pet Resort
This loan program is funded by the City’s Community Development Department’s CDBG
funds. Federal statutes require that the City’s CDBG funds be used to meet at least one
HUD national objective. The national objective for this loan program is job creation or
retention, with at least 51% of the jobs made available to low to moderate-income persons.
Approved businesses agree to create at least one full-time equivalent job and make it
available to low to moderate-income persons within one year from the date of the grant
agreement. The approved business understands the City will conduct on-site annual
monitor visits for two consecutive years to verify compliance with this requirement.
List job(s) to be created or retained by job title. Indicate whether each job is full or parttime
and if special skills or education is required.
Job Title Full or Part-Time Special Skills/Education
Dog Walker Full Time None
For the jobs, which will be made available to low to moderate-income persons, describe the
actions you will take to ensure low to moderate-income persons will receive first
consideration. A description of the hiring process must be provided.
There are hundreds of low income person within walking distance of the Pet Resort and we
would try and accommodate these potential employees during screening. The local
neighborhood has always been able to supply dog walkers and kennel assistants in the past.
Job notices will be placed with the NC Employment Security Commission along with the
guidance to provide only applicants that have low to moderate income and love animals.
Applicant Signature ___________________________ 21 April 2009
Managing Partner
Applicant: STAR America Aviation Company
This program is funded by the City’s Community Development Department’s CDBG
funds. Federal statutes require the City’s CDBG funds be used to meet at least one HUD
national objective. The national objective for this program is job creation or retention, with
at least 51% of the jobs being made available to low to moderate-income persons.
Approved businesses agree to create at least one full-time equivalent job and make it
available to low to moderate-income persons within one year from the date of the grant
agreement. The approved business understands the City will conduct on-site annual
monitor visits for two consecutive years to verify compliance with this requirement.
List job(s) to be created or retained by job title. Indicate whether each job is full or parttime
and if special skills or education is required.
Job Title Full or Part-Time Special Skills/Education
Administrative Assistant Full Time Knowledge of office practices and
procedures to include demonstrable,
working knowledge of the Microsoft
Office Suite and Quickbooks of similar
accounting software. 3 years experience
For the jobs, which will be made available to low to moderate-income persons, describe the
actions you will take to ensure low to moderate-income persons will receive first
consideration. A description of the hiring process must be provided.
Job notices will be placed with the NC Employment Security Commission and the US
Government Central Contractor Registration office with the guidance to provide only
applicants that have low to moderate income.
Applicant Signature ___________________________ 21 April 2009
Corporate President
Isabeau- Dakota, as property owner is exempt from a business license as our only
business is leasing property and the corporation holds active Real Estate Broker
licenses (NYS Division of Licensing Services # 35ID0154352) in New York
(which is a higher level than Real Estate Agent) – See Tax Schedule E.
The STAR America Aviation Company
Holds the Following Licenses and Certifications and Clearances:
Department of Defense Contractor Cage Code ID # 55XX0
DOD JCCS Code Certification #39260
DOD, NATO, and government shipment SCAC Code: SAQC.
Transportation Security Administration IAC License #SE0902005
DOT FAA Commercial Pilot and FAA Air Transport Pilot License #2064017
Transportation Security Administration IAC Air Cargo TSA STA ID #: 8DD0526F0074
Federally funded construction projects whose contract value is over $2,000 must comply with the
Davis Bacon Act. The Davis Bacon Act mandates minimum hourly payment to all employees
employed on the construction project. Although included in all project specifications, it is important to
keep this requirement in mind when submitting a bid for any project.
During the course of construction, weekly-certified payrolls are to be submitted to the Community
Development Office. This office reviews the payrolls to insure compliance with the Davis Bacon
wages. On-site wage interviews will also be conducted with the employees. Several employees may
be chosen at random during these interviews.
A current listing of the Federal Wage Rates (Davis Bacon rates) can be found at
A copy of the Weekly-certified Payroll form, along with instructions can be found at here or you can
access a form at http://www.dol.gov/esa/forms/whd/wh347instr.htm
The Community Development office is required to collect and report information on all contractors and
sub-contractors working on federally financed construction projects. In order to collect that
information, contractors and sub-contractors are asked to complete a Contractor Certification or Sub-
Contractor Certification Form. The Contractor form and the Sub-Contractor form will be provided to the
business applicant that has hired you for their project and is also available in the Community
Development Office. You may request copies at 910-433-1596.
Labor Posters
Contractors working on Federally financed construction projects are required to display posters at the
job site. Those posters are as follows:
• Notice to all Employees Working on Federal or Federally Financed Construction Projects)
• Job Safety and Health (www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3165.pdf)
• Equal Employment Opportunity is The Law
All Project Partners certify they will comply with the Davis Bacon Act and require all
contractors and subcontractors to comply with the Davis Bacon Act before awarding a bid.
Applicant Signature ___________________________ 21 April 2009
President and CEO, Isabeau-Dakota Corp.
Applicant Signature ___________________________ 21 April 2009
Managing Partner, Ultimate Pet Resort
Applicant Signature ___________________________ 21 April 2009
Corporate President, Star Air
The Façade Improvement Grant Program is intended to encourage business property owners to
reinvest and improve the appearance of their building exteriors. This effort will benefit the City
by removing blight, expanding the tax base, and increasing the economic vitality of the
downtown Fayetteville area and redevelopment plan areas. It is designed to promote
development that is physically, historically, and architecturally compatible with surrounding
buildings in the downtown area identified as the Fayetteville Renaissance Plan area, including
census tract 10, and buildings located within the boundaries of the City’s redevelopment plan
areas. These plan areas include the Massey Hill, Bonnie Doone, Deep Creek Rd., 71st Township
and Old Wilmington Rd. areas. Revitalizing building facades is key to attracting new business
This program is designed to promote the revitalization of facades of active, ongoing businesses
through the rehabilitation of exterior and landscape. In order to receive a grant, each business
applicant must agree to create at least one full-time equivalent job and make it available to a low
to moderate-income person.
Funds may be used for, but not limited to, brick cleaning and repair, painting, window and/or
door repair and replacement, landscaping, canopies, awnings, signage, lighting replacement or
repair, and other permanent improvements to the property consistent with the architectural
integrity of the building or space. The City of Fayetteville will provide a 50% matching
reimbursement grant up to $5,000 for each façade renovated.
