Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Be Careful What You Wish For, Libs |
March 10, 2011 |
Listen To It! ![]() BEGIN TRANSCRIPT |
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RUSH: Now, I had a lot of people -- and I made mention of this earlier -- worried here that we're losing the headline battle out of Wisconsin, we're losing the headline war on Twitter and Facebook and, "Gee, wouldn't it be great if they were telling the truth about our victory (crying)." This is coming from people on our side. So we aim to please here at the EIB Network. We have scoured the so-called mainstream media and we have found somebody who believes that the Democrats might be in trouble in the way they are behaving themselves. And that would be the Huffing and Puffington Post senior writer Howard Fineman, who appeared on PMSNBC last night with Lawrence O'Donnell, who's already talking about quitting the network. He is. (imitating Fineman) "I can't see myself doing this more than three years. Are you kidding? It's much easier writing fiction for The West Wing." Lawrence O'Donnell said to Howard Fineman, "Howard, the Governor has already paid a price in Wisconsin polling. Polling turned against him. But did he just become a possible leading contender for the Republican Presidential inauguration since this Republican achievement in Wisconsin is something that was being cheered strongly by national Republicans?" FINEMAN: This story is no longer, if it ever was, really about Wisconsin. It's about the power of unions and the Republicans' effort to destroy them. What they want to do here is to try, number one, to goad the people in Wisconsin into overreacting. The strategy for the Republicans is to portray Barack Obama and his allies as a sort of sixties style bunch of radicals out to upset American values. And they're going to try to force the president to come out and defend the workers in Wisconsin. He's been very quiet. They want 'em out there on the front lines. RUSH: Yeah, and so does the left. The left would be happy for a visit from Obama. The left is wondering, where is Obama, by the way? Where is he on Gitmo? Where is he on all these promises? Why are we still in Afghanistan? Now, here's something also interesting, too. Mr. Fineman, "What they want to do here is portray Obama and his allies as a sort of sixties-style bunch of radicals out to upset American values." No, Obama is portraying himself that way and his buddies are portraying themselves that way. What we are doing is reporting that that's what's happening, Howard. We are not trying to caricature Obama as that. We are the ones who have the honesty and integrity to tell people who Obama and his cohorts are. He is. The sixties, if you've read up on Obama, Obama wishes he had been front and center in the sixties. I mean that was community organizing as nirvana, that was agitation like it's never been done before. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Here's more Howard Fineman, by the way, because when he says that Republicans are trying to goad people in Wisconsin to overreacting -- explain to me how can anybody overreact to what they're seeing here? Somebody want to explain this? Goad? We goading anybody? We're sitting back and watching. Mr. Fineman, you know, I love you, Howard. We're sitting here watching you try your best -- not you personally -- cover this up, or to somehow write about these riots as though they're justified. And we know full well if it's the Tea Party doing this you'd be demanding the German shepherds and the dogs and the mace. But since it's your precious union guys out doing this, why, there's solidarity within the ranks. Goading people here? Overreacting? You can't overreact. Howard, have you read the death threat emails? "Rush, come on, you know that's just part of politics, death threats." Oh, yeah, right. Just part of politics to blame people that had nothing to do with it, Gabrielle Giffords gets shot. Okay, so now you've got Jesse Jackson, who is really in need of help. If the Democrats really cared about Jesse Jackson they would stop this 'til they found out what's wrong. And you have Michael Moore out there, and guys are calling for full-throated revolution, which is fine and dandy. I have no problem with revolution, but combined with death threats, if something happens here, who's going to get blamed? Certainly, Howard, all pretense of civility has kinda gone up in smoke here. And our wonderful president gave that wonderful speech, one of the best ever, we are told from Arizona, we gotta get past these things, gotta make that little nine-year-old girl proud of us. We must live and our politics must be what she dreamed it would be. I don't know how many people dream of politics dream of death threats. We got it happening here right in front of our very eyes and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of concern about this. Republicans are being threatened. Peter King is being threatened for having hearings on domestic terrorism in the House of Representatives. We got a mob at the Wisconsin assembly trying to shut down the democratic government. Nobody gives a damn. No, we're having a discussion here about how the Republicans are trying to goad people into an overreaction? Here's how Mr. Fineman concluded his remarks. |