The business applicant must be operational for at least six months at the time of application. The
business may include any private entity providing goods and services to the general public as its
primary function. The business entity must be an allowable use in that zoning district. Nonprofit
organizations are not eligible to apply.
The business building structure to be rehabilitated must be located within the 3,000 acres of the
Fayetteville Renaissance Plan area, including census tract 10 or the boundaries of one of the
City’s Redevelopment Plan areas. These plan areas include Massey Hill, Bonnie Doone, Deep
Creek Rd., 71st Township and the Old Wilmington plan area. The applicant must be the owner,
mortgagor, contract purchaser or long-term lessee of the property. If the applicant is not the
owner of the property, written consent from the owner must be submitted with the application.
Each applicant is eligible to reapply for an additional grant after five years since the last grant
was awarded and the property is in need of further improvement. If the applicant received a
façade grant from any other program the City may have offered formerly then the five-year rule
will also apply for this program. The request for additional funds will be reviewed on a case-bycase
basis. All prior years property taxes must be paid. Any work done prior to a grant
application being approved is not eligible for approval. It is mandatory that the applicant’s
project be approved prior to work commencing on the property in order to ensure that all program
requirements can be met.
The design of the project should be sympathetic to the original integrity of the building,
compatible with neighboring structures and of a quality that suggests the improvement will last a
reasonable period of time. Since a part of downtown is a Historic District, the Fayetteville
Historic Resources Commission must be included in the design review process for those
properties located in the historic district. All work must be in accordance with the Secretary of
the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.
Job Creation
Since the program is partially being funded with Community Development Block Grant Funds
(CDBG), a HUD national objective must be met that will provide a benefit to low to moderateincome
persons. Each business that participates with this program must meet a job creation
requirement. Each business must be able to create at least one full time equivalent job and make
it available to a low to moderate-income person. Failure to comply with this program
requirement within one year from the date of the signed grant agreement will require the Grantee
to return the disbursed grant funds to the City. The City will conduct an on-site monitoring visit
for two consecutive years to confirm the job has been created and is maintained.
Davis Bacon
Projects funded in whole or in part with federal funds exceeding $2,000 must comply with the
Davis Bacon Act. The Davis Bacon Act mandates minimum hourly payment to all employees
employed on the construction project. During the course of construction, weekly-certified
payrolls are to be submitted to the Community Development Office. This office reviews the
payrolls to insure compliance with the Davis Bacon wages. Wage interviews will also be
conducted with employees chosen at random on the construction site bi-weekly by the
department’s Davis Bacon Coordinator.
Application/Grant Reimbursement Process
The applicant completes and submits a formal program application to the City of Fayetteville
Community Development Department, along with the following information to further describe
the proposed project:
1. Proof of ownership of property;
2. Owner consent form, if not property owner;
3. A site plan drawn to scale, if applicable;
4. Map of block locating property;
5. Drawings of façade improvements, including samples of proposed materials, colors,
finishes, and details;
6. Clear and identifiable photographs of the existing façade and adjacent building(s);
7. Proposed budget and detailed cost estimates by a professional estimator, contractor,
engineer, architect or design professional qualified to provide estimates;
8. Certificate of appropriateness, if property in historic district;
9. Proof that all prior years property taxes are paid;
10. Job Creation Form;
11. Copy of permit(s);
12. Copy of Contractor/Subcontractor Certification Form(s);
13. Verification of gross revenues for last two years or current year if in business for less
than two years;
14. Verification a DUNS # has been requested if the applicant doesn’t already have one; and
15. Nonrefundable $25 application fee
The City of Fayetteville will verify ownership of the property. In the event that a title search is
required, the applicant will be held responsible for paying the title search fee.
A committee of City representatives from Community Development, Inspections, Finance,
Planning, and Engineering Departments will review each grant request. The Historic Resources
Commission will assist in reviewing those projects that are located within the historic district.
A grant agreement with the City must be signed prior to work commencing. A City Community
Development Department representative will be permitted to inspect/monitor the project to ensure
compliance with the agreement. This will be in addition to the Davis Bacon requirements and
will also include monitoring for the new job that will be created by the business. Since job
creation is a condition and goal of this program, any business that is not able to create a new job
is not eligible to apply.
The City will authorize reimbursement payment after confirmation of project completion in
accordance with the approved plan. This will include compliance with the Davis Bacon
requirements and after receiving the grantee’s DUNS number (if the business didn’t have one at
the time of applying). Prior approval from the City’s Grant Committee must be obtained before
any changes can be made to the approved plan. The applicant must submit a picture of the
façade improvements and detailed cost documentation, including canceled checks and/or paid
receipts once the approved improvements have been completed. The City reserves the right to
request a copy of the original contractor’s final waivers of lien or any additional information, if
needed. A grantee has one year from the date of the approved façade grant to request
reimbursement on the project; exceptions must be approved from the façade grant committee.
17. Quotes for Proposed materials, including colors
18. Contractor Quotes and Material Quotes
19. Contractor Business Licenses & Certification Forms for low bidders
20. Copy of permits
21. $25 application fee from each business applicant (provide with cover letter)
While researching and putting this project together, Isabeau-Dakota Corporation, in
conjunction with its two project partners, the Ultimate Pet Resort and Star Aviation, sent out
more than 100 quote requests to companies between Fayetteville and Raleigh, NC. It was
decided that as the building owner, Isabeau-Dakota Corporation would take the lead in
soliciting formal quote requests on behalf of all three businesses. We sent quote requests by
fax, mail, and email.
During this process we requested quotes via fax from:
• More than 40 paving companies
• More than 20 roofing companies
• The two largest national roof material suppliers
• More than 15 landscaping companies
• Three Handyman companies
• Two painting contractors
• And made more than 300 phone calls
In many instances companies did not submit any quote.
Attached hereto in this section is a sampling of quotes we did receive.