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FINEMAN: They're in a college town of Madison, Wisconsin, where they want the students and the unions and the Democrats to take the bait of this provocation and overreact in a way that will sell poorly in swing states in 2012. Now, the Democrats are the ones who have to be the grownups because the Republicans have been the ones to issue the provocation. This is very serious stakes having everything to do with the 2012 election. RUSH: Wow. So what Howard Fineman is saying is that the Republicans are targeting Obama's unions in Wisconsin and trying to cause these riots, the Republicans are trying to inspire these riots so it will help them win the election in 2012. The Democrats have gotta be very, very careful not to be manipulated into rioting here. This is what he seems to be saying. The Democrats are gonna have to be the grownups here and stop with the Molotov cocktails and the defacing of the Capitol and the threats and all this, they're gonna have to be the grownups here because the Republicans have been the ones to issue the provocation? It's a parallel universe. Who's doing the provoking here? Unless the democratic process is a provocation. There was nothing illegal or unconstitutional about the way they passed this legislation last night. So you got a mob shutting down a State Capitol for three weeks is not overreacting? That's the adults? What were these Democrats hiding out in Illinois, what would they be? ![]() MOORE: Anybody who lives within driving distance of Madison, Wisconsin, right now should make their way to the Capitol. Thousands of people are there right now in that Capitol building, in that rotunda, out on the lawn. Whatever it takes. This is war. This is a class war. Students in Madison, Wisconsin, are calling for, not only in Wisconsin but a nationwide student walkout of high-schoolers. There's gonna be a massive student walkout Friday afternoon. This has to continue day after day after day, and these governors have -- are gonna have to step down, they're gonna be recalled, they're gonna be impeached. RUSH: He goes on to talk about how the rich have all the money and they're not giving it back and it's the typical insane stuff, insane rants. But, anyway, that's that. A lot of people are taking that seriously. A lot of people think that's chilling. I have a tough time associating chilling with Michael Moore, but I go different directions when talking about reacting. |
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BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: I want to make a little comparison here, folks, for those of you who continue to feel frustration over the fact that we're "losing the headline," which I reject anyway, but there are people on our side who are boohooing the fact that we're losing the Twitter headline war for this Wisconsin business. Look, if you want some things to fire back with, how about this: Why don't high-schoolers go protest against their teachers and principals? How about we taxpayers take over the schools and universities? Would they like that? We pay 'em. Why don't we try some of their tactics? They're talking about how rotten we are. If we were like the left, you know what we would do? Right now we'd be organizing 50,000 people to go to Richard Trumka's house and march and chant and yell. Does anybody doubt our ability to get 50,000 people? If I wanted to get 50,000 people to meet me at Trumka's house, do you think I could pull it off? Well, that's what they do. They have all these people showing up at the homes of AIG execs and wherever in Washington, DC. If we were really like them, that's what we would be doing. How about this: How about we treat MSNBC and Howard Fineman like the unions and our government treat Fox News and have thousands of people surround their reporters, block their cameras, manhandle their reporters? How about if we do that? How about if we show up and we start physically assaulting MSNBC reporters like they're doing to Fox reporters? That's not who we are. It is who they are. ![]() They better be careful what they wish for -- and you don't hear me talking like this, folks; but if they're gonna start talking about "revolution," they better be very, very careful what they wish for, 'cause they are outnumbered. No question about it. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: You know these guys that keep calling for civil war and revolution, Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore? They better remember: All they've got are fire hoses. They can't compete with us. Their fire hoses not gonna intimidate us. By the way, according to reports, the Wisconsin Assembly has met. They are now voting, the roll call is underway, on making this official. God bless and protect these courageous people that are engaged here. This is, folks -- we live it, but it is -- a great and historic day, and let's hope that it is the first of many similar days yet to come. |
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Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Amateur snapshot, made with Kodak Brownie camera, of Kennedys and Connallys in the motorcade about two minutes before the shooting in Dealey Plaza.
An ocean of ink has been wasted "proving" that John F. Kennedy was killed by any person or organization other than the U.S. Secret Service, the law enforcement agency charged with his protection. In the 2002 book by the late Philip H. Melanson entitled, "The Secret Service: The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency" lays the blame for the murder of JFK exactly where it belongs: On the shoulders of the officers and their supervisors in the U.S. Secret Service charged with his protection, who not only failed to protect the president from assassination, but took part in a dastardly conspiracy to murder the young president and gave perjury to the Warren Commission in order to cover up their guilt.