Material QTY Unit Cost1 Notes:
6x6x8 Treated 13 $ 20.00 $ 260.00
Weed Free Fabric 3 $ 46.56 $ 139.68
Round-up 2.5 gal 2 $ 149.95 $ 299.90
Black Plastic 3 x 50 - 4 mil 3 $ 12.95 $ 38.85
Turf Builder with Summer Guard 2 $ 63.98 $ 127.96
Black Cow Compost 10 $ 4.68 $ 46.80
Peat Moss 3.8.cu. Ft. 5 $ 9.75 $ 48.75
Rhododendron 3 $ 24.95 $ 74.85 7 gal
Dwarf Alberta Blue Spruce 3 $ 62.50 $ 187.50 10 gal
Arborvitae 5 $ 52.75 $ 263.75 10 gal
Stone 1 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 9 cu/yds river stone
Labor (Man hours) 120 $ 10.00 $ 1200.00 3 workers for 5 days
Tentative Landscape Lighting $ (1,000.00)
Tentative depending on funds
available and not included in
below total.
Sub-Total $ 2,988.04
Sales Tax $ 126.16
Total $ 3,114.202
1 Based on Phone Quotes primarily from Lowes
2 Various landscape firms are still being considered. Although we might subcontract it out in parts and oversee
this job ourselves. We welcome any contractor suggestions from the Grant Program Committee
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
This is a brief summary of my time with Jack-Jonathan-Keith-Jack Black - Idema.
I became interested in Idema via articles I read about his adventures in Afghanistan on the Internet after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania.
In 2004, I sent him a letter to Polacharki Prison in Kabul, Afghanistan, because I had read about his arrest for running a private prison in Afghanistan and felt that he and his friends had been imprisoned for being a little too keen in the war against Islamic terrorism, which was no crime in my opinion, as I had personally witnessed the 9/11 attacks in New York City and detested the Islamists. I started sending Jack and friends care packages every week beginning in October 2004 in the generous spirit of American patriotism.
Idema first contacted me in January of 2005. I was married at the time we corresponded, but my marriage was in a state of decline, and I was divorced on May 16, 2007. I emailed and talked to Idema via satellite phone on the average of three or four times a week. We made plans to be together when he got out of jail. We also decided that I would take the dog, Nina to him when he was released.
In June 2007, Idema departed Afghanistan. He traveled first to Dubai and then Mexico by way of England. Nina was sent to me via Kennedy airport UAE cargo.on June 3, 2007. I boarded her at my home and at my expense in the New York City metro area until I took her to Cancun, Mexico on September 28, 2007.
The first time I met Jack in person was in Cancun, Mexico on June 30, 2007. We stayed at a
motel where he got into an argument with the owner on my first night there and we were thrown out because Idema had backed into a car. The next stop was the BelAir in Cancun and then to the Puerto Aventuras where Idema had rented a condo.
Then he moved to Bacalar November 2007. It became quite evident over the first couple of times that
he was heavily involved in something illegal. But I was so enamored and had so much wanted to be
with him, I ignored all the stuff that was going on. I also became heavily involved with all the
wrongdoings over time but by the time I realized how bad it all was, I was in too deep. I was a
volunteer in the beginning but became a victim in the end. The excitement of traveling & being with
him was better than my normal life I left. He took out an Amex in my name online, which he promised
to pay monthly. In the beginning, he did, but then he started paying less & less each month, and I was
getting in deeper & deeper. I had grown close to his father & his father & I would visit & talk on the
phone very frequently. His father wanted to see him one more time because he was dying & he knew
it. I took his father there but it did not work out very well. His father hated him & hated what he
became. He loved him; but he hated him. When his father fell in August of 2008, I went to visit him at
3 different hospitals he was in. I also hired a round the clock agency to care for him because he did not
want to go into a rest home & I respected his wishes. October 12, 2008, when Mr. Idema was in the
hospital, Vallerie Magory, her husband & I visited John. While I was present he only signed the POA
paper for me to care for him. NO OTHER papers were signed in my presence. John was incoherent
anyway. October 22, 2008 Jack demanded I have his father sign a legal document with me in charge of
Isabeau, I refused. John died 11-24-08. At the end of 2008, I became President of Isabeau. There also
was now a new will that Jack claims & his lawyers claim, that he signed in New Jersey the end of Dec.
Well, that’s impossible because Jack has not been in America since 2004. They did the fraudulent will
to make up a trust that creditors could not sue. The H J Idema Trust consists of a house on 12 Jonathan
Lane Poughkeepsie, New York, the plane & hanger also in New York, and the Isabeau Dakota Building
on 450 Robeson Street Fayetteville, NC. At the time, there were 3 judgments against Idema & he was
afraid the creditors would take all the money and assets his father left him. Jack was always afraid to
put his name on anything. He put me & Rick Lawson on the BBT accounts but made sure he had a
supplementary ATM card so he could take money out in Mexico to support his drug & sex habit. I was
also put on a grant as President of Isabeau to reface the 450 Robeson Street building in Fayetteville.
When he went to move the plane to Atlanta, Georgia, I became a manager of yet another dummy corp
“Walnut Hill Holdings”. I have also requested to see what my name was on & accruement accounting,
but have never seen anything but bank statements and only because I had the mailing address changed.
When Jack formed “Star Aviation”, once again, his name could not be used. So he surrounded himself
with other people who he could use their good names so his main reason for the cargo company
wouldn’t be discovered. He was setting up drug/arms deals in Thailand, Pakistan & Afghanistan. He
made a lot of connections through his years overseas. While I was living with him in Bacalar, he
started a boat business and because the lake went into Chetumal & Belize he would make trips to do
drug deals. There was always drugs & guns everywhere in the house. He also started a bizarre
relationship with a young man named Fernando around Sept. 2008. He told me it was the first time he
engaged in sex with a man but now I know otherwise. He also became very friendly (translation-sex)
with a transexual named Nancy. I was not happy with any of this, but I also knew that he would be
angry if I said anything. So I befriended Nancy & Fernando and it got to the point where I moved into
one bedroom & he would be in the other doing Viagra, lines & having strange sex all night with these
2. I also didn’t want to make him angry so that my bills wouldn’t get paid. I figured it wasn’t another
woman, and god knows what he went through in Afghanistan, so I just lived my life & he lived his. I
was just a front & to everyone on the outside looking in, I was his wife. He told me he used condoms
with them & I always saw used condoms in the morning, so I believed him. I was stupid. Period. When
he had his accident on Sept. 17, and I went back to Mexico to help him, he completely changed. He
was now just a shell of the person I knew. He was always violent & nasty but now everything was ten
times personified. He lied more, he drank more, he did more drugs. I would look into his eyes & see
only darkness. I knew I had to get away from him permanently. He was not only a serial litigator but
was constantly threatening to kill anyone & everyone, me included. All I wanted was for him to pay
my credit cards like he promised, take my name off of all the fraudulent corporations, let me have my
Mexcian cat Tinka, all my belongings & let me go. That was it. Then we were diagnosed with HIV.
The night he brought the papers home I didn’t clearly understand them & asked for a translator to come
to the house to talk to the doctor on speaker phone so I understood the results. Alain, the translator, &
the doctor, Dr. Denis, spoke with us via speaker phone. Dr. Denis said if I went back to the States, I
would be okay. But when Jack got sick, he would not get better. I asked him if Jack had it longer than
me. Yes was the reply. And then all hell broke loose. Jack threw the phone across the room & told
Alain to leave & never mention it. After Alain left, Jack just kept drinking & shooting Nalbufina
(which he was now addicted to), did some lines of coke & was drinking his vodka with corona & lime.
He was gone. But he told me a story about a turtle & a scorpion. Basically he admitted he knew he
had this & it was my fault because I should have known what I was getting involved in. He also told
me there was no way for me to ever leave him now because no one would be with me but him. And we
would die together. I left Mexico on Feb.15, 2010, never expecting to go back. On Feb. 17, I went to
the local Aids Project of Danbury & had a rapid test. It was negative & I was thrilled. But then the
first week of March I got very ill. I went to 70 Main Street, Danbury & was retested for HIV & TB.
On March 16, 2010, the test for TB was negative but the HIV was positive. I not only tested positive
for HIV 1 but HIV 2 (not at all common for the States) & I also tested positive for HPV (genital warts).
Which according to all my doctors, means he did indeed infect me. I was in the window where the
rapid test was negative. And my viral load was then undetectable & my t-cell count high (I have all
medical records to prove this). I was a newbie. As sick as I was, I went back July 20, 2010. I went
back for numerous reasons. 1) to see if he had changed & would say he was sorry for all he did to me
and if not 2) I was going to get my cat & my belongings. I had booked the trip to stay until August 11.
Things were quite strained upon my return. He was worse than ever, constantly getting high & drunk,
and being a complete moron. There was no food, the house was a mess, and everything was just not
right. He was in complete denial that he had HIV, let alone giving it to me. He said he had “special
blood” & he took a new test that came out negative. I wanted to see it, but of course it didn’t exist. He
kept saying he could “heal” me with a transfusion of his blood! Completely delusional & convoluted.
Sunday, July 25, I told him I had a copy of his original test & he exploded. Telling me no one could
ever know this, what was wrong with me, etc. Then his tranny friend Nancy called. I told him his
boyfriend was on the phone & he went ballistic. He broke my cd player & grabbed me & kept hitting
my head against the stone wall. Tried choking me and then everything went black. When I started to
come to, I heard him on the phone saying he had to dump my body if I didn’t come to & was talking to
this guy that we both knew to come over. Nick, i a drug addict, came over & wanted to know if I
overdosed. No, Jack said but he wanted me dead & to get rid of me. Nick told him to take me to the
hospital. Jack said he would but he was going to leave me there. I knew I had to get out of there & that
was my chance. Once I got to the checkpoint, I would get out of the cab & get help. When the cab
came, Jack & Nick put me in it, Jack next to me in the back seat. Clearly I looked like I was beaten &
hurt. I acted out of it, but started to move my foot under the cab driver’s seat. Jack thought we
wouldn’t get stopped at the checkpoint because they never stop cabs but this driver knew I was in
trouble. So he stopped at the checkpoint. Jack jumped out & started giving the guards a hard time,
well I opened the window asking them to help me. The guard opened the cab door & was helping me
out when Jack ran over to the side of the cab & banged my head against the cab pushing me back in.
Told the driver to bring us back to the house not the hospital. And that’s where my nightmare really
started. We got back & a different guy was there, Steve, who helped put me in bed & Jack told him to
leave. Then Jack started slapping me & raped me with no condom & he had sores all over his genitals.
I begged him not to. Then he started screaming at me & told me I was going to die. He then injected
me with the Nalbufina he was taking. He went downstairs & put the music on loudly & I heard glasses
breaking. I made it to the phone & made 1 call to my friend in America. I told her I was in trouble &
he was going to kill me & help me. That was it. For the next day & a half, all I remember is being
locked in that room & just getting up to use the bathroom or drink the bottle of water next to me. He
had people there working but it seemed normal to them that I wasn’t coming out of the room because
we were always mad & fighting with each other anyway. Then 2 guys came to the gate regarding the
checkpoint fiasco & because my girlfriend got in touch with the American Embassy (Marcus). Jack
told me not to say anything or he would shoot them & me. He had a gun in his pocket the entire time
& was sitting next to me watching everything. When they got up to leave I squeezed the guy’s inside
hand with my fingernails to let him know I needed help. Next 2 days, more of the same. Except the
plumber, a very nice Mexican who spoke English was there & knew I needed help. But by then, Jack
was in trouble. The men who came started an investigation & Jack got his corrupt lawyer to get him an
amparo. Thursday the lawyer said that he was going to get to the bottom of it & come back on Friday
to tell Jack. Friday, he did come back & Jack found out that I squeezed the investigator’s hand & all
hell broke loose. He & his lawyer were going to kill me & the plumber said he was getting me out
now, no more time. We took as many things as I could, tried to get my cat, Tinka, but he was hiding &
wouldn’t come out. The plumber, Ricardo, drove me to the center of Bacalar, and I rented a small
room for 2 hours, stayed barricaded in it until the Chetumal Federal police came to get me. I went to
Chetumal & was questioned for 7 hours & willingly submitted to an internal exam & bloodwork & let
them take photos of my bruises for proof. I pressed charges of rape, assault, attempted murder &
injecting me with a narcotic & keeping me prisoner in the house against my will. (Have copy of
charges). Stayed in a hotel the rest of that day which was now 4 a.m. & Saturday because I was ill &
hurt so bad. Then 2 policeman drove me to Cancun (4 hour drive) and I went back to the States August
1. Idema was furious. He knew once I left everything would come out. The threats were really bad to
say the least. He denied everything that happened, said I was a liar, etc. I went to my doctor when I
returned and found out those sores he had were Herpes 1 & Herpes 2. So now the number of sexually
transmitted the diseases is 5. He turned off my cell phone August 9 (and there was a credit of $76 on
it), he stopped paying even the minimum on my credit card. He & I were all over the Mexican media.