This untold story is revealed in Chapter three, "Losing Lancer -The JFK Assassination" (pp.58- 89) - where we learn that SS agents Roy Kellerman and William Greer lied in their official reports and gave perjury to the Warren Commission about their actions the day of the assassination. One can understand the reason why the lies and perjury: Kellerman and Greer could have saved President Kennedy that fateful day in Dallas.
The two Secret Service agents -Kellerman and Greer - were in the "death car" with President Kennedy in Dealey Plaza. The agent in charge of the detail was Kellerman in the front seat and Greer was the driver when Oswald's first shot rang out that wounded JFK and the Texas governor. In the six or seven seconds before the fatal head shot, Kellerman froze and Greer slowed the car, instead of speeding up and/or swerving the vehicle to throw off the sniper's shots.
On Friday November 22, 1963 I was a student at Fairland High School in Rome, Ohio in the first of my afternoon classes, British Literature, or "Brit Lit" as we students called it. We were engaged in the study of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" and doing a class discussion of the "Ides of March" scene in Act III where Caesar is murdered by the Roman Republicans under the leadership of Marcus Brutus in the Senate House. About thirty minutes into our class, well conducted by Mrs. Daniels, a former subject of Queen Elizabeth and student actor at her British college, the PA announced that all students were to assemble in the cafeteria. This seemed odd and fightening, the last time this had happened at our high school was in October, 1962 during the Cuban missile crisis when the USA and USSR stood toe to toe in possible nuclear combat.
When we were seated in the cafeteria, the reason for the assembly was passed quickly from table to table: "PRESIDENT KENNEDY WAS DEAD!" Many of us shook our heads in disbelief. JFK dead? Impossible! He was too young...and too full of life. He was the husband of a beautiful woman everyone called "Jackie" who set the latest women's fashions. Kennedy was a war hero, the skipper of PT 109 who survived along with his crew a sinking by a Jap destroyer in the South Pacific during WW II. The world famous author of "Profiles in Courage." The patriot who stood down the Communists in Berlin in 1961 and during the October Missile Crisis 0f 1962. The Statesmen who told us, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. The new King Arthur of the New World who with his latter day "Knights of the Round Table" - the Armed Forces of the United States - would liberate mankind from all forms of tyranny over the mind of man!
Then a delegation of teachers led by our dour principal, Schultz, entered the cafeteria. We noticed that the normally unemotional German-American Schultz had red eyes and tears running down his face. We knew then the rumor was true: President Kennedy was dead. This raw display of sadness from a "Man's Man" like Schultz set off a wave of crying in the cafeteria, especially from the girls. My high school girlfriend, the daughter of a Baptist minister, moved her lips in the Lord's Prayer. When it became clear that Schultz couldn't force himself to make the official announcement, the assistant principal, Mr. York, told us that President Kennedy had be murdered in Dallas, Texas. This set off another wave of crying, prayers, remarks and questions. "Who killed JFK? Why didn't the Secret Service stop this from happening, Mr. York?
But York had no answers, although he did have one last announcement to make: Fairland High School was closed until further notice, and we were sent home to be with our families on what turned out to a weekend of national mourning.
Indeed, who killed President Kennedy? An ocean of ink has been spilled and several motion pictures produced that "prove" JFK was murdered by any person or organization other than the dirty little rogue Communist - Lee Harvey Oswald - using a piece of junk Italian army WW II carbine purchased for $19.95 by mail order. Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory fail to prove anything other than the facts discovered by the Warren Commission, which were that President Kennedy was killed by a lone assassin who fired three rounds that day in Dealey Plaza from the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository.
The Wikipedia gives this account of the Kennedy assassination:
According to the Warren Commission[12] and the House Select Committee on Assassinations,[13] as President Kennedy waved to the crowds on his right with his right arm upraised on the side of the limo, a shot entered his upper back, penetrated his neck, slightly damaged a spinal vertebra and the top of his right lung, exited his throat nearly centerline just beneath his Adam's apple, then nicked the left side of his suit tie knot. He then raised his elbows and clenched his fists in front of his face and neck, then leaned forward and towards his left. Mrs. Kennedy (already facing him) then put her arms around him in concern. Governor Connally also reacted after the same bullet penetrated his back creating an oval entry wound, impacted and destroyed four inches of his right, fifth rib bone, exited his chest just below his right nipple creating a two-and-a-half inch oval sucking-air chest wound, then entered just above his right wrist, impacted and cleanly fractured his right wrist bone, exited just below the wrist at the inner side of his right palm, and entered his left inner thigh.[14][15] The Warren Commission theorized that the "single bullet" struck between Zapruder frames 210 and 225, while the House Select Committee theorized it occurred exactly at Zapruder frame 190.