When I got back to the States, I met with the FBI and ATF and gave statements. But it didn’t take me
long to realize out of sight out of mind. The only way to pursue this would be to go back. Which I was
not going to do. I tried for 7 months to keep following up with it but it just isn’t going to happen. I’m
an American woman who was attacked by an American & big deal. They’ve got drug wars done there,
they’re not going to worry about this. On August 2, I cancelled the ATM cards for the BBT account
that was primarily in his name. I didn’t take any money just cancelled the cards. I also emailed his
corrupt lawyers, William “Skip” London, John Tiffany & Vallerie Magory saying I wanted to know
what my name was on & that I resigned from everything. I also wanted the payment due on my credit
cards & my cat & the rest of my belongings. Never heard a thing. So September 3, I emailed everyone
again, I said my name was still on Isabeau Dakota & because you never acknowledged my resignation
I take it back & I will be dropping assets if we can’t settle. They just sent me basically nonsense saying
do what you want, you resigned, etc. So to get my name off the corporation I quick-deeded it for ten
dollars to Idema’s archenemy. This way I wouldn’t be responsible for any wrong doings & the fraud.
They were collecting money from the Pet Resort, reneging on the grants, etc. And I needed to get
medical care from the State of CT & I didn’t want any problems. That started a huge drama. Naked
photos of me to my parents, death threats, Lynn Thomas outing me on her blog about the HIV & saying
I had sex with thousands of partners etc. So a month and a half late I retaliated with the truth. I figured
I was already outed so let’s bring it all out. And it’s been a battle ever since. They keep trying to shut
me up because they are afraid all the fraud will come out. But the stalking, bullying, harassment
continues. Never got a cent, they are still using my name & I am sick. And now Idema is planning on
coming back to the States May 23. I am on the top of his to kill list. I want to press charges against him
for all the damage he has done to me, criminally. I want him to pay back the money he owes me & pay
for putting my name on all those corporations that he shouldn’t have. I want to press charges against
him, his lawyers, Lynn Thomas & Kender McGowen for harassing me & putting my life & my parents’
lives in danger by telling everyone I had HIV & was having sex when I wasn’t. This I believe is
considered a hate crime & most of all, I want him charged with trying to kill me with HIV & taking my
life from me.
The following is a list of my travels to & fro Mexico with my passport as verification
9-28-07-----------10-8-07 (took Nina to Mexico)
11-30-07----------12-3-07 (1st time in Bacalar house he moved in)
2-3-08-------------4-13-08 (took his ailing father to Mexico, his father (because of the non-stop fighting
with his son over the building) left 2-10-08, but was supposed to stay till April with me)
7-28-07-------------8-11-08 (Fayetteville 1st to see building I was going to be President of, then Mexico
for “Star” meetings with Arabs)
11-9-08------------11-23-08 (got “married” 11-22-08; Mr. Idema died 11-24-08)
12-30-08-----------1-13-09 (Mr. Idema’s wake was 1-30-09; his funeral was 1-31-09. Myself & Rick
Lawson took care of all the arrangements. Jack couldn’t be bothered to even show up).
3-31-09------------9-17-09 (took my 3 cats with me, and then left with them & my visiting brother)(on
way back he had near fatal car accident)
9-23-09------------11-21-09 (took care of him)
12-31-09-----------2-15-10 (tested for HIV in January; Positive results for both of us came back in first
week of Feb.)
7-20-10-------------8-1-10 (was booked to stay until
I became interested in Idema via articles I read about his adventures in Afghanistan on the Internet after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania.
In 2004, I sent him a letter to Polacharki Prison in Kabul, Afghanistan, because I had read about his arrest for running a private prison in Afghanistan and felt that he and his friends had been imprisoned for being a little too keen in the war against Islamic terrorism, which was no crime in my opinion, as I had personally witnessed the 9/11 attacks in New York City and detested the Islamists. I started sending Jack and friends care packages every week beginning in October 2004 in the generous spirit of American patriotism.
Idema first contacted me in January of 2005. I was married at the time we corresponded, but my marriage was in a state of decline, and I was divorced on May 16, 2007. I emailed and talked to Idema via satellite phone on the average of three or four times a week. We made plans to be together when he got out of jail. We also decided that I would take the dog, Nina to him when he was released.
In June 2007, Idema departed Afghanistan. He traveled first to Dubai and then Mexico by way of England. Nina was sent to me via Kennedy airport UAE cargo.on June 3, 2007. I boarded her at my home and at my expense in the New York City metro area until I took her to Cancun, Mexico on September 28, 2007.
The first time I met Jack in person was in Cancun, Mexico on June 30, 2007. We stayed at a
motel where he got into an argument with the owner on my first night there and we were thrown out because Idema had backed into a car. The next stop was the BelAir in Cancun and then to the Puerto Aventuras where Idema had rented a condo.
Then he moved to Bacalar November 2007. It became quite evident over the first couple of times that
he was heavily involved in something illegal. But I was so enamored and had so much wanted to be
with him, I ignored all the stuff that was going on. I also became heavily involved with all the
wrongdoings over time but by the time I realized how bad it all was, I was in too deep. I was a
volunteer in the beginning but became a victim in the end. The excitement of traveling & being with
him was better than my normal life I left. He took out an Amex in my name online, which he promised
to pay monthly. In the beginning, he did, but then he started paying less & less each month, and I was
getting in deeper & deeper. I had grown close to his father & his father & I would visit & talk on the
phone very frequently. His father wanted to see him one more time because he was dying & he knew
it. I took his father there but it did not work out very well. His father hated him & hated what he
became. He loved him; but he hated him. When his father fell in August of 2008, I went to visit him at
3 different hospitals he was in. I also hired a round the clock agency to care for him because he did not
want to go into a rest home & I respected his wishes. October 12, 2008, when Mr. Idema was in the
hospital, Vallerie Magory, her husband & I visited John. While I was present he only signed the POA
paper for me to care for him. NO OTHER papers were signed in my presence. John was incoherent
anyway. October 22, 2008 Jack demanded I have his father sign a legal document with me in charge of
Isabeau, I refused. John died 11-24-08. At the end of 2008, I became President of Isabeau. There also
was now a new will that Jack claims & his lawyers claim, that he signed in New Jersey the end of Dec.
Well, that’s impossible because Jack has not been in America since 2004. They did the fraudulent will
to make up a trust that creditors could not sue. The H J Idema Trust consists of a house on 12 Jonathan
Lane Poughkeepsie, New York, the plane & hanger also in New York, and the Isabeau Dakota Building
on 450 Robeson Street Fayetteville, NC. At the time, there were 3 judgments against Idema & he was
afraid the creditors would take all the money and assets his father left him. Jack was always afraid to
put his name on anything. He put me & Rick Lawson on the BBT accounts but made sure he had a
supplementary ATM card so he could take money out in Mexico to support his drug & sex habit. I was
also put on a grant as President of Isabeau to reface the 450 Robeson Street building in Fayetteville.
When he went to move the plane to Atlanta, Georgia, I became a manager of yet another dummy corp
“Walnut Hill Holdings”. I have also requested to see what my name was on & accruement accounting,
but have never seen anything but bank statements and only because I had the mailing address changed.
When Jack formed “Star Aviation”, once again, his name could not be used. So he surrounded himself
with other people who he could use their good names so his main reason for the cargo company
wouldn’t be discovered. He was setting up drug/arms deals in Thailand, Pakistan & Afghanistan. He
made a lot of connections through his years overseas. While I was living with him in Bacalar, he
started a boat business and because the lake went into Chetumal & Belize he would make trips to do
drug deals. There was always drugs & guns everywhere in the house. He also started a bizarre
relationship with a young man named Fernando around Sept. 2008. He told me it was the first time he
engaged in sex with a man but now I know otherwise. He also became very friendly (translation-sex)
with a transexual named Nancy. I was not happy with any of this, but I also knew that he would be
angry if I said anything. So I befriended Nancy & Fernando and it got to the point where I moved into
one bedroom & he would be in the other doing Viagra, lines & having strange sex all night with these
2. I also didn’t want to make him angry so that my bills wouldn’t get paid. I figured it wasn’t another
woman, and god knows what he went through in Afghanistan, so I just lived my life & he lived his. I
was just a front & to everyone on the outside looking in, I was his wife. He told me he used condoms
with them & I always saw used condoms in the morning, so I believed him. I was stupid. Period. When
he had his accident on Sept. 17, and I went back to Mexico to help him, he completely changed. He
was now just a shell of the person I knew. He was always violent & nasty but now everything was ten
times personified. He lied more, he drank more, he did more drugs. I would look into his eyes & see
only darkness. I knew I had to get away from him permanently. He was not only a serial litigator but
was constantly threatening to kill anyone & everyone, me included. All I wanted was for him to pay
my credit cards like he promised, take my name off of all the fraudulent corporations, let me have my
Mexcian cat Tinka, all my belongings & let me go. That was it. Then we were diagnosed with HIV.
The night he brought the papers home I didn’t clearly understand them & asked for a translator to come
to the house to talk to the doctor on speaker phone so I understood the results. Alain, the translator, &
the doctor, Dr. Denis, spoke with us via speaker phone. Dr. Denis said if I went back to the States, I
would be okay. But when Jack got sick, he would not get better. I asked him if Jack had it longer than
me. Yes was the reply. And then all hell broke loose. Jack threw the phone across the room & told
Alain to leave & never mention it. After Alain left, Jack just kept drinking & shooting Nalbufina
(which he was now addicted to), did some lines of coke & was drinking his vodka with corona & lime.
He was gone. But he told me a story about a turtle & a scorpion. Basically he admitted he knew he
had this & it was my fault because I should have known what I was getting involved in. He also told
me there was no way for me to ever leave him now because no one would be with me but him. And we
would die together. I left Mexico on Feb.15, 2010, never expecting to go back. On Feb. 17, I went to
the local Aids Project of Danbury & had a rapid test. It was negative & I was thrilled. But then the
first week of March I got very ill. I went to 70 Main Street, Danbury & was retested for HIV & TB.
On March 16, 2010, the test for TB was negative but the HIV was positive. I not only tested positive
for HIV 1 but HIV 2 (not at all common for the States) & I also tested positive for HPV (genital warts).
Which according to all my doctors, means he did indeed infect me. I was in the window where the
rapid test was negative. And my viral load was then undetectable & my t-cell count high (I have all
medical records to prove this). I was a newbie. As sick as I was, I went back July 20, 2010. I went
back for numerous reasons. 1) to see if he had changed & would say he was sorry for all he did to me
and if not 2) I was going to get my cat & my belongings. I had booked the trip to stay until August 11.
Things were quite strained upon my return. He was worse than ever, constantly getting high & drunk,
and being a complete moron. There was no food, the house was a mess, and everything was just not
right. He was in complete denial that he had HIV, let alone giving it to me. He said he had “special
blood” & he took a new test that came out negative. I wanted to see it, but of course it didn’t exist. He
kept saying he could “heal” me with a transfusion of his blood! Completely delusional & convoluted.
Sunday, July 25, I told him I had a copy of his original test & he exploded. Telling me no one could
ever know this, what was wrong with me, etc. Then his tranny friend Nancy called. I told him his
boyfriend was on the phone & he went ballistic. He broke my cd player & grabbed me & kept hitting
my head against the stone wall. Tried choking me and then everything went black. When I started to
come to, I heard him on the phone saying he had to dump my body if I didn’t come to & was talking to
this guy that we both knew to come over. Nick, i a drug addict, came over & wanted to know if I
overdosed. No, Jack said but he wanted me dead & to get rid of me. Nick told him to take me to the
hospital. Jack said he would but he was going to leave me there. I knew I had to get out of there & that
was my chance. Once I got to the checkpoint, I would get out of the cab & get help. When the cab
came, Jack & Nick put me in it, Jack next to me in the back seat. Clearly I looked like I was beaten &
hurt. I acted out of it, but started to move my foot under the cab driver’s seat. Jack thought we
wouldn’t get stopped at the checkpoint because they never stop cabs but this driver knew I was in
trouble. So he stopped at the checkpoint. Jack jumped out & started giving the guards a hard time,
well I opened the window asking them to help me. The guard opened the cab door & was helping me
out when Jack ran over to the side of the cab & banged my head against the cab pushing me back in.