According to the Warren Commission, a second shot struck at Zapruder film frame 313 (the Commission made no conclusion as to whether this was the second or third bullet fired) when the Presidential limousine was passing in front of the John Neely Bryan north pergola concrete structure (the House Select Committee concluded that the final shot was the fourth shot). They each concluded that this shot entered the rear of President Kennedy's head (the House Select Committee determined the entry wound to be four inches higher than the Warren Commission), then exploded out a roughly oval-shaped hole from his head's rear and right side. Head matter, brain, blood, and skull fragments, originating from Kennedy, covered the interior of the car, the inner and outer surfaces of the front glass windshield and raised sun visors, the front engine hood, the rear trunk lid, the followup Secret Service car and its driver's left arm, and motorcycle officers riding on both sides of the president behind him.[16] Mrs. Kennedy then reached out onto the rear trunk lid. After she crawled back into her limousine seat, both Governor Connally and Mrs. Connally heard her say more than once, "They have killed my husband," and "I have his brains in my hand."[17][18]
United States Secret Service agent Clint Hill was riding on the left front running board of the followup car, immediately behind the Presidential limousine. Hill testified he heard one shot, then, as documented in other films and concurrent with Zapruder frame 308, he jumped off into Elm Street and ran forward to try and get on the limousine and protect the president. (Hill testified to the Warren Commission that after he jumped into Elm Street, he heard two more shots)[19][20][21] Hill believed she was reaching for something, perhaps a piece of the president's skull.[22] He jumped onto the back of the limousine while at the same time Mrs. Kennedy returned to her seat, and he clung to the car as it exited Dealey Plaza and accelerated, speeding to Parkland Memorial Hospital. After the president had been shot in the head, Mrs. Kennedy began to climb out onto the back of the limousine, though she later had no recollection of doing so.
In any event, whether there were one, two , or three snipers in action at Dealey Plaza that day the agency with the responsibility for protecting President Kennedy was the U.S. Secret Service. Clearly this branch of federal law enforcement failed to carry out their assigned task, and recently released documents point to gross incompetiency, delection of duty, cowardice, stupidity, perjury, conspiracy and a cover up designed to indict President Kennedy as being responsible for his own death.
THE FIRST: Secret Service Agent William Greer, a high school dropout with a tenth grade education, was the driver of the open car with containing President Kennedy and Texas Governor Connally along with their respective wives. Until that fateful day, Greer had led the life of a lackey, first in his native Ireland, and later as a driver for the Secret Service. Furthermore, it seems certain that Greer was ever given specialized training by the Secret Service on how to conduct his driving should he come under fire. The picture we get of Greer is a low I.Q. servant promoted way beyond his level competiency.
THE SECOND: Secret Service Special Agent Roy Kellerman, Greer's supervisor, who sat next to him in the front of the Kennedy's limo in Dealey Plaza. As the Secret Service Agent-In-Charge of President Kennedy's security, Kellerman made many mistakes. First of all, standard operating procedures for the Secret Service were to place agents at rear of the presidential limo and along the sides. at Love Field where President Kennedy and company started their tour of Dallas, two Secret Service agents took station at the back of the car, but were ordered off by Secret Service Agent Roberts, with no objection from Kellerman.
Melanson had this to say of the assassination of President Kennedy:
"He (Kellerman) did not relate how he had frozen for those six or seven seconds after the first shot - a time span that allowed the "kill shot" to the president's head.
Agent William Greer, the driver of Kennedy's car, neglected to admit how he had failed to hit the gas after the first shot or swerve the vehicle to throw off the unseen sniper's aim. The limo continued rolling at a snail's pace down Dealey Plaza. Worse, he actually slowed down almost to a complete stop.
As Greer followed the established procedures and waited for a command from Kellerman, the president was a proverbial sitting duck. The agents had those six or seven seconds to do something, anything, before the president's head was nearly blown off. They did nothing and covered up their actions - or lack of them - to the Warren Commission and others."
Perhaps Greer and Kellerman's lack of judgement and slow responses were the result of another little reported activity by the the Secret Service agents charged with protecting President Kennedy that fateful day in Dallas, Texas: At least nine of the agents were seen drinking on the night of November 21 - 22. A bad hangover experienced by Greer, Kellerman and other SS agents would go along way in explaining the death of a young president. The Warren Commission called this a “breach of discipline” and according to Sercret Service regulations, agents “On Call” are forbidden intake of alcohol.
Said Melanson of the testimony of Greer and Kellerman before the Warren Commission:
"At least two agents lied to the Warren Commission . Even worse, as they created the fiction about how thorough they had been, they implicitly pinned the blame on the fallen president himself, hinting that Kennedy's recklessness or fatalism - not anything the agents had done in Dallas - ignited a tragic sequence of events. Kennedy's critics still chant the mantra that the president brought it on himself. These outright lies and half-truths cannot absolve the Secret Service for losing the life of a president for the first time in its history."
Additional mistakes made by the Secret Service that made the assassination of President Kennedy almost inevitable: The dog leg turn at Dealey Plaza that made the Kennedy limo a sitting duck; the Secret Service allowed the Dallas newspapers to publish the Kennedy's exact route from Love Field to Dallas on November 19, 1963; the follow up car was too far behind the Kennedy limo and the eight agents in it, four or whom had been out late drinking, were not effective.
Said Chief Justice Earl Warren speaking of the performance of the Secret Service agents in the follow up car Texas Book in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day:
“Now other people, as they went along there, even some people in the crowds, saw a man with a rifle up in this building (Texas Book Depository) from which the president was shot. Now don't you think that if a man went to bed reasonably early, and hadn't been drinking the night before, he would be more alert to see those things as a Secret Service agent, than if they stayed up until three or four o'clock in the morning, going to beatnik joints and doing some drinking along the way.
After all is said and done concerning the death of President Kennedy, the two Secret Service agents present in the limo bear most of the responsibility: Agent Greer, the driver and his boss, Agent Kellerman. In fact, Greer was later to confess to author William Manchester that he told Mrs. Kennedy,
“Oh, Mrs. Kennedy , oh my God, oh my God. I didn't mean to do it. I didn't hear the shots. I should have swerved the car, or at least not hit the brakes and let it come to a near stop. I couldn't help it. Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, if only I'd seen it in time.”
Jacqueline Kennedy would later tell author Mary Gallagher,“Agent Greer had not acted during the crucial moment...He might just as well been Mrs. Shaw (the nanny of John and Caroline). You should get yourself a good driver so that nothing happens to you.”
The U.S. Secret made numerous “mistakes” - far too many and can only part of a conspiracy by a high ranking “Mr. Big” who pulled the strings of the Secret Service like a Puppet master.
Consider the roster of Secret Service personnel and their actions that led inevitably to the death of President Kennedy.
Agent Winston G. Lawson of the Secret Service Presidential Detail in the company of Agent Sorrells of the Dallas field office drove the proposed Kennedy motorcade route on November 14, 1963, and thus were well aware of the dog leg at Dealey Plaza that had to be taken at slow speed that exposed President Kennedy and his party to gun fire coming from the high rise structures in the area.
Secret Service agents assigned to the Kennedy motorcade were allowed to drink the night before into the early hours of November 22, 1963 with the knowledge of their superior officers. Secret Service regulations state clearly that “On Call” agents be alcohol free at least 24 hours in advance of a protective mission. This did not happen, nor were the hung over agents replaced with sober agents for the fateful day.
On November 19, 1963, the Dallas “Times Herald” and other local newspapers printed the exact route the Kennedy motorcade would take on November 22, 1963. It is certain that the Secret Service was aware of this breach of security, yet they did nothing to modify or change the Kennedy motorcade route. This was another major error on the part of Agents Lawson and Sorrells.