Told the driver to bring us back to the house not the hospital. And that’s where my nightmare really
started. We got back & a different guy was there, Steve, who helped put me in bed & Jack told him to
leave. Then Jack started slapping me & raped me with no condom & he had sores all over his genitals.
I begged him not to. Then he started screaming at me & told me I was going to die. He then injected
me with the Nalbufina he was taking. He went downstairs & put the music on loudly & I heard glasses
breaking. I made it to the phone & made 1 call to my friend in America. I told her I was in trouble &
he was going to kill me & help me. That was it. For the next day & a half, all I remember is being
locked in that room & just getting up to use the bathroom or drink the bottle of water next to me. He
had people there working but it seemed normal to them that I wasn’t coming out of the room because
we were always mad & fighting with each other anyway. Then 2 guys came to the gate regarding the
checkpoint fiasco & because my girlfriend got in touch with the American Embassy (Marcus). Jack
told me not to say anything or he would shoot them & me. He had a gun in his pocket the entire time
& was sitting next to me watching everything. When they got up to leave I squeezed the guy’s inside
hand with my fingernails to let him know I needed help. Next 2 days, more of the same. Except the
plumber, a very nice Mexican who spoke English was there & knew I needed help. But by then, Jack
was in trouble. The men who came started an investigation & Jack got his corrupt lawyer to get him an
amparo. Thursday the lawyer said that he was going to get to the bottom of it & come back on Friday
to tell Jack. Friday, he did come back & Jack found out that I squeezed the investigator’s hand & all
hell broke loose. He & his lawyer were going to kill me & the plumber said he was getting me out
now, no more time. We took as many things as I could, tried to get my cat, Tinka, but he was hiding &
wouldn’t come out. The plumber, Ricardo, drove me to the center of Bacalar, and I rented a small
room for 2 hours, stayed barricaded in it until the Chetumal Federal police came to get me. I went to
Chetumal & was questioned for 7 hours & willingly submitted to an internal exam & bloodwork & let
them take photos of my bruises for proof. I pressed charges of rape, assault, attempted murder &
injecting me with a narcotic & keeping me prisoner in the house against my will. (Have copy of
charges). Stayed in a hotel the rest of that day which was now 4 a.m. & Saturday because I was ill &
hurt so bad. Then 2 policeman drove me to Cancun (4 hour drive) and I went back to the States August
1. Idema was furious. He knew once I left everything would come out. The threats were really bad to
say the least. He denied everything that happened, said I was a liar, etc. I went to my doctor when I
returned and found out those sores he had were Herpes 1 & Herpes 2. So now the number of sexually
transmitted the diseases is 5. He turned off my cell phone August 9 (and there was a credit of $76 on
it), he stopped paying even the minimum on my credit card. He & I were all over the Mexican media.
When I got back to the States, I met with the FBI and ATF and gave statements. But it didn’t take me
long to realize out of sight out of mind. The only way to pursue this would be to go back. Which I was
not going to do. I tried for 7 months to keep following up with it but it just isn’t going to happen. I’m
an American woman who was attacked by an American & big deal. They’ve got drug wars done there,
they’re not going to worry about this. On August 2, I cancelled the ATM cards for the BBT account
that was primarily in his name. I didn’t take any money just cancelled the cards. I also emailed his
corrupt lawyers, William “Skip” London, John Tiffany & Vallerie Magory saying I wanted to know
what my name was on & that I resigned from everything. I also wanted the payment due on my credit
cards & my cat & the rest of my belongings. Never heard a thing. So September 3, I emailed everyone
again, I said my name was still on Isabeau Dakota & because you never acknowledged my resignation
I take it back & I will be dropping assets if we can’t settle. They just sent me basically nonsense saying
do what you want, you resigned, etc. So to get my name off the corporation I quick-deeded it for ten
dollars to Idema’s archenemy. This way I wouldn’t be responsible for any wrong doings & the fraud.
They were collecting money from the Pet Resort, reneging on the grants, etc. And I needed to get
medical care from the State of CT & I didn’t want any problems. That started a huge drama. Naked
photos of me to my parents, death threats, Lynn Thomas outing me on her blog about the HIV & saying
I had sex with thousands of partners etc. So a month and a half late I retaliated with the truth. I figured
I was already outed so let’s bring it all out. And it’s been a battle ever since. They keep trying to shut
me up because they are afraid all the fraud will come out. But the stalking, bullying, harassment
continues. Never got a cent, they are still using my name & I am sick. And now Idema is planning on
coming back to the States May 23. I am on the top of his to kill list. I want to press charges against him
for all the damage he has done to me, criminally. I want him to pay back the money he owes me & pay
for putting my name on all those corporations that he shouldn’t have. I want to press charges against
him, his lawyers, Lynn Thomas & Kender McGowen for harassing me & putting my life & my parents’
lives in danger by telling everyone I had HIV & was having sex when I wasn’t. This I believe is
considered a hate crime & most of all, I want him charged with trying to kill me with HIV & taking my
life from me.
The following is a list of my travels to & fro Mexico with my passport as verification
9-28-07-----------10-8-07 (took Nina to Mexico)
11-30-07----------12-3-07 (1st time in Bacalar house he moved in)
2-3-08-------------4-13-08 (took his ailing father to Mexico, his father (because of the non-stop fighting
with his son over the building) left 2-10-08, but was supposed to stay till April with me)
7-28-07-------------8-11-08 (Fayetteville 1st to see building I was going to be President of, then Mexico
for “Star” meetings with Arabs)
11-9-08------------11-23-08 (got “married” 11-22-08; Mr. Idema died 11-24-08)
12-30-08-----------1-13-09 (Mr. Idema’s wake was 1-30-09; his funeral was 1-31-09. Myself & Rick
Lawson took care of all the arrangements. Jack couldn’t be bothered to even show up).