Agents Greer and Kellerman – the driver of the Kennedy limousine and his supervisor – froze when the three shots were fired by Oswald in Dealey Plaza. Agent Greer stopped the car briefly and looked back to the passenger compartment where President Kennedy was being killed and Governor Connally seriously wounded. This was in complete disregard of Secret Service regulations that required the car to speed up and make evasive moves to throw off the aim of an sniper in case of an assassination attempt. Agent Kellerman is recorded as freezing when the shots rang out. It was only when Agent Hill jumped aboard to keep Mrs. Kennedy in the car did Agent Greer put on the gas and exited the kill zone.
The actions of Agent Emory P. Roberts are highly suspect. At Love Field where the Kennedy motorcade begin that fateful day, This was highly irregular and another violation of Secret Service regulations. So unusual was this move one of the bodyguards is filmed holding out his hands as if to ask, “why?” Later when the shots were fired in Dealey Plaza, Agent Roberts ordered his men not to leave the back up car. This order was disobeyed by Agent Hill who managed to keep Mrs. Kennedy from climbing out of the presidential limousine. This was the only heroic action displayed by the Secret Service that fateful day.
Agent Kellerman and “The Battle of Kennedy's Body.” The actions of Agent Kellerman went from passive to aggressive when he and a Secret Service detail with drawn guns stole the body of President Kennedy and the blooded limousine from Texas authorities, who had jusdiction over the evidence of the homicide. This made detailed analysis of the crime scene very difficult.
Removal of the bubble-top
Another controversy with direct bearing on the criminal investigation of the assassination relates to the origin of the order to remove the bubble-top from the presidential limousine. Kinney adamantly told me that he, and not the president, was solely responsible for the removal of the presidential limousine's clear roof on November 22, 1963. However, in testimony to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, agents Kellerman and Win Lawson spoke of their involvement in that critical decision.
Kinney passed away on July 21, 1997. This correspondent cannot be definitive regarding the number of individuals involved in the decision to remove the bubble-top. However, based upon thorough investigation of the issue, the strong possibility exists that Lawson, acting through Kellerman and/or Boring, either gave the order or was represented as having given it.
Reduction of motorcycle outriders
The frequently repeated story that JFK ordered a reduction in the presence of motorcycle outriders in the Dallas motorcade is in need of correction. Although presidential motorcades on all prior stops on the November, 1963 Texas trip normally included anywhere from three to six cyclists on each side of the JFK limousine (a fact confirmed by numerous press and official White House films and photographs), the plans for Dallas were altered by Secret Service officials to give JFK just four non-flanking outriders.
Thus the presidential limousine was opened to crossfire, and the perceptions of professionally trained eye- and ear-witnesses were eliminated from the scene of the crime. Former agents Kinney and Godfrey confirmed that JFK never gave direct or implicit instructions to remove motorcycles from security positions adjacent to his car. Further, films and photographs of prior Texas trip stops clearly show a heavy motorcycle outrider presence during motorcades, up to and including the Fort Worth motorcade of November 21, 1963.
The origin of the order to strip presidential security by reducing motorcycle-based security remains mysterious, and carries sinister implications.
Security Stripping
Could Dallas have been deemed a sufficiently non-threatening environment so as to justify a stripping of presidential security? Not according to on-the-record comments from former agents Kellerman and Abraham Bolden (to the Warren Commission and this correspondent, respectively). They stated that they were at a loss to explain or otherwise find justification for the at least three separate checks for threats and harmful subjects in Dallas conducted by the Protective Research Section of the Secret Service that produced negative results.
Given the city's history, including the 1963 attacks there against Adlai Stevenson, the acknowledged presence in Dallas of radical, violence-prone Right Wing groups and anti-Castro operatives, and the knowledge, commonly and officially held within the Secret Service and the Kennedy administration, of ongoing, non-location-specific threats against the president, those results were, in the opinion of interviewees, highly unusual.
Disclose.tv - How the Secret Service set up & killed JFK Video
The shooting sequence
The scene at Love Field. Agent Roberts orders President Kennedy's rear guard agents off his limo.
One half second before the fatal shot. Agent Greer has stopped the limo and is looking at President Kennedy. Agent Kellerman appears frozen. At the point both JFK and Governor Connelly are wounded.

Robert F. Kennedy has been quoted as saying that LBJ was "mean, bitter, vicious -- [an] animal in many ways...I think his reactions on a lot of things are correct... but I think he’s got this other side of him and his relationship with human beings which makes it difficult unless you want to ‘kiss his behind’ all the time. That is what Bob McNamara suggested to me...if I wanted to get along.
Central to Johnson's control was "The Treatment",[24] described by two journalists:[25]
- The Treatment could last ten minutes or four hours. It came, enveloping its target, at the Johnson Ranch swimming pool, in one of Johnson's offices, in the Senate cloakroom, on the floor of the Senate itself — wherever Johnson might find a fellow Senator within his reach.
- Its tone could be supplication, accusation, cajolery, exuberance, scorn, tears, complaint and the hint of threat. It was all of these together. It ran the gamut of human emotions. Its velocity was breathtaking, and it was all in one direction. Interjections from the target were rare. Johnson anticipated them before they could be spoken. He moved in close, his face a scant millimeter from his target, his eyes widening and narrowing, his eyebrows rising and falling. From his pockets poured clippings, memos, statistics. Mimicry, humor, and the genius of analogy made The Treatment an almost hypnotic experience and rendered the target stunned and helpless.
In the 1948 elections, Johnson again ran for the Senate and won. This election was highly controversial: in a three-way Democratic Party primary Johnson faced a well-known former governor, Coke Stevenson, and a third candidate. Johnson drew crowds to fairgrounds with his rented helicopter dubbed "The Johnson City Windmill". He raised money to flood the state with campaign circulars and won over conservatives by voting for the Taft-Hartley act (curbing union power) as well as by criticizing unions.
Stevenson came in first but lacked a majority, so a runoff was held. Johnson campaigned even harder this time around, while Stevenson's efforts were surprisingly poor. The runoff count took a week. The Democratic State Central Committee (not the state, because the matter was a party primary) handled the count, and it finally announced that Johnson had won by 87 votes. By a majority of one member (29-28) the committee voted to certify Johnson's nomination, with the last vote cast on Johnson's behalf by Temple, Texas, publisher Frank W. Mayborn, who rushed back to Texas from a business trip in Nashville, Tennessee.
There were many allegations of fraud on both sides. Thus, one writer alleges that Johnson's campaign manager, future Texas governor John B. Connally, was connected with 202 ballots in Precinct 13 in Jim Wells County that had curiously been cast in alphabetical order and all just at the close of polling. (All of the people whose names appeared on the ballots were found to have been dead on election day.) Robert Caro argued in his 1989 book that Johnson had stolen the election in Jim Wells County and other counties in South Texas, as well as rigging 10,000 ballots in Bexar County alone.[19] A judge, Luis Salas, said in 1977 that he had certified 202 fraudulent ballots for Johnson.[20]
The state Democratic convention upheld Johnson. Stevenson went to court, but—with timely help from his friend Abe Fortas—Johnson prevailed. Johnson was elected senator in November and went to Washington, D.C., tagged with the ironic label "Landslide Lyndon," which he often used deprecatingly to refer to himself.
CONCLUSION: The facts of the Kennedy assassination case point in only one direction: Towards the U.S. Secret Service. I do not think they acted alone. I believe they were ordered to enable the assassination by Lyndon B. Johnson who had been a rival for the presidential nomination in 1960, and hated JFK for coming between him and the Oval Office. The facts of the case indicate that LBJ was a decades long political criminal and psychopath who stole elections and destroyed rivals.
Who else in the government had daily access to the all levels of authority in the Secret Service as did LBJ? Add to the fact that the assassination happened in Johnson's home state of Texas which he knew like every inch of his ugly naked body. The facts are that LBJ had the motive, opportunity and the pull necessary to cause the murder. It is interesting the parallel in what happened in Dallas that fateful day and the movie hit of time, "The Manchurian Candidate" in which a Communist trained assassin is dispatched to murder a presidential candidate with a high powered sniper rifle in order that his Vice President can put on, "The Bloody Shirt" and be elected President.
I know many Americans would find it unbelievable that a president's own body guards would join a conspiracy to assassinate him, so I encourage everyone to review the facts of the case. I am well aware that many Americans would not believe that the U.S. Secret Service is anything other than a band of selfless patriots who would throw themselves in front of an assassin's bullet. I can only say in defense of my thesis that I have had over 17 years experience in dealing with the Secret Service, and my observation is that these people are traitors who often give perjury in court, harass innocent suspects and invent false crimes to sent ordinary Americans to prison.
Did the U.S. Secret Service enable the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas?
In the words of Sarah Palin: "You Betcha!"