3-31-09------------9-17-09 (took my 3 cats with me, and then left with them & my visiting brother)(on
way back he had near fatal car accident)
9-23-09------------11-21-09 (took care of him)
12-31-09-----------2-15-10 (tested for HIV in January; Positive results for both of us came back in first
week of Feb.)
7-20-10-------------8-1-10 (was booked to stay until

The quick-deed of the “Idema Building” on 450 Robeson Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina that Penny Alesi gave to William Hagler was the beginning of a side show that continues to this day.
Ms. Alesi never wanted this controversy that has landed in a North Carolina court and has attracted much local media attention and some national coverage. In early August, 2010 when Ms. Alesi escaped Idema white slavery in Mexico to the USA (She filed charges in Mexico against him on July 30, 2010 – the document is here), she made a good faith offer to settle out of court if Idema (1) Shipped to her all her personal belongings (2) Returned her “Mexican” cat she had named “Tinka.” (3) Repay the balance on the American Express card that Idema had gained by fraud in her name. Idema did nothing to settle his legal obligations to his former wife, which were extremely modest when compared to the trials that she went though in Mexico at the hands of man many would describe as a latter day Marquis De Sade, who took delight in the torture and sexual degradation as his prisoner at an isolated resort in Mexico. Ms. Alesi also gives part of blame for the North Carolina legal proceedings to Idema's legal team in that she believes are blinded by greed and corrupt to the core.
Ms. Alesi thinks Idema and some of his associates were well aware that she suffered from the most lethal form of AIDS and hoped she would die, or be too sick to continue resistance. If this line of attack failed, Ms. Alesi believes the plan was to silence her by means of harassment and death threats.
The attack has obviously failed as well and Ms. Alesi very much still in the struggle.
Affidavits filed on November 3, 2010 from Lynn E. Thomas and John Edwards Tiffany regarding the lawsuit over the “Idema Building” and William Hagler are excellent fiction that slanders Ms. Alesi. Tiffany has been Idema's lawyer since his adventures in Afghanistan starting in 2001/02, and has ties to another Idema important issue - the controversial death of Rita Gray. (The death of Ms. Gray and the Idema/Tiffany connection to it will be covered in a future article). The other member of the “Idema Legal Team” are Tiffany's cousin and fellow lawyer, Vallerie Magory, who also teamed up with William London regarding the H.J Idema Trust.
What Thomas and Tiffany wrote in the affidavits concerning Ms. Alesi good entertainment, but completely false. Tiffany knew her as the wife of Jack Idema when they first met at Idema's father funeral. He also saw her while in Mexico at the STAR meetings. Tiffany was also aware that Ms. Alesi's name was being used for many purposes by Legal Team Idema and never mentioned the fact to her – this was the case with William London as well – who was first to congratulate Ms. Alesi on her marriage to Idema.
It would appear that Tiffany had an easy job as Idema's attorney, as Idema (a real jailhouse lawyer, for sure!) would write up the legal issue at question and send the document to Tiffany, who would copy, sign and submit the finished product to the court. One hears much about “ghost writers” who create books for famous people like Obama, but this is first time this investigative reporter has heard of a “ghost lawyer” - in this case Idema - who uses a real lawyer's letterhead, signature and license to practice law. Ms. Alesi has documentation as well (to be produced at a later date) of this unusual manner of law practice. This legal project of Idema's was financed by the Ms. Alesi's corporate American Express card obtained by fraud by Idema, where these legal documents sent to Kinko to be reproduced and charges billed. Ms. Alesi has copies of these documents where all that need be added for submission to the court are Tiffany's signature.
The Thomas Affidavit is quite interesting as well. Ms. Alesi has described Thomas as a “professional victim” who can tell lies and pump out a sea of salty tears on command concerning her alleged abuse by Ms. Alesi! One of the oldest tactics used by criminals and communists is to accuse the accuser. In this dirty little game that is based on psychological projection is to charge the victim with being aggressor. The father of the Russian Revolution, Lenin, once famously told his stooges the best way to attack the opposition, “accuse them of what you are.” If this is true, Thomas is quite the villain, as she has committed a serious hate crime by exposing Ms. Alesi's HIV status to the world on the Internet. Thomas attempts to advertise her herself as an American patriot and Christian, but many think she has would have made an excellent Bolshevik in the party of Lenin.
The Stupor Patriots in April 2006:
"Well lets see here ... Now here is proof of a conspiracy. Lynn Thomas has admitted here that she has been in contact with Jackbo's lawyers. That through Jackbo's lawyers she posted a partial deposition that was under a Court Order of Protection. That she is and has been involved as a accessory to perpetrate a fraud. Nice Christian Woman ....................................................... Got to love this Psychotic and Homicidal Lynn Thomas! She has been receiving threats .............................................................. LOL! Sick girl Lynn you really need help!"
More from The Stupor Patriots dated October 2006:
"So Thomas attacks forgetting all about the FACT that Jackbo has had many opportunities to prove his case in court and every time he sued one of the people Thomas continues to wrongly defame he has not just lost in court but ended up being sanctioned and owing the defendants money. Of course Thomas reports on all that? Well of course not! Every time Jackbo has gotten his ass handed to him Thomas rails against the truth and attacks or threatens the person who was wronged. Just like the threat of calling the FBI. LOL! Calling the FBI! LOL! Lynn Thomas is going to call the FBI! Ok, here is the jist of the conversation between Thomas and the FBI."
"Thomas just plainly for what ever demented reason refuses to acknowledge the truth and this includes emails and statements from Jackbo's old Commanding Officer and Green Beret Billy Waugh. But note that Thomas only attacks a selected group of people. You have to ask why? Why not bring to light that Jackbo's old Commanding Officer wrote personally to Thomas and Thomas even refused to answer or post his email. Also note that Thomas has not even mentioned the fact that Billy Waugh slammed the door on Jackbo's private prison. She forgets that 98% of Jackbo's claims have been exposed as BULLSHIT! His military record, how and why he entered Afghanistan, and even the FRAUD Jackbo committed playing US Military covert terrorist hunter killer. But none of this sinks into Thomas lying brain. Yes she is a very sick and demented woman."
This is more proof of what Jack Idema, Lynn Thomas and the rest of his gang will do to destroy the lives of their opponents.
